WWOOF Mexico

Farm in San Sebastian de Rio Hondo, Sierra Madre Sur de Oaxaca, Mexico


Farm in San Sebastian de Rio Hondo, Sierra Madre Sur de Oaxaca, Mexico

Farm's name: Transformamex  


Name of person in charge: Joana Prates

Email address for contact with WWOOFers: joanaprates2008@gmail.com

Phone number: +52 1 954 147 3458 (phone line isn't available in the mountains, but we have internet so people can talk to us by whatsapp)

Farm's location and address: Granja Transformamex, Calle Libertad, San Sebastian de Rio Hondo, Sierra Madre Sur de Oaxaca CP 70877, Oaxaca state, Mexico

Description of the farm:

   - size of the farm: 2000m2

   - conditions: 2500m altitude, temperate forest

   - crops: silverbeet, kale, pumpkin, zucchini, col, corn, alcachofas, tomatoes, pears, coriander, radish, beetroot, basil, among other trials of crops

    - projects: worm production (with methods developed by Dr. Miguel Schuldt) , worm fertilizer, John Jeavons' biointensive method, community involvement on the farm (we collect organic matter and exchange it for organic vegetables, plus we built worm farms to whom is interested)

    - Activities: feed worms; pre compost for the worms; worm compost and maduracion; farm production (crops rotation, planting, weeding and harvest); sell vegetables, worms and worm fertilizer to the public.

    - work required from WWOOFers: Woofers will be involved in all the activities described above

Description of accommodation and meals provided: She or he will be staying in a independent bedroom with chimenea (wood provided) with toilet outside - composting toilet - and shower (in a different building). The kitchen belongs to a local indigenous family with 4 members - the couple (around 30's) and their two girls (3 and 11). Ana, the mother, she cooks local mexican food for the woofer, 3 times per day, and provides as well homemade tortillas with local corn. Food is vegetarian.

Special requirements or anything you would like WWOOFers to know before visiting your farm: we need a volunteer for 6 months up to a year, starting from now! The volunteer should have the will to learn Spanish since she/he will be working on a daily basis with indigenous people that don't speak English). Since its mountain the weather is cold, sometimes it rains, so suitable equipment required - like rainy jackets, good shoes for walking in mud, etc. We have good community support regarding medicine - medicinal local plants - and its a very safe community - no robberies or nothing like that. People are kind and often invite you for a worm coffee or chocolate. It's a relax environment in the middle of the mountains; a simple and fulfill life. Please don't bring any drugs with you.  

IF YOU WISH TO WWOOF AT THIS FARM, CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTACT THE FARM ADMINISTRATOR: http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/JoanaPratesFM?xg_source=profiles_memberList
Name: Sierra Madre Sur de Oaxaca, Mexico
Members: 23
Latest Activity: Mar 29, 2018


Members (23)


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