WWOOF Mexico

Farm near Puerto Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico


Farm near Puerto Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico

1-farm name : Granja el Paraiso
2-Name of owner: Tim Schennenn
3-Email contact : Timschennen@yahoo.com.mx
4-phone nr:0052 13222407662
5-Facebook : Productos Granja el Paraiso
6-Languages spoken: Spanish,english,german
7-Farm's location and full address (including province and country):Farm located 1 hour north of puerto Vallarta.Lo De Marcos,luis Echeverria 53,Nayarit
8-Description of the farm (including type of farm, size, conditions, features, projects, activities):sustainable farm
9- Main crops and/or livestock:greens,tomatos,papaya,corn,sorgum,cows,goats,horses
10- Farm active during (which months or seasons):winter season and summer season
11- Work needed from WWOOFers: (specific activities they might participate in)plant/harvest greens,weeding,watering,helping out at the store,fencing
12- Hours per day:5
13- Days per week:6
14- Description of lodging: (how and where will WWOOFers sleep and get cleaned up)2 bed bungalows in town,with bathroom and smal kitchen.,4 blocks from the beach
15- Description of meals provided: (type of food, how and when is it served or provided)meals will be provided at the bungalows.mostly our own organic food.,dairy,greens,seafood,eggs,no meat.
very hot summer

Name: Farm near Puerto Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2018

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Comment by Grace Weger on April 2, 2017 at 2:22pm


I am looking for a farm to work on next winter. I have been to Nayarit a few times before and fell in love with the area. I currently work on a farm in Oregon, I hope to one day have my own farm here, but first I want to travel while I am young! WWOOF is the perfect way for me to fulfill both of my dreams. I know that is it early, but please check out my profile and keep me in mind for help next Winter. 


Comment by Amanda Marie Killen on April 3, 2017 at 6:13pm

Hi, I am coming to Mexico in about two weeks. I am hoping to gain some experience in organic farming (I have some but would like to learn more), volunteer my time, and also spend time surfing on my trip! From around the 20th of April or so, I will be close to Puerta Vallerta. Could you use the help of wwoofer around that time? I would be happy to come and work for a week or so. Please let me know if that could work for you. Also, I'm new to WWOOF, I hope this was the best place to leave this message, I wasn't sure. Thank you!


Comment by Rachel Nerys Cook on April 24, 2017 at 12:09pm

 ¿Tendras disponsibilidad de tomar WWOOFers en Septiembre? Me gustaría aprender más sobre la agricultura orgánica, pero ya tengo bastante experiencia. Además, me interesa mucho en pasar tiempo en Nayarit porque parace un lugar mágico!!

Ya te envíe un correo también.


Comment by James Mulhern on May 3, 2017 at 10:06pm


Mi nombre es James y tengo planes a visitar America Central este otoño con amigo. Queremos hacer WWOOFing en diferente lugares durante nuestro tiempo allá, y estamos muy interesado en tú proyecto. Actualmente, vivimos en una granja pequeña, y tenemos muchos habilidades incluyendo cocinar, hornear, cultivar, conocimiento de herramientas, y un poco de construir. Somos jóvenes con mentes abiertas. Llegaremos en octubre. Sí tienes espacio, por favor mandame un mensaje.



Comment by Bailey Elizabeth Jean Latronica on June 9, 2017 at 1:43am

Hello Tim, me interesa mucho en trabajar en su granja, i wrote you by email and hope to hear back! I grew up on a farm myself entonces tengo experienca y se mucho sobre la vida agricultura :) 

Comment by Ken Crowson on June 14, 2017 at 1:33pm

Hola, Tim y Liza,  Me emociona conocerte!

Comment by Donald Jessop on June 30, 2017 at 8:19am

I'm interested in speaking with you about working on your farm when do you have openings how long etc

Comment by Tor Fibiger on July 27, 2017 at 8:53pm

Hi Tim y Liza. Estoy yendo a tu granja en unas pocas semanas y quiero hablar contigo de lo que voy a hacer cuando estoy alli.

Te envie un email por favor responde.

Comment by Ciarra Newman on July 29, 2017 at 8:01pm


My name is Ciarra. This looks like a wonderful opportunity, I am very interested in spending some time at your farm. I am new at WWOOFing, but I would be interested to learn more about the work that it takes to have an organic farm. I also love spending time at sea, which is one of the reasons that I am drawn to your project. I would be looking to stay around Oct/Nov. I am flexible with the dates. Please contact me by email: ciarra.newman@gmail.com or on here if you would be interested in hosting me. 

Thank you! 

Comment by Rachel Nerys Cook on August 17, 2017 at 5:45pm

Hola Tim y Lisa ya les mande un mensaje con correo nuevo. Si pudiera responder pronto, eso seria muy genial! Saludos!


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