WWOOF Mexico

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  • France
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VIGUIER's Contacts

  • Andrea Farias
  • humberto moro
  • WWOOF Mexico


Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I studied Sustainable development at univerity.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
My girlfriend and I have decided to get a gap year to explore new country and cultures.

Messages Box (8 messages)

At 11:32pm on February 7, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Fred y Carole,
Les felicito por su decisión, y les agradezco su oferta de ayuda. En junio o julio podríamos planear una estancia de dos semanas aquí. Saludos,
At 6:50pm on February 16, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hola Frederick y Carole
Encantados para esas fechas, de todass maneras lean por favor la informacion nueva que subi a nuestro site y teniendo su informacion le damos para adelante.
saludos cordiales
At 3:09pm on April 7, 2010, Astrid said…
Hola!! Pues junio y julio es buena temporada para estar cerca, comienza la lluvia y todo cambia!! Por favor confirmen para aparatar lugar, en cuanto tengas las fechas cuando estaran con nosotros avisame para poder prganizar con otros voluntarios.

ESCRIBEME A makpalli@gmail.com

grACIAs, BUEna vidA
At 4:51pm on June 5, 2010, Astrid said…
Sorry for the delaY, i think i did not received the answer. What happens is that a fire came around month ago so i we stop the plans... I would like to receive again until the rainy season beggins, please write me to makpalli@gmail.com so i can let you know what is going on and hopefully we can make it.
At 11:56pm on June 5, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Great! We have two women wwoofers arriving on Thursday. You could share the 2-room dorm with them. i leave on vacation June 12-30, so naturally i would like you to arrive before i leave, so i can introduce you to our staff and the other volunteers.

When can you arrive?

At 12:58pm on June 7, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Yes, Fred, that´s fine. Come to La Casa del Pan on Real de Guadalupe #55, en el Centro Cultural El Puente.
Yo llegaré a verlos ahí en la mañana. Pueden presentarse a la administradora, Laura Vazquez, quien les puede enseñar su habitación.
Nos vemos el jueves.
At 10:10pm on June 7, 2010, humberto moro said…
Fred & Carol:
Thanks for writing.
We are full at this time.
Hopefully in some other time we could meet and work toghether.

Have a great trip
At 10:13pm on June 7, 2010, humberto moro said…
Try to contact; AUSTRUY Jennifer (wwoofer) She had a great experience in Mexico, she is from Tolousse France.


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