WWOOF Mexico

Jenessa Hope Morris
  • Female
  • La Center, WA
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (13)
  • Photos
  • Photo Albums

Jenessa Hope Morris's Contacts

  • Edward  Briseno Mills
  • luis miguel mayagoitia medina
  • humberto moro
  • Levi Rios
  • Wally Carlson

Jenessa Hope Morris's Farms


Jenessa Hope Morris's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I've worked on an organic farm for a spring season.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm open to adventurous, magical experiences, meeting new, wonderful peope, and learning new skills.

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 9:57pm on October 2, 2010, Edward Briseno Mills said…
Hola Jenessa,
So glad your interested in helping out at Holy Mole (farm in Erongaricauro) however I will not be hosting any volunteers until April of next year. If your interested in taking part at this time please get back to me.
sweet travels,
At 11:22pm on November 5, 2010, ISrael said…
Hola Jenessa.
Disculpa la demora de la respuesta a falta de internet en casa. Yo creo que es posible de recibirles en casa para diciembre como tú propones. Para esas fechas quizas sólo estemos trabajando un poco de hortalizas y principalmente la construcción de una cabaña de adobe y dos baños secos. Si sigue su interes en venir a este lugar, haganoslo saber para detallar los pormenores del como llegar o donde recogerle.
Por favor, gracias por la paciencia.



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