WWOOF Mexico

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  • Mexico
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  • Amandine Frouin
  • Bhiany
  • Anna Lanchon
  • Karen Andrea Pacheco Flores
  • Eglantine Guillaume
  • Emily Bregel
  • Mia Schuck
  • Erika Linder
  • Sarah Nieuwsma
  • Flore HAFFNER


Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
i have a farm and the nature is my life
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?

Messages Box (13 messages)

At 5:26pm on March 24, 2017, sadbh burke said…

sure, please send me the information

thanks, sadbh

At 8:52pm on March 24, 2017, sadbh burke said…

This sounds really nice, however I am now in Colombia for two-three months. After that I will be looking for a farm in Mexico so this would be great. Could you email me some photos? Thanks! Sadbh

At 10:21pm on March 27, 2017, Elisa Göhring said…
Hey Carlos,
thanks for your comment, that you accept wwoofers again.
We already wrote you a private mail, that we are searching for a farm to start working in the next 1,5 weeks. Is it possible on your farm?
Could you send us some more informations about the work and the accomodation.
Would be great to get a response soon.

Lea and Elisa
At 1:42pm on May 11, 2017, Hela Sarasvati said…

Bonito dia, gracias por tu mensaje me gustaria conocer tu granja, tienes pagina? saludos

At 2:56am on June 20, 2017, Stefanie Kaiser said…

Hola carolos, gracias por tu mensaje - tienes pagina y fotos de la finca?

At 12:48pm on August 23, 2017, Rachel Nerys Cook said…

Hi Carlos,

I am going to be in Chiapas at the end of October. Can you send me pictures/ information about your farm?


At 3:04am on September 8, 2017, Marei Laubert said…

Hola Carlos, yeeees I am very much interessted and I am surely eager to work ;) What kind of work is there to do in February/March? I would love to get some more information. Muchas gracias!

At 12:22pm on October 12, 2017, Dan Moria said…

I am interested! What type of work do you have for Wwoofers to do and are there animals? Gracias amigo, talk to you soon! :)

At 12:29am on June 7, 2018, Bhiany said…

Hola Carlos, muchas gracias por el comentario, me interesa.  

Podrías mandarme la información completa A mi correo? 

bhianyguzman@gmail.com . Gracias! 

At 6:17am on June 14, 2018, Marie ALISON said…

Hola Carlos ! Muchas gracias por contactarme ! Me gustaria concocer a tu granja y tener mas detalles en cuanto a lo que produces !

Quizas podriamos seguir discutando por mensaje privado !

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