What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I grew up with a small organic family garden and farm. My parents grew lots of vegetables, berries and tree fruit. They also had chickens, rabbits, turkeys and sheep. In college I interned on a biodynamic farm that specialized in growing medicinal herbs. We have a small organic garden at our home that our daughters love to help out in. We also support many of our local organic farms through farmer's markets and CSA's.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am a naturopathic doctor specializing in women's health and pediatrics. I have had addtional training in midwifery and also in massage therapy. I have lots of experience with medicinal herbs and their uses, and some knowledge of processing, including tincture making. I have volunteered in clinics in Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico and speak Spanish fairly fluently. My husband is in construction and has both residential and commercial experience. He completely remodeled our 1908 house from the ground up and is very knowlegable in "green building" and alternative energy techniques. He has worked on projects in Mexico, Cuba and India and knows some conversational and construction oriented Spanish. Our daughters will turn 9 and 4 this year and are very adventurous. The older one just started taking Spanish in school and loves horses. They both spend lots of time on their grandparents farm and are very comfortable around animals. We eat mostly organic vegetarian food. My husband likes to fish, so we eat seafood when he catches it, and occasionally buy pasture raised pork from a local farm.
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