WWOOF Mexico

Tripp Eldridge
  • Male
  • Macon, GA
  • United States

Tripp Eldridge's Contacts

  • Carlos Loria Borges
  • Kippy Nigh

Tripp Eldridge's Farms


Tripp Eldridge's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Currently I'm farm manager of DogPatch Farm, a micro-CSA in middle GA. I've also worked, apprenticed, or volunteered over the past 9 years on farms in Tanzania, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. I’ve earned a Master's degree in Public Health focusing on sustainability and food systems. My first love is growing vegetables, but I also have useful experience developing institutional-scale windrow composting and farm-scale vermicomposting programs. With regards to building and sustainable energy, I have assisted on a variety of projects over the years, including rammed earth, solar, wind, and lots of biodiesel.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am traveling from US towards South America by bicycle. I plan to make my way slowly, stopping to volunteer on farms for a few weeks at a time along the way. Currently, my work ethic is "mas fuerte que" my Spanish speaking skills... Pero practico todos los dias. I look forward to meeting you and helping your farm to be successful and productive. I have references from other farms if needed. Gracias!

Tripp Eldridge's Photos

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 7:59pm on September 4, 2011, Leah Janet Delmer said…

good luck Tripp, you are traveling Mexico the way I dream of doing it.  Good luck, and I hope we end up on a farm together.


At 7:34am on October 7, 2011, Renato Dorfman said…

Hi Tripp

November is fine.

Write me one week before you arrive here and i give you the adress.


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