WWOOF Mexico

Julia J De la cruz Clabburn
  • Female
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Australia
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
  • Photos (1)
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Julia J De la cruz Clabburn's Contacts

  • Carlos Loria Borges
  • Krystal Frost
  • leon shlejter

Julia J De la cruz Clabburn's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I am yet to have any hands on experience, however am very interested in environmental sustainability, and I realise how important it is for our future. I have learnt a lot from my mother who is a teacher of environment and development.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I have a lot of energy and motivation to learn, and am looking for an enriching and interesting experience.

Julia J De la cruz Clabburn's Photos

Messages Box (1 message)

At 11:53pm on September 22, 2012, Carlos Loria Borges said…

Hola Julia como estas!. muchas gracias por tu interes envenir a nuestra granja.. desafortunadamente ya estamos completamente completos  los meses de OCtubre. Noviembre. Dicienbre y Enero.. te doy mi email para contactarnos cuando estes por el area si por acaso tenemos algunas cancelaciones seras bienbenida.. (carlosbolo@yahoo.com)

 Saludos Cardiales.

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