WWOOF Mexico

Farm in San Jose del Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico


Farm in San Jose del Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico

 "Rancho Pitahaya" (Dragon Fruit farm).  Only organic methods. Grow oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, mandarins,mangoes, figs, pistachios, guavas, pomegranