WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Tulum, QR, Mexico


Farm in Tulum, QR, Mexico

1- Farm- Velicano Verde Tulum

2- owner: Omar Aragón

3- Email: velicano@veganworks.space

4- Phone: 9987343564

5- Webpage: www.velicano.com

6- Languages : 1.Spanish 2.German, 3.English

7- Farm's location: Manzana 47, Lote 4, Zona 1, Calle Xel-Ha esquina con Asunción, 77780, Tulum Quintana Roo, Mexico

8- Description:growing fruit trees, palm trees, herbs and veggies in a permaculture way, inside a small city which is in fast development. Our spot is 2900m2 small.

9-Our main crops are fruit trees, vegetables and herbs that can best be adapted to the region.

10-  Activity and maintenance is required almost all year round.

11- Work needed: Some of our projects are:
-Building a house in a most ecologic way for a multi useable space, doing also wooden furnitures (out of pallet wood). 
-Raised beds for planting medicinal plants and veggies.
-Water canalisation works.
-Works with electric cables.
-Manoeuvres with materials made for exterior maintenance, like varnish, paint, pvc glue...
-Activities related to interfaces design, user experiences, programming or similars.

We are looking for supportive, creative, conscious, good vibed people with proper initiatives. 
we prefer to host people who also like to work in the  sun, not allergic to the sun 

12- Hours per day: 5 to 6

13- Days per week: (5) days per week

14-  lodging:There is enough place in case you want to sleep outdoor, so if you have your own tent and/or hammock that would be perfect. 
Depending on availability, we have a palapa (open room with palm roof) to hang your own hammock or to place a mattress on the floor, which is concrete, all with shared bathroom and shower.

There is also an open bedroom, with mosquito net windows, space for hammock, with a single mattress, shared bathroom and depends also on availability.

We do not use hot water for showers because temperatures are always above 24 degrees Celsius and the weather is tropical.

15- Description of meals provided (type of food, how and when is it served or provided):
Depending of our activities, it can also happen that we will provide food for the whole day and you prepare your meals by yourself. In case we have lots of time available, we provide two (2) meals per day from Monday to Friday. Dinner you prepare mostly for your self and depending on your efficiency, we give you the ingredients. On weekend is free time for everybody. So we do not provide food on Saturday and Sunday.

16- Rules and restrictions: Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
We don't want to host people who like nightlife. Coming home after 11 pm is not appreciated.
We like cleanness and healthy living!!

Every visitor or volunteer with us is responsible for their own insurance. We are not responsible for accidents and robberies.

17-Special requirements: Your own tent, hammock and/or your respective travel equipment.
People who know how to respect and live a vegan zero waste life style during their stay and even if they eat outdoors.
Supportive, creative, conscious, good vibed people with proper initiatives. 
18- Min. and max. length of stay: Two (2) weeks min stay. The maximum could be between three (3) to six (6) months.

Name: Farm in Tulum, QR, Mexico
Members: 38
Latest Activity: Aug 30, 2018


Comment by Ciarra Newman on July 29, 2017 at 7:56pm


My name is Ciarra. This looks like a wonderful opportunity, I am very interested in spending some time at your permaculture project. I am new at WWOOFing, but I would be interested to learn more about how to obtain a certificate of permaculture, and how to live a vegan lifestyle. I also love spending time at the sea, which is one of the reasons that I am drawn to your project. I have my own tent and hammock, and I would be looking to stay around Oct/Nov. I am flexible with the dates. Please contact me by email: ciarra.newman@gmail.com or on here if you would be interested in hosting me. 

Thank you! 

Comment by Masha Lourie on October 17, 2017 at 9:55pm

Hi there,

My name is Masha and I am a geology student in California. I am looking to gain more experience in ecotourism and sutainable projects. I have done wwoofing before in Portugal and Hawaii and very much enjoyed my experiences and have taken alot of new skills from both trips. I am going to be in Mexico for a month to visit my mother however I would like to take 2-3 weeks to dedicate my time on a sustainable project. I am willing to learn new skills! 

I am arriving in December and am looking to work from December 10-30 or so. I speak Russian, English and some Italian and hoping to catch up on some Spanish!



Comment by Ilan arie on October 27, 2017 at 3:36pm

hey ,

my name is Ilan, now days travel in California and from the first of November i am in mexico. looking to join and help in your farm life for two or three weeks in Nov/Dec.

while my travel i am looking to experience different cultures, met new people and gain more knowledge.

i have my traveling bug with tent.

expecting to see you. Ilan .

Comment by Juliet Lana Mejias on October 29, 2017 at 7:43pm



My name is Lana Mejias, and I'm interested in volunteering/working this December on your farm!


These are my available dates: December 15th, 2017 through January 6th, 2018. I might be flexible so if those dates aren't available, please let me know other dates. I am a student so I need to back in school for spring semester, therefore, I cannot stay longer than 1 month.


Some information about me: I'm a first-year student in college at Penn State University, studying Environmental Science. I am very interested in sustainable agriculture and I'm considering a minor in Nutrition because I love food and everything about it! I was born in America but my family is from Puerto Rico so I speak Spanish.


I would really love to help out and learn a lot about the culture and experience a great time.


Thank you,


Lana Mejias





Me llamo Lana Mejias y estoy muy interesada en una oportunidad para voluntario en su finca!


Mis fechas posibles: El 14 de diciembre 2017 hasta el 6 de enero 2018. Mis fechas son flexibles, entonces, si hay una problema, es posible que puedo cambiarlas. Yo soy una estudiante entonces, necesito regresar a la universidad antes del próximo semestre, por lo tanto, solo puedo quedar por un mes.


Info sobre yo: Soy una estudiante de primer año de la Universidad de Penn State estudiando las ciencias ambientales. Estoy muy interesada en la agricultura sostenible y estoy considerando una asignatura secundaria en la nutrición porque me encanta todo sobre la comida! Yo nací en América pero mi familia son de Puerto Rico, entonces, yo hablo Español. No hablo perfectamente pero es bastante para comunicar.


Me encantaría ayudar en su finca y aprender más de la cultura.



Lana Mejias


Comment by Amit Zilberberg on November 21, 2017 at 9:33am

I'm arriving in Mexico in mid December and interested in working/volunteering in your farm.

I worked in agriculture for a year (back in Israel, worked in agricultural therapy for youth with behavioral difficulties), very curious about permaculture, and also experienced with arts (studied here in Amsterdam).

Please let me know if it's possible to come and take part.
Planning to work for at least 3 weeks - month.
I have my own hammock with me.

Looking forward to your response,
Comment by Daniel Marin Romero on February 5, 2018 at 12:03am

Hello my name is Daniel Marin and I am a biology student from Mexico, I would like to do WWOOFing on your farm, it seems a great opportunity to learn more about a healthier lifestyle and connect with nature. I like to work a lot with plants and animals, I have availability from March 11 to 25 this year. Hopefully we get in touch. My email is chino_monarca@hotmail.com, Regards! ¡¡

Comment by Heike Eisenschmidt- Frommelt on February 22, 2018 at 11:26am

Hola and hello!

Your place sounds so lovely and peaceful, I would love to get the chance to spend time there and to support you with your projects. Me and my best friend want to spend the whole month of November 2018 on a farm in Mexiko and your's sounds amazing for us. We would love to stay two weeks on your farm to help you with everything!! We are two girls who love to do yoga, to paint, work with other people, to cook and to spend time in the environment. I speak german, english and french, my friend german, italian and english. We help my mother in her garden and take care of our pets! :) I am a vegetarian and love animals with all of my heart! We do not drink alcohol neither do we smoke! We are very friendly, polite and humble! :) Frida and I also love to meditate and aim to find our spiritual experience in a new country.

Is your farm available for that time? We would feel honoured to stay at your place!

Best wishes!!
Anna and Frida
If you want to contact me: annafrommeltt@gmail.com
Comment by Chretien Baptiste on April 16, 2018 at 2:42am


somos une pareja de 21 anos et vivimos en Francia. Somos estudiantes en gestion deportiva y estamos de vacaciones a la fin de abril. Decidimos de ir a Mexico durante 4 meses (o probablemente mas si nos gustara mucho el pais) con una mochila y une tienda de camping. Nuestro objectivo es de descubrir el pais, pero también descubrir una nueva cultura, neuvas personas y también un nuevo modo de vida. Estamos muy abiertos y queremos ayudar a personas. Es la primera vez que nos embarcamos en Wwoofing pero tenemos mucho ganas de aprender. Hablamos francés, ingles y español. Nos gustaría trabajar en tu granja durante una o dos semanas, como quieres. Estamos disponibles desde el 13 de mayo hasta la fin de junio. Cuando nos puedes dar la bienvenida ? Si tienes preguntas a propósito de nosotros o de nuestra venida o de una otra cosa, preguntarles !!!


Victoria y Baptiste

Comment by Luisa Willmann on May 30, 2018 at 3:58am


me llamo Luisa, soy de Alemania, tengo 25 años - y estoy muy interesado en su proyecto! Me encanta su descripcion y su lifestyle :) Voy a estar en Tulum en la primera semana de Junio. Hice primeras experiencias en trabajar en granjas en Australia y también en la granja de manzanas de mi primo en Alemania. Estoy muy motivada con mucha energía y me gustaría aprender más. Quería quedarme por dos semanas, más o menos. Por favor, escríbame si quiere saber más, y si puede aceptarme.

Espero su respuesta.

Muchos saludos, Luisa

Comment by Luisa on June 26, 2018 at 4:16pm

Hola, me llamo Luisa y soy de Brasil. Tengo interese en trabajar en tu hazenda, por favor escribime se hay disponibilidad.




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