WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Ayotoloco, Puebla, Mexico


Farm in Ayotoloco, Puebla, Mexico

Paraiso de Ayotoxco   


2-person in charge:Ciro Medina Mora (junior)

3- Email: elparaisodeayotoxco@gmail.com 

4- Phone hotel: 012331092017. manager phone 0452331073969. Owner phone 045213221412


facebook  https://www.facebook.com/ranchoelparaisodeayotoxco.com.mx

Speak English and spanish

7-Farm's location: Puebla, MEXICO

town: Ayotoxco

Adrees: Km 1 Ayotoxco-Mazatepec road N.1


Eco tourism resort, 1665 acres. focus on fusing alternative ecological tourism with cattle ranch. There is 6 cabins build in bambu wich are 100% ecological, a hotel also ecological. What we seek is to be the first carbon neutral ranch in Mexico seeking alternatives such as solar energy, bio digestor producing kitchen gas, planting bamboo and reforesting with ash, oak and encino. also got a dairy (70 cows) and hens (350) for producing eggs for self consumption and selling as organic.

9- Main crops:organic orange (clementina), mamey

10- Farm active all year 

11- Work needed from WWOOFers: (specific activities they might participate in)

 for now there is 3 spots open, but we welcome people with projects.

1.1  take care of the hens, egg recollection and feeding, the same with the lambs, working with a true native of the zone which barely speaks spanish.

2.1 person for milking the cows by machine, feeding of this animals and their calfs

3. rescuing endemic almost lost local flowers and fruits. So we looking for someone willing to help and has some experience in botanics so we do get a germoplasm so we can spread this almost lost fruit and flowers, a botanic garden so to say it. And also rescuing frutal trees which are barely known outside the region, even in the next town those are unknown.

we can accommodate up to 8 people. there is plenty to be done, we are happy to teach or eager to learn about others experience in organic food and herbs. mostly we interested in herbs. if someone have a project but no place or land to develop we are happy to provide with as most as we can in interest of both of us, such as wood working, bamboo working, permaculture, botanics, or help in the tourism area also welcome,

12- Hours per day: 6 to 9 depends on day, weather or activity

13- Days per week:  6, resting from saturday at 2 and full sunday

14- Description of lodging: (how and where will WWOOFers sleep and get cleaned up)

there is old hacienda style house, with all accommodations, 3 rooms, tv with satellite tv, wi fi, excellent 4g cell signal, a living room which is used as storage now, full bathroom with hot water 24 hours, and a laundry, we got 2 pools which u can use after 5, a river if u prefer swim there. also 10 mountain bikes u can use to exercise. we do not provide soap or shampoo, bring your own or u can get some organic at the hotel store, same as repellent and body cream.

15- Description of meals provided: (type of food, how and when is it served or provided)

food is mostly endemic, lot of vegetables. Since there are people of the zone, there is a cook that does all food, spicy yes a little, meals that you never seen before are served, really traditional. dinner cannot be offered 

16-Rules:smoking is allowed but in open areas, not in the house, no drugs, pets depends on size and training,

minimum 2 weeks up to 6 months 

weather is hot 9 months of year, 30º celcius, other 3 months are rainy and cold. Bring clothing accordly to year station, there is mosquitoes, shoes that will get a lot of mud, bring any tools u may like to use, a good attitude and ideas

Name: Ayotoloco, Puebla, Mexico
Members: 28
Latest Activity: Jun 9, 2018


Comment by Susana Elizabet Lucyk on March 16, 2016 at 1:58pm

Buenos días...

Me interesa pasar unos días trabajando en el espacio que ofrecen, estoy abierta a realizar todos los trabajos propuestos.
Soy Argentina, tengo 31 años. Licenciada en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Buenos Aires (UBA) y especializada en Salud Mental.
Soy terapeuta holística, me formé en diferentes áreas de las terapias complementarias: Reiki; Aromaterapia; Gemoterapia; Creatividad y medios expresivos; Terapia menstrual: realice círculos de mujeres para favorecer el reencuentro con la ciclidad; Me forme en fitoterapia y fitomedicina: siento un amor grande hacia las plantas y su medicina, por ello difundo lo más que pueda la medicina natural.
Me gustan todos los trabajos manuales y en diferentes momentos de mi vida me dedique con mayor tiempo a ellos: como ser como pintar, dibujar, tejer, coser, escribir, todo lo que implique crear. También realicé talleres con niños y adultos enseñando técnicas de creatividad.
Me encanta cocinar, soy vegetariana , conozco mucho sobre alimentación consciente y se elaborar diferentes alimentos.
Me interesa aprender todo lo relacionado a la premacultura, lo orgánico, auto sustentable y aportar lo que pueda en el espacio que esté. Espero poder conocerlos y sumarme al trabajo que realizan.


Comment by Katia Ramírez Echevarría on June 28, 2016 at 4:41pm

Hola. Espero que se encuentre bien.

Mi nombre es Katia Ramírez  y soy miembro de WWOOF México.
 Escribo para saber si tienen disponibilidad para el mes de Junio de este año. Por lo que leí en la página me interesó mucho su proyecto y estaría muy contenta de ayudar. 
Yo soy mexicana y aunque no tengo experiencia en agricultura sustentable, últimamente he estado muy interesada y quiero aprender a través de la práctica. El único trabajo en el campo que he hecho fue en una ocasión que me tocó desyerbar una plantación de maíz, fuera de eso solo tengo unas cuantas plantas en mi casa ya que estoy empezando un huerto urbano.
Me gustaría saber que especificaciones tienen respecto al hospedaje, alimentación y trabajo, transporte etc. Yo tenía en mente asistir del 5  al 26 de julio, pero podría ajustarme un poco.
Se que estoy preguntando con muy poco tiempo de antelación, pero realmente espero que se pueda ya que por la escuela es probable que no tenga otra oportunidad de ir durante el año.
Si necesitan saber algo más de mí no duden en preguntar.
Comment by Alice Barrett on May 6, 2017 at 6:12pm


Me interesa la oportunidad de trabajar en su granja.  Le he mandado un email con información sobre mi interés.


Comment by William Law on January 4, 2018 at 1:33pm

Hola, I’m will and I have been in Latin America for 9 months now and speak good enough spanish, I have friends that live in Tlaxcala and I am there now and am looking to be close by to them, I have wwoofed before on a farm in Chiapas caring for livestock and making cheese for two weeks. I am an engineer by trade and a cook by passion, I grew up on a farm and have a lot of experience with plants and livestock, being an engineer I am competent at construction and electrical equipment, I would love to volunteer at your farm and look forward to meeting you, if you have any questions please reply, I am very friendly and open to anything.
I am f we to start work in the next week, I look forward to hearing back fin on you


Comment by Ana María Cortés Fajardo on January 25, 2018 at 11:28pm

Hola, me interesa ayudar y aprender de las actividades que desarrollan en la granja. Quisiera saber si tienen disponibilidad desde el 20 de febrero. Gracias. Quedo atenta.  

Comment by Dennis Felipe Meza Recarte on February 8, 2018 at 12:58pm



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Members (28)


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