WWOOF Mexico

  • Male
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States

Aaron's Contacts

  • hostel solferino paradise

aaron's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Former member of wwoof in the U.S. visited a few farms along the california coast. I currently am interested in nursery skills, growing my own plants from seed, rooftop gardening, building planter boxes, etc.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
My agenda is simply to be a part of a better model for sustainability, not be part of an unconscious culture of conspicuous consumption, and learn as much as I can about systems inspired by bio-mimicry

aaron's Photos

Messages Box (8 messages)

At 12:36pm on January 15, 2011, Javier Zamora Rios said…
Hello Aaron!

Thank you for your interest in our volunteer program at Hacienda Casa Malinche.
At the moment, we have openings for March in our volunteer Program.

If you are interested to join our program for March, please read carefully our description on our Farm page. Due to large numbers of requests we receive, we now have a Questionnaire for all applicants. Email us your email address and we can send you our Questionnaire, the first part of our Application Process.

Helene & Livingston
Hacienda Casa Malinche
Estado de Tlaxcala
At 4:18pm on July 21, 2011, Martine said…

Hi Aaron,

How long are you planning to come and which dates? We have room starting the last week of august. Let me know!


At 4:52pm on July 28, 2011, Martine said…

Hi aaron,

We will build a new henhouse for ours chikens and goats and start giving them a better alimentation.  We are designing the area with pasture, fodder etc. We want to create a leaves dryer (secadora) so if you have some ideas about this and you have interest let me know.  There are others areas where you can help like doing composta, working in the nursery trees, or in the vegetables garden, food forest etc...

There are posibility to stay for more then a month if you want.
Let me know,

Farm in Izamal

At 1:56pm on July 30, 2011, aaron said…
at the moment i am having some difficulties getting a passport. the skinny is i need to go through some extra bureaucratic hoops and this might be pushing my departure date back. i will try to keep you updated in the future
At 11:10am on August 8, 2011, Martine said…

Hi Aaron,

Let me know when you are ready so we can receive you.  see you soon!

hacienda Chalante


At 7:32pm on November 13, 2011, hostel solferino paradise said…

Hi Aaron.

I see that you like to work on wood, we are working on a special trees for tables, are you still thinking come to Mexico, we are not far from Cancun Q. Roo.please visit my page and I hhope I can be in touch with you and know about your plans, I'll pray for you to have your passport. Maggie

At 11:41pm on November 15, 2011, hostel solferino paradise said…

Hi Aaron, happy to have news about you, God Bless you!!!

My email is maggiemale@hotmail.com, we can talk more. Maggie

At 8:51pm on November 18, 2011, hostel solferino paradise said…

Thanks Aaron, I ll check your email. Maggie


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