WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Tala, Jalisco


Farm in Tala, Jalisco

Farm:Anima Casa Rural

POerson in charge:Julian Calleros


Phone:+52 1 33 1479 2573



Languages:Spanish / English

Farm's location:Calle FLor de Cactus #2

Granjas el Salvial. San Isidro Mazatepec, Tala. CP. 35340
Jalisco, Mexico

Description We are three hectare natural (organic) farm, we have a vegetable garden, a food forest production, chickens, rabbits, goats and a three cows. Our main production is food for auto consumption, to our family and guest. We have a variety of fruit threes, medicinal plants, and production of annuals and perennials. We are developing projects for the regeneration of our soils for grass pasture for our animals and the reforestation of a donated government area with native species to the community.

9- Main crops and/or livestock: chickens, rabbits, goats and a three cows.

10- Farm active during (which months or seasons):All year round

11- Work needed from WWOOFers: (specific activities they might participate in) 

* Feeding chickens, rabbits, goats and cows

* Cleaning the animal areas

* Milking the cow when needed

* Weeding the vegetable garden and the other areas

* Making and fixing fences

* Making compost

* Helping in developing projects

* Helping during workshops and residencies 

* Maintenance of general areas

12- Hours per day:5

13- Days per week:6

14- Description of lodging: (how and where will WWOOFers sleep and get cleaned up)We will be offering a shared accommodation with a private room for the person that wishes to stay with us, the house is installed with a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. 

15- Description of meals provided: (type of food, how and when is it served or provided) 3 meals per day, from farm production and other supplies from local market and growers

16-Rules and restrictions:House Guidelines 

- Kitchen use and food schedule must be respected.

- Cleaning of rooms must happens by the person using the space

- Doors must be closed after entering or leaving the house/spaces.

- Anima aims to be a sustainable space and provides bins for disposable garbage and personal hygiene products. Please use these bins correctly.

- Residents must clean up after themselves including their dishes.

- Anima provides towels which are strictly to be used at the residency.

- Drugs and illegal substances are strictly prohibited.

- Residents must maintain civil and respectful engagement with all staff and peers, as well as surrounding areas and people from the town.

Special requirements:- Contact person in charge


Name: Farm in Tala, Jalisco
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2019

Discussion Forum

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Comment by Gabriel A. Solis on April 11, 2018 at 2:44pm

Les mandé un correo! Me encantaría trabajar en su granja este Junio! Ciao! dhammbumsolis@gmail.com 

Comment by WWOOF Mexico on April 16, 2018 at 9:32pm

Look forward to reading your email at anima.rural.home@gmail.com

thank you!


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Members (18)


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