WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Malinalco, Estado de Mexico


Farm in Malinalco,  Estado de Mexico

Host ID: MEX0029

IF YOU WISH TO WWOOF AT THIS FARM, CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTACT THE FARM ADMINISTRATOR: http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/CarlosandMandyAlvearBirkholtz
Members: 187
Latest Activity: Nov 26, 2018

Location: Near Malinalco, Estado de México
We search for the possibilities to live in harmony in this world while connecting with our true nature. We open our doors to everyone who has the intention to transform the current unconsciousness of humanity and is willing to serve Life. The primary objective here is to heal. Healing our body and mind we contribute to the constant planetary evolution, acknowledging the interdependence of every living organism, and realizing oneness. We see our space as a place where we can learn to live with each other and where we see which are the elements needed to co-create a functional and coherent community, be it with the people living on the land, with all of nature’s elements and with the surrounding communities. The work that we are doing here is emerging all over the world and we have the intention to extend and weave the net through service. Remembering how to live, how to accept, how to forgive and building a constant trust are our daily objectives. We offer services of integral health and offers workshops in holistic health, sustainability and basic principles of ecology. Our organically grown plants are turned into tinctures, teas, oils… being one of the projects envisioned to bring us sustainability. We have a Temascal (traditional sweat lodge) that we run twice month. Thatched cabins for our guests and patients, and a multipurpose workshop where we do our herbal remedies and other creative activities. We have a WWOOFers house with their own solar heated shower, toilet (biodigestor), kitchen and two rooms with 2 single beds in each. The woofers activities are: Taking care of the herb garden, composting, greenhouse, seed bank, irrigation. When building is being done - learn and be part of it. Maintenance of the communal areas, cooking for the members of the project (rotation), cleaning your own living space. We are a family run project striving for sustainability, hosted by Carlos, an MD with Mind Body training and Mandy-Lee, a bodywork therapist - experiencing our biggest bliss, our son Kian. Leave home any expectations, bring an open heart.

Members (187)


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