Hola Aaron
Thank you for considering working on my farm, however I have a full house until the first week in August. I don't know if you will be able to fit in your last week here in Erongaricuaro but if you can, then Holy Mole........!........ your welcome.
Best to you,
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for your interest in the Bosque! Please read about our volunteer program and apply via our website. http://bosquevillage.com/en/volunteer.php
We have positions available for the summer months. :)
If you have questions, please use the contact form on the website or email me at : bosquevillage at gmail dot com.
Thanks again, we hope to hear from you!
Tanks for your interest in our farm, but we dont know jet if we are goin to have space for dose months, and we do 2 weeks wwoofer programs, but if you still interested please contact us latter.
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Thank you for considering working on my farm, however I have a full house until the first week in August. I don't know if you will be able to fit in your last week here in Erongaricuaro but if you can, then Holy Mole........!........ your welcome.
Best to you,
Thank you for your interest in the Bosque! Please read about our volunteer program and apply via our website.
We have positions available for the summer months. :)
If you have questions, please use the contact form on the website or email me at : bosquevillage at gmail dot com.
Thanks again, we hope to hear from you!
recervar sus espacios lo mas pronto posible.
que tengan buen dia
Tanks for your interest in our farm, but we dont know jet if we are goin to have space for dose months, and we do 2 weeks wwoofer programs, but if you still interested please contact us latter.
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