WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Puebla, Mexico


Farm in Puebla, Mexico

Farm: Rancho Mazatepec
owner: Rodrigo García Haghenbeck
Email: rodgarfis@hotmail.com
Cell: +5212224396612
Location: Country Mexico. State: Puebla. Municipio(county): Libres. Zip Code:73781  Coordinates: 19°26'08.8"N 97°35'24.2"W
 Rancho Mazatepec is multigenerational family business with 250 heads grazing. Only some bulls are intended for meat production. We truly care about our animals and our goal is the make them live stress-free possible. We own 370 acres or 150 Ha of fertile land where we grow corn, alfalfa, wheat, and other kinds of forages. I am building a team young-working people who are willing to bring to life this farm again.Because I am the new person in charge of the farm currently our goal is to apply the lean manufacturing concept in our farm the 5 s and the kaizen method so any experience with lean method will be more than well received.
Work in the farm could vary from setting up the electric fence in the field, feeding calves or calves, organize, clean or repair some room in the building.
Lodging is in the main house your accommodation is in a private room with clean mattresses, sheets, pillows shared bathroom with hot shower, WIFI. 
Food preparation and groceries for vegetarian or vegan diets could be arranged if you let me know in advance, once a week we go grocery shopping and could provide anything we can get in the nearest town, in the house we have a cook that could prepare different meals as requested by the guests.
Climate could vary from winter to summer and from day to day , summer  ( 15º C and 32ºC at noon) winter  ( -10º C a few hours during nightime and 22ºC at noon) February and March are extremely windy and dusty.
I hope that you would be interested in working with me and get as excited as I am about the farm. 

Name: Farm n Puebla, Mexico
Members: 19
Latest Activity: Oct 22, 2018


Comment by Charlotte on January 2, 2017 at 4:44am

I had a wonderful time with the people, they are realy generous, kind, funny and openminded. If you are planing to stay, you choosed good to do so!

Comment by Graciela Davila Mena on July 4, 2017 at 9:57am

Hola, me llamo Graciela tengo 45 años, soy maestra, trabajo en una Bachillerato Tecnólogico en Tamaulipas, y me encantaria poder colaborar con ustedes, tengo disponible del 17 de Julio al 4 de agosto. Soy una persona abierta, conversadora, me encanta aprender cosas nuevas y conocer personas con diferentes costumbres. espero poder conocerles y serles útil. Mi correo electrónico es gracieladavimen@gmail.com

Comment by James Matthew Jarrett on July 17, 2017 at 5:42pm

Hello! I have sent you an email already, but in case there was a mistake or you haven't received it yet. Please email me at mattjrt@gmail.com. I'm very interested in working on your farm, learning about organic beef farming, and improving my Spanish skills! I'm semi-fluent and have completed a minor in Spanish with my college degree. Please contact me!

Comment by Ana María Cortés Fajardo on January 28, 2018 at 9:28am

Hola Rodrigo, Soy Ana María, Colombiana, tengo gran interés en visitar varias cosas y conocer sus técnicas y prácticas en agricultura orgánica. Soy amante de la naturaleza, los animales, cocinar y sembrar. Soy tranquila, trabajadora, flexible y de mente abierta. Deseo conocer las costumbres y tradiciones, y apoyar desde mi experiencia a los procesos que están desarrollando en cada granja. Se sembrar y cosechar café, maíz, cebolla, pastos de corte, hortalizas, entre otros; también montar a caballo, ordeñar y cuidar los animales domésticos. Estoy en México desde el 30 de enero hasta abril 20. Quedo a favor en estas fechas que con disponibilidad de recibirme. Saludos.

Comment by Bataille Jacques on January 29, 2018 at 1:01am


Me llamo Jack, tengo 21 años y vivo en Francia. Me encantan a los animales y la naturaleza , no tengo experiencia con agricultura pero quiero aprender de verdad.

Tambien deseo mejorar mi español, y creo que sería una buena experiencia aprender ahí.

Entonces tengo gran interés en visitar su lugar y en trabajar en su rancho. 

Mi correo electrónico es : bataille52@gmail.com 

Por favor, contactame si estás interesado


Comment by Dennis Felipe Meza Recarte on February 8, 2018 at 12:33pm


 my email is feliperecarte94@gmail.com 

Comment by Joshua Lipson on May 26, 2018 at 10:15pm

Hola Rodrigo!

I'm looking to work with my hands, under the sun, this summer between early-mid June and early-mid August. I'd love to a get a chance to see more of Mexico, and to improve my Spanish.

I'm a world traveler, writer, and aspiring psychologist from the US. I'm going to grad school in the fall, and am hoping to spend the summer working in the sun with my hands and whole body. I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic, and love discovering new ways of living wherever I travel.

I'm in good shape (I regularly hike, bike, and lift), have a lot of positive energy and attention to detail, and love getting to know new people. I'm almost always in the mood to sit down for a long chat about anything over coffee, beer, or wine. Plus, the schedule and work you describe sound just right for me. I've been hoping to connect with manual labor, ecology, and the food I eat in new ways—and it's not every summer I get this chance.

Looking forward to hearing back!

- Josh


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Members (19)


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