WWOOF Mexico

Romanie Wideman
  • Female
  • Yellowknife, NT
  • Canada
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (10)
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Romanie Wideman's Contacts

  • cecile fabien daviaud
  • Edward  Briseno Mills
  • humberto moro
  • WWOOF Mexico

Romanie Wideman's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have done wwoofing in three different countries doing a variety of things. I've worked on goat farms and making organic cheese, vegetable gardening and landscape gardening with almond picking too. I did these wwoofs between the ages of 13 and 14, but I have had organic farming experience apart from wwoofing as well. For three years my family would take care of a friends cashmere goat farm during summers. they had a large assortment of animals including sheep, horses, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, a lama and herding dogs to protect the goats. I can milk goats with or without a machine and I know how to take care of chickens and pigs. I have also worked on a non organic dairy milking farm and am comfortable with cows and milking by machine.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am interested and eager to learn about farming, about healthy and sustainable living and about the culture of where ever I end up. I am from Yellowknife, Canada, a place where it is too cold to really farm. I have however travelled quite a bit for my age and have experienced many different types of farming. I have worked on really small operations and ones with over a thousand animals. I also have experience in construction. I have assisted in renovating and building extensions to homes and cabins. I am also a competent painter. I am really open to anything. I am just looking for an opportunity to see where and how people are living and would love to be a part of it.

Messages Box (7 messages)

At 5:41pm on November 21, 2012, Edward Briseno Mills said…

Hola Romanie,

Thanks for being interested in volunteering with us at Holy Mole however we won't being hosting until April of 2013

So if your still interested in working hard with animals, plants, and food preparation, at that time, let me know.

looking forward,


At 9:20am on November 25, 2012, humberto moro said…

Welcome Romanie to our Farm.



At 7:04am on December 2, 2012, humberto moro said…
Yes I might have room for you to come and volunteer during that period.
We ask for a minimum period of one month.
Volunteers participate in our work for 6 hrs mon thru fri and 4 on sat.
We provide vegetarian food. Woofers cook. We provide a room and bed and bathroom.
We live in a house by the town "Concepcion de Buenos Aires" and are developing a new organic garden. chikens and mushroom cultivation at the same pueblito. Also will start building the farm-school 5 kms. Away from town in a beautiful forest (woods). Where we will do extreme permaculture.
It seems like your skills and attitude will fit very well with our project.
People here are very friendly. Weather is cold in winter. Not snow but setesnit gets to zero Celsius.
Do you have a Facebook account?

Stay in touch and together we can come up with a date and period for your staying.

have fun
At 7:55pm on December 3, 2012, cecile fabien daviaud said…

Salut Romanie, 

comment vas tu? Contente de voir ton intéret pour notre ferme. Je suis francaise et par le biais d'une association en développement rurale, on soutient la création d'un centre de formation d'agriculteurs. Nous serons enchanté de te recevoir de février a mai. En ce moment, on termine le toit en écorce d'arbre de la cuisine, on espere commencer bientot le toit du salon de formation. En parallele, se déroule les activités de pépinierie, production de pinon et de cedre,et la production horticole principalement. Pour des questions de logistique, on demande aux volontaires de rester minimum un mois dans la ferme. J'espere ta réponse. Que estes muy bien!!


At 1:48pm on December 4, 2012, humberto moro said…


I hope that by that time we are ready to receive volunteers.

Please contact us back again by mid January.



At 12:57pm on January 4, 2013, cecile fabien daviaud said…


Si tu peux nous donner une idée de la date à laquelle tu penses arrivée, ce sera plus facile pour nous de te recevoir. Ce n'est pas nécessaire une date précise, plutôt une idée. 

Pour venir au village, en partant de méxico, il est nécessaire que tu prennes un bus ADO ou Futura à la terminal del norte (accessible en metro, la ligne jaune je crois) qui va à Pachuca, ou directement à Ixmiquilpan (celui qui va directement à la Ixmiquilpan, c'est la compagnie Omnibus de Mexico). Et je peux te retrouver à la terminal d'ixmiquilpan si tu veux. Ou si tu préfères arriver toute seule, avant d'arriver à la terminale d'ixmiquilpan, demandes à descendre à l'arrêt "La huasteca". De là, tu peux marcher 10 minutes jusqu'à "el estacionamiento San Antonio" où tu prendras un microbus, qui dit "Santuario" (ce sont des micro bleus, qui passent aussi à Cardonal). J'attends de tes nouvelles.

Buen camino!!  

At 9:33pm on January 24, 2013, cecile fabien daviaud said…

Coucou!! Pas de probleme pour venir te chercher a ixmiquilpan, mais donne moi la date précise et une idée de l'heure. Tu peux me joindre sur mon portable mais je n'ai pas toujours de signal... cela dépend d'ou je suis. Les bus partent de manière régulière de la terminal del norte. Si tu vois que l'attente est trop longue, tu peux prendre un bus qui va jusqua pachuca, et de la terminal de pachuca, tu en prends un autre qui va jusqu'a ixmiquilpan. on se tient au courant sur la date! 

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