WWOOF Mexico

Daiana Tovbein
  • Female
  • Buenos Aires
  • Argentina

Daiana Tovbein's Contacts

  • salvador montaño arambula
  • leon shlejter
  • humberto moro
  • Cesar-Luis Gopar
  • WWOOF Mexico

Daiana Tovbein's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
estudios y experiencias en la facultad de agronomía de Argentina, realizacion de huertas organicas a domicilio, experiencias en granjas ecologicas en Bolivia, Brasil, Ecuador.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Hola soy Daiana junto a mi novio soñamos algun día tener nuestra granja ecologica y por eso salimos al mundo a aprender de las personas que ya lo tienen. Soy una persona muy unida con la naturaleza y sus animales, por eso me volvi vegetariana. Quisiera lograr una vida sustentable, pudiendo cuidar la tierra y el medio ambiente.

Daiana Tovbein's Photos

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 10:09am on July 19, 2012, Krystal Frost said…

Nice Photos..cute couple..We are busy with the summer planting of peanuts, mulching and expanding new gardens.  The house is full.

thanks tfor the offer.

take care

krystal Frost


At 10:47am on July 19, 2012, Krystal Frost said…

Yes, thats sounds good,

You can also come in for day volunteering

call us when you get in

cell 322 1169645

casa 2221015

lets stay connected.



At 1:02pm on August 24, 2012, Cesar-Luis Gopar said…

hola por ahora tenemos todos los lugares  ocupados, para mayores detalles de disponibilidad por favor de escribir directamente a mi email bongopar@yahoo.com.mx


At 4:11pm on January 18, 2013, Terresa Beck said…

You look and sound great . We are taking WWOOFS this April so if you are still around notify us then. Good luck ! Cheers, Terresa

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