WWOOF Mexico

Carr Schaden
  • Female
  • Arcata, CA
  • United States

Carr Schaden's Contacts

  • Edward  Briseno Mills

Carr Schaden's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
intern at POTOWAT, united Indian Health Village for 1 and a 1/2 years in CA, intern at Eddie Tanners "Deep Seeded Community Farm", in Humboldt, CA, work with the Humboldt Permacuture Gulid, took clases in organic gardening class at the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, just finished Appropriate Technology program in Chiapas building Improved cookstoves, rainwater, and a biodigester.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Im very dedicated and passionate about my work, I've bult and designed greenhouses, cob and strawclay buildings, as well as rainwater catchment and built and tested improved cookstoves, I would love to continue working on appropriate technology projects as well as learn more about the organic farming in Mexico

Carr Schaden's Photos

Messages Box (5 messages)

At 11:15am on September 20, 2010, Edward Briseno Mills said…
Hola Carr,
So glad your interested in helping out at Holy Mole (farm in Erongaricauro) however I will not be hosting any volunteers until April of next year. If your interested in taking part at this time please get back to me.
sweet travels,

At 1:09pm on September 20, 2010, La Casa En Las Nubes said…
Hola! gracias por tu interes, but rigth now we are looking for a couple who are over 25 years with alot of experience in sustainable living and organic agriculture. We need reliable, responsible, enthusiastic hard workers, that preferably knows Mexico and speaks spanish, to care of our cats and work in our farm for 1 or 2 months starting in october or middle of october. If you are interested and totaly qualify or if you know somebody, please look for wwoofers application in our blog http://casaenlasnubes.blogspot.com/ and send it to lacasaenlasnubes@hotmail.com
Thank you, The House in the Clouds
At 2:48pm on September 20, 2010, Kairyn said…
Hello Carr,
Thank you for your interest in the Tashirat Volunteer program but we are unfortunately not accepting any new applicants at this time as our program is currently suspended

Best of luck on your travels,
At 10:00am on September 22, 2010, La Casa En Las Nubes said…
Hello! We are interested in you're profile, can you stay for 1 to 3 months? we still need an other person preferably a men, do you know somebody that wants to come to work with you? anyways we are looking for that person, do you like cats? please send us youre application, thanks Gisela
At 11:16am on September 23, 2010, Bosque Village said…
Hi there Carr,
Thanks for contacting us. We don't currently have positions available for short term volunteering. But if you're interested in coming to visit to learn about some of our appropriate tech, let us know.

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