WWOOF Mexico

I am looking for people with or without experience in farming we do yoga and also meditation tomatoes are growing and also is a little yoga & meditation retreat center so volunteers are also asked to do a bit of karma yoga ( selfless service) help nedded for late january and february & march so far....blessings...

Views: 720

Comment by Anaïs Doré on January 16, 2011 at 6:04pm

where is that place? never done any yoga but that could be an experience...

and what's the wwofing job like? what else do you have,not only tomatoes I guess?

If you could tell me more about this place and the others-if I got it right you have 3 differents places?

Thanks a lot


Comment by Karina Alejandra Martinez on February 1, 2011 at 10:53am
hola mi nombre es karina soy argentina, estoy viajando con mi hija de 11 años, somos de bariloche y queremos trabajar en su farm , tenemos experiencia en la huerta, ahora estamos en cancun y quisieramos ir para alla el dia 14 de febrero para quedarnos solo 10 ds , gracias y espero su respuesta, graacias
Comment by Anne Lund on February 16, 2011 at 9:46pm



I am currently living in the capital of Honduras, where I've volunteered in the last 5 months in a school. I'm going traveling through Mexico from April until the middle of May, and would love to come and work at your farm, that sounds absolutely amazing.


I am 20 years old, and from Denmark. I speak some Spanish, but is not fluent, and I have never before work with organic farming. However I am eager to learn and willing to work hard.

Hope to hear from you!




Comment by ton chiara on May 20, 2011 at 7:04pm

Hola! My name is Chiara and together with my boyfriend we would like to work at your farm in July for a couple of weeks or so.

I am Italian and my boyfriend, Esteban is from Puebla but he grew up in US. At the moment we are backpacking through Mexico and Central America, but we would like to woof to get something more out of this travel. We both grew up in small farms and we are both interested in sustainable living, organic/local food. I also took some exams at university of development economics and sustainable development and now I would like to know the practical part and your farm/eco village sounds very interesting.

We are traveling with our tent so it won't be a problem for us to camp.

I hope to hear from you


Comment by Christine Fitz on December 7, 2011 at 3:25pm

Hola Leon,


mi novio (aleman) y yo (austriaca) estamos interesados en wwoofear en tu granja. Las ultimas dos semanas trabajabamos en un rancho cerca de Xalapa y nos gustó mucho. Mañana vamos a llegar a Campeche y queremos llegar al caribe lo mas pronto posible, pero tambien queremos ver la peninsula. En nuestros paises trabajamos en gastronomia y yo tambien trabajo con niños. Nos gustaria aprender más de una vida ecologica y organica. Cuando regresamos queremos vivir en la naturaleza y alimentarnos de nuestra hortiliza. Nunca antes hicimos yoga, pero a mi me gusta aprender meditacion. Creo que vamos a llegar al caribe en algunas semanas, no tenemos planes estrictos pero sería bien si podemos ayudarte el fin de diciembre por 2 o 3 semanas. Hablo español, ingles y aleman, mi novio habla un poco de ingles, esta aprendiendo español y claro que habla aleman...

Espero que te podemos ayudar y que tienes espacio!! Estoy esperando tu respuesta!


Gracias! Saludos

Christine & Maik


Comment by Laura Lee on December 13, 2011 at 8:28pm

Hi Leon,

My name is Laura. I am inquiring about the possibility of wwoofing on your farm for two weeks at the end of January or beginning of February. .

I am a graduate student interested in wwoofing in Mexico because I want to learn more about organic gardening, and learn about the culture and language of Mexico.

I am particularly interested in your farm because of the meditation and karma yoga aspect. I am interested in helping you harvest the vegetables and fruits that are ripening on your farm as well as helping you teach others the practice and benefits of meditation--something I have found very important in my life.

I just finished a class on mindful meditation where I learned walking and sitting meditation, yoga, and qi gong. I have experience picking vegetables and fruits in gardens and working with cows (although it doesn't sound like your farm has any). I also have a degree in Business Administration and Teaching Mathematics. I love to work outside and would be happy to help with whatever tasks you need done.

Let me know if this would work for you.




Comment by Tainá Navolar on January 2, 2012 at 3:42am

Hola Leon!

Tiengo 21 años, soy brasileña, estudo Biología y Permacultura en Brasil.  

Voy pasar dos meses a viajar a través de México, del 17 Enero a 15 Marzo 2012, para aprender un poco sobre Agriculura Organica, Mexico y sus personas, su cultura, su lengua....

Me encantaría mucho conocer y trabajar en su granja por un período. Su granja estaria disponible para recibirme?

Empecé a practicar yoga con 12 años... Estoy interesado en los temas espirituales desde entonces. Yo creo en la complementación de estudios técnicos relacionados con la Agroecología y la Permacultura con la espiritualidad.
Me gusto mucho la descricion de su granja, pienso que teria mucho lo que aprender con ustedes! Tiengo un poco de pratica con agricultura, tambien estoy abierta a aprender cosas novas.

Estoy apenas aprendendo a hablar español, espero conseguir comunicarme

bien con ustedes.

Piensa con cariño sobre mi estancia, ya sé que en el último minutopero estoy segura que será una experiencia insquecivel,sorprendente y intensa.
Mi correo electrónico: tai_mpk@hotmail.com

Espero con ansiedad por su respuesta, hermano! 
Muchas gracias!


Comment by Annie Sloan Doran on January 20, 2012 at 2:20pm

Hello! My name is Annie, and I am a 22 year old soon-to-be graduate on the University of Vermont. i do have experience in agriculture as well as in yoga. I used to meditate almost daily and do yoga many times a week, as well. While my home in Vermont was full of mindful and loving people, I felt myself becoming more un-grounded as the schoolwork piled up and now I am looking for an experience to to work my hands and reclaim the solid grounding work I feel that I had before through yoga and spirituality. I also want to learn as much as I can about agriculture as I hope to be a part of an urban farming collective someday. I will be travelling in Mexico from early March to late April/early May. Do you have any need of anyone at that time? I could be available for the duration of my stay. Yo puedo hablar en Espanol, tambien, pero yo necesito practicar un poquito mas. What are some more of your goals for this season for the farm? I think that the project so far sound wonderful and I would love the opportunity to work with you. Please let me know what you think.

Muchas Gracias! 

Annita Doran

Comment by ewa gerini on March 1, 2012 at 12:36pm

hola!somos ewa y samuel,somos italianos y estamos en puerto morelos. queremos saber si podemos trabajar como voluntarios en tu centro, estamos disponibles desde hoy, podemos llegar manana y  queremos trabajar mas o menos una semana, queremos conocer tu centro gracias

ewa y samuel 

Comment by Narahari on December 2, 2012 at 11:57am

Hello , i like to practise yoga and Vipassana meditation every day. Your place looks really nice. Now i'm on a farm close to Puerto Escondido with my girlfriend, i was born in Finland and she is Mexican. Do you have space in January?


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