What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have experience with organic gardens, a construction Composter and Earthworm Production. I have experience in bioconstruccion and want to improve.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm Brazilian, I'm 23, am a vegetarian, I am in technical environment, I like to travel, learn and teach. I want to help in the development of farms, if possible in bio-construction. I'm a responsible, happy, friendly person.
Ola Raul.. muito obrigado for su interes en venir a nuestra granja.. hasta ahora por el momento si tenemos lugares para venir conosco durante el mes de enero por favor me da seu email para te enviar mas informaçaon da nostra granja..
Messages Box (3 messages)
Ola Raul.. muito obrigado for su interes en venir a nuestra granja.. hasta ahora por el momento si tenemos lugares para venir conosco durante el mes de enero por favor me da seu email para te enviar mas informaçaon da nostra granja..
a hasta breve..
Carlos Lorenzo.
y este raulcasarollo@gmail.com
mucha gracias
hola... estamos recibiendo voluntarios ahora, mi cel 9841646925 whatts... buena suerte
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