WWOOF Mexico

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David's Contacts

  • Andrew DiMezza
  • Frida Losciale
  • Emily Swaddle
  • Adrienne caprice belnap
  • Ornella Caponero
  • Daniel Klee
  • Shota Suzawa
  • Bekka Bloom
  • Hannah Zamora
  • Aimee Marciniak
  • Alyssa Weinfurtner
  • Jessica Wishart
  • Mae
  • Mae Green
  • Catherine O'Connor

David's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
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What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
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Messages Box (253 messages)

At 5:45pm on July 27, 2014, Stefan Meyer said…

greetings... i am an organic vegetable farmer up in Minnesota who is going to be down in Mexico mid-December thru Mid-April.. and I am looking for farms where I can spend time living and helping out.. have experience with permaculture, soil management, compost, rainwater catchment systems, etc... happy to help out however I can... I speak spanish, though am admittedly quite rusty!... I will be in Michoacan mid-December thru early January and travel on from there.. 


At 11:48pm on July 27, 2014, Gerardo Arturo Hernandez said…

Hola David,

My name is Gerardo Hernandez and I am an American traveling down to Mexico with a friend (his name is Samuel Bogar) to learn subsistence farming and permaculture. We both really enjoyed the description of your farm and would love to help out. The two of us bring varied skills of farming to the table and are willing to learn anything new if necessary. Currently, we will be in Mexico within the next month and a half so hopefully we can be able to work on your farm. Hope to hear from you soon!

Here's my email in which you can contact me: ghernandez7529@gmail.com

Kindest regards,

Gerardo Hernandez

At 8:52pm on July 28, 2014, Daniel Rodriguez said…

Hola David,

Mi nombre es Daniel Rodriguez. Yo soy un Australiano de parientes Uruguayos. Tengo 29 anos y hablo Inglés y Espanol (mucho mejor que escribo :-). Hace 5 meses que estoy pasiando por Sudamerica conociendo este continente impresionante, pero ahora con el frio vino tiempo a mudarme mas al norte!

Voy a llegar a Mexico el 27 de Agosto con mi novia Vanna. Nos encantaria trabajar y contribuir nuestra pericia en tu quinta/projecto. Yo me dedico a diseno industrial. He trabajado en Espana y Australia en varios proyetos incluyendo diseno de irrigaccion para una huerta hydroponica. Tambien trabaje como un paisajista por seis meses en Australia. Fue un trabajo que me gusto mucho. La experiencia de trabajar tan cerca con la tierra, afuera en el sol y aire fresco es algo que extraño mucho despues de 4 años en una officina.

Mi novia tiene mas experiencia que yo en horticultura. Trabajo por dos anos en una granja creciendo aguacates y lychees. Es experta en técnicas de cultivo y tambien tiene una passion tremenda por comidas organicas y las practicas de sostenibilidad.

Si tenes sitio queremos cometer a tu granja por dos o tres semanas para empezar pero tenemos el sentido de quedarnos por mas tiempo si tu deseas.

Somos los dos buenos trabajadores y nos encanta conocer a gente nueva. Comemos de todo tambien. De verdad somos una pareja de bajo mantenimiento :-)

Si tienes alguna pregunta por favor escríbeme. Espero tu respuesta.

(Y por favor perdona mi Español. Es mi idioma segunda :-)

Daniel Rodriguez y Vanna Pho


At 5:14pm on July 29, 2014, Matija Medvešček said…


My name is Matija from Slovenija or Eslovenia in Spanish :)
I'm planing to travel in Mexico for my 2nd time from mid Oct. to ''who knows'' :)
Your place really caught my eye because it looks a bit like something I want to create in the near future in my home town and I think it would be great to learn from people who already made something like that.

 I would be interested to help you at your place from second week of Nov. (not sure about exact date yet) for three weeks at first and if we both agree I could stay more as I won't be restricted by time.
I don't have any volunteering experience yet but I'm looking forward to. I have a garden in my backyard where I grow lots of organic vegetables so I have experience about gardening, around the house and construction works so this kind of work is not a problem for me. As for my Spanish...well it's quite basic but I do speak Italian so learning shouldn't take me too much time :)
I hope you can find some time for me to help you at your place.

