WWOOF Mexico

David Meyer
  • Male
  • New York, NY
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
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David Meyer's Contacts

  • Krystal Frost
  • WWOOF Mexico

David Meyer's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have completed a Permaculture Design Course, a Natural Building Course, and have WWOOF'd on farms in Europe and Africa.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
My wife and I spent the last sixteen months cycling in eastern and southern Africa and working on organic farms along the way. We're heading from New York down to Rio now, again working at as many farms as possible. We hope when all this traveling is done to set up our own permaculture / organic farm back in the US (most likely...).

Our Website

Just wanted to post a link to the site about our trip cycling in Africa and now heading overland to Rio; in case anyone is bored at work and interested in following along.



Messages Box (6 messages)

At 3:30pm on April 11, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

HI David,

this is Krystal Frost from Organic Select in ^Puerto Vallarta,

sounds good to us..we will be getting ready for the rainy season, working the experimental corps at the house, making breads, butters..sprouts etc..always need hands for cutting,and working in the experimental area.  We just put in a sweat lodge.

the middle of June is good, write me at organic-select@hotmail.com,  State side phone is 541 603 2037, mex. 322 222 1015 country code 52

check our website www.organic-select.com to see what we do,

we look forward to hearing from you.


Krystal Frost, L. Ac.

At 10:34am on April 18, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

Hey David,

Please confirm the date of your arrival as we have other woofers interested in that time slot and projects at hand..

send me your phone number so we can touch base and firm up.

our u.s. number is 541 6032037 ..magic jack



At 11:23am on October 29, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

Hi guys!  Wondering how you are..we are taking in another cyclist from colorado..he is on the road now from thte north.

Please write up a review on our wwoofer farm page as we are seeking couples from Nov 10-Dec 20, and from Feb to May.

drop us a line..the garden is in the planting stage, we signed on with the associates, we are working with Jeff Lawton permaculturist design team for the full 1200 acres..so pleased the money people finally accepted the permaculture design concept for the whole project..you gotta come back at some point for followup to a dream!

xxKrystal and Ana


At 7:56pm on December 15, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

How are you doing and where are you spending Xmas.  we have made great use of the beds you helped design in the garden, and are producing so much more.

Please come see us when you are on your way back..keep in touch.

love to you both,

ana and krystal

At 10:05am on March 19, 2012, Krystal Frost said…

You would be proud of the energy you left in the gardens of Organic select..all is blooming and the seed stock is thriving.

love to you both


At 9:23am on June 25, 2014, Krystal Frost said…

Hi David,

we only have a single bed in the volunteers room..that..and we are in a process of reorganizing the farm with new personnal..so its not a good time to visit..however, let me run this by our grower and see if they have something in mind for  volunteers..at the moment we are cleaning seed..not so fun, but the company is good.




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