WWOOF Mexico

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Korby's Contacts

  • Andrea Farias
  • humberto moro
  • Levi Rios

korby's Farms


korby's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
wwoofing in USA in sates of New York, Vermont, California in sept, oct and nov 2009
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm traveling from North America to south America, wwoofing in farms and enjoying my time on this long way. I'm use to work in farms and traveling.
yep, happy to know that I can visit you
II plan to leave the farm I'm staying tomorrow, monday. I'll take a bus to Tijuana, arrive in Tijuana tuesday morning and probably take a bus to Chihuahua on wednesday... Something like that...
I get no conection with my phone here...
I'll call you on the way..

Messages Box (8 messages)

At 8:30pm on November 10, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Hello, you are welcome to come here, in December we are going to be working in the construction of the earthship, we probably going to hosted some woofers but no one has confirmed yet, soo probably there is going to be only a couple of people, but I am sure you can enjoy yourself , here I send you our website (only spanish so far) where you can find our telephone numbers and location. If you have any question regarding how to get here please write me an email.
Thank you for the interest and I hope to see you in December
At 7:09pm on November 14, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Yes you can come here, I am Luis's brother I am in California right now, you can call me at 424 644 9106, Luis is going to be in Chihuahua when you arrive.
How are you going to travel?
At 7:20pm on November 14, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
There is a bus which would take you from Los Angeles to Chihuahua City, perhaps to Santa Isabel, I am Gaspar, I will be here in Los Angeles until Wenesday 18, if you are near by of Los Angeles I can take you to the bus station, or I can let you know how to get there and Luis will pick you up in Chihuahua or Santa Isabel, please call meat 424 644 9106 or send us a email.
Hope to hear of you soon
Thaks for the isterest
At 1:51pm on November 16, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
You can buy a telephon card in Mexico it cost 30 pesos, from Mexico you dial 01 424 644 9106 to Los Angeles, and when you get to Chihuahua you need to dial 423 36 14 and Luis is going to be waiting for you.
The telephone in the farm is 455 00 14, if you have any question please call me at os Angeles.
At 11:21pm on November 17, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
i am. miguel this is my celfone number 0446143848711
hablame cuando llegues.
At 4:34pm on December 29, 2009, Cara Weber said…
HI Korby,
I saw that you wanted to work in Aticama, Nayarit and i was just wondering if you had a response from them. I tried to contact them a few weeks ago and have not heard back, basically i just want to know if they dont like me or don't check email that often!
At 9:08pm on May 24, 2011, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
how are you brother. where you are at the moment I saw your website is incredible. We will contact
At 11:12pm on December 13, 2011, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…

hey carnal donde estas.

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