WWOOF Mexico

Raina Hailee
  • Female
  • Yakima, WA
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
  • Photos (6)
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Raina Hailee's Contacts

  • organicos del tropico
  • leon shlejter
  • Kippy Nigh

Raina Hailee's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
This is still new for me because i have only been working in organic agricultura for three years and in "permaculture" for about 1 1/2 but.....I have been working and living on 1 hectare in the mountains in washington state, estados unidos, with two friends building what we named "the edgewood plateau subsistance project". we are planting mostly drought and cold tolerant fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, grapes, other perrenials and native edible, medicinal and other beneficial plants as well as a yearly gardens of annual vegetables. We are learning and implementing permaculture techiniques, water catchment in the spring and other ways of conserving water. We are also pracitcing other "primitive" and survival and sustainable skills here like harvesting and using native medicines and edible plants from the forest, preserving food, cooking in mud oven, hide tanning (still learning!) we all ride bikes instead of driving, we do not use electricity for lights or heat, we are focused on developing sustainable community and personal growth, creating a more healthy world through community, work, sustanable and personal skills instead of capitalism, selfishness, and over-consumption.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I have had a love for latin america my whole life, particularly mexico. I am an itermediate spanish speaker but i want to become fluent very much, which is my main drive for working south of estados unidos, where i was born. i want to learn new things about people and about growing food, health and sustainability. people tell me im funny and i think im a hard worker!

Messages Box (6 messages)

At 8:37pm on September 10, 2011, leon shlejter said…
Hin Raina it will be much bettr for the 3 months then you can really get to know how everything works.....january is usually bussy and so is feb & march....
At 11:30am on September 12, 2011, organicos del tropico said…
dear raina, you are welcome to stay with us, pleace let me know you have the exactly day of your coming, i only mention to you that we are not a comunity, this is a family company farm, sincerely jorge
At 9:49am on September 19, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…
Hello Raina! Sorry for our delayed response.  We have a space for you from now until the beginning of October if you're interested. We're in the Chapala area. Blessings, Sandra and Kenn
At 7:50am on October 9, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…

Hi  Raina, are you available at all?  You are welcome to come for December, maybe lonbger, at our farm at Lake Chapala.  Beautiful area. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Sandra and Kenn

At 9:56am on October 10, 2011, organicos del tropico said…
ok keep in touch
At 7:48pm on October 15, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…
Hi Raina, you are welcome to contact us when you're available.  In answer to your question about our garden terraces, they were built by local "maestros", very talented men.

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