WWOOF Mexico

Lucas Hofmann
  • Male
  • Berlin
  • Germany
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (8)
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Lucas Hofmann's Contacts

  • Dina Britan
  • Marco Philippi
  • Kenn and Sandra Quinn
  • Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa
  • WWOOF Mexico

Lucas Hofmann's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Working on a farms in Belize ,Guatemala and .Mexico
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am currently living in Mexico . Until now i have been travelling across the world, and now i want to volunteer and help whereever i can.. Iam very fond of animals, nature etc, so iam are very excited about woofing here in Mexico again!

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 10:26am on April 20, 2011, Marco Philippi said…

oha, das hoert sich ja wikld an... nun ich habe mich sowieso schon dagegen entschieden und gehe jetzt auf eine farm in colima... babo yaro heisst sie und hoert sich sehr gut an. vielleicht wollt ihr es da ja auch mal versuchen.. jetzt fahren wir aber erstmal zum bosque village auf ein festival. www.cumbreyah.org ist vielleicht ein bischen spaet fuer fdie info, da ews heute anfaengt aber kannst es dir ja mal anschauen..

danke fuer die info auf jeden fall und viel glueck bei eurem naechsten wwoofingversuch. ich hoffe die schlechte erfahrung hat euren eindruck von wwoof nicht versaut.

liebe gruesse, marco

At 2:30pm on April 20, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

Hola Lucas,

Gracias por tu  nota.  Our Rancho es  unos jardins experimentales, brotes, pasto de trigo, y mucho trabajao de operaciones., somos en un area medio rural de Vallarta, no somos en el campo,

Tenemos Wwoofers hasta el 16 de Julio, si gustes puedes comunicarte con nosotros luego


322 22 21015


Krystal Frost


At 10:48am on May 1, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…
Greetings Lucas and Andrea, thank you for your inquiry. We are in need of someone during May who has experience with vegetarian cooking. We note that you both have interest in cooking. Please let us know whether this would be suitable for you. There would also be work in the organic gardens and cleaning duties involved.   Kenn and Sandra
At 11:09am on July 18, 2011, A. Dennise Maggiani said…

hello Lucas & Andrea!


I'm sorry for the late response.... I just found out about your message & I don't know how that happened. But if you're still interested in coming to our farm, please send us an email to spriske@hotmail.com & I promise I will answer as soon a possible with further information about us.




Rancho el Guaje in Etzatlan

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