A la espera de su respuesta,

my mail : mmatijaa7@gmail.com

At 5:41pm on July 29, 2014, Marko Konstroffer said…
Hola David, my name is Taylor Shaw. I am 23 years old and currently volunteering in Tepoztlan, Mexico at a yoga retreat/orphanage. I would like to get more deeply involved in organic farming and plan to head to Oaxaca as soon as this weekend in search of opportunities. I am very interested in the roof top project you are planning to create as I hope to pursue urban farming when I get back to the states. This is not actually my wwoofing account, it is a friend of mine, so I sent you a brief Facebook message a few days ago but figured I should try through here as well. I have 2+ years of organic farming experience and just want to keep learning. Please contact me ASAP if you are still in need of help!! My email is shawmt@guilford.edu or feel free to message me through facebook
At 3:09pm on August 5, 2014, David Christopher Thomas said…

Hello David,

I am currently in Oaxaca de Juarez and I will be here until the 19th of August.  I am hoping to do some wwoofing when my time here is done.  I have experience in construction and I studied horticulture in college.  I thought your farm sounded like a good fit for me.  I hope to hear back from you.  Do you have room starting the end of this month? My email is roces420@yahoo.com  Thank you


At 10:21pm on August 7, 2014, Ivan Fabrizio Escalante said…

Hi David,

I plan on arriving in Mexico in December of this year. I am very interested in Organic Farming and learning as much as I can If given the opportunity. Though I do not have much experience, I am a fast learner and physically fit. I want to learn the skills I need to start growing my own food to eventually provide for my family. 

My e-mail is es.ivan11@gmail.com, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Ivan Fabrizio Escalante

At 8:54am on August 10, 2014, Skyler Banfill said…

Hello David,

My name is Skyler Banfill I see you grow nearly all my favorite fruits which puts a smile on my face. I am a student at West Virginia University in the USA. I have taken several years of Spanish and communicate and understand well (not fluently) but I am always improving and will always do my best (in anything) to become better. I am looking to be in the area around September 9th and if you are interested in the possibility of having me work (hard, diligently, and with a smile) on your farm, I would be able to work for 2 weeks to a month (preferred) starting on or around that date. I have been a vegetarian for nearly a year, so the food options (and family setting) sound wonderful.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you,



At 6:18pm on August 16, 2014, Gina Vollono said…
Hi David!

I am traveling through Mexico with my partner Andy now and we would love to spend time at your farm in September. We both have deep knowledge of permaculture and organic farming and hope to learn and contributr. What type of work are you doing in September and what is a typical day at your farm like?

We would love to hear from you on woof or my email gvollono@ucsc.edu

At 6:30pm on August 17, 2014, Laura García said…

Hola David, 

Me llamo Laura y soy un estudiante universitario en Portland, Oregon. Mi madre es española y yo soy ciudadana de España y los Estados Unidos. Hablo español bastante bien pero tengo muchas ganas de practicar más. 

A mi me encanta pasar tiempo afuera y explorar sitios nuevos. Trabaje en un refugio para perros callejeros y enseñe a niños a entrenar los perros. Tambien tengo mucha experiencia en agua y con natacion.

Tengo muchas ganas de aprender más sobre manejo de cultivos. Tengo una conocimiento teorético de cultivos incluyendo pillaje, transplantación y cosecha. Quiero tomar este entendimiento teorético y hacerlo práctico. Me interesa un manejo de campo orgánico cual mantiene una mentalidad sostenible. Puedo aprender muy rápidamente y soy muy flexible. También puedo levantar entre 100-120 libras.
Más que nada, quiero estar en un ambiente nuevo. Yo quiero ampliar mi conocimiento del campo. Me encanta cocinar y puedo ayudar mucho con eso. Ahora estoy en Oaxaca de Juarez, y tengo planes de quedar aqui hasta el primer de Septiembre. Si usted tiene sitió para mi en Septiembre, me encantara ayudar en su fincapor lo mínimo tres semanas. Por favor dime si hay más información que puedo darle. Estoy muy emocionada con la posibilidad de trabajar y aprender con usted! 


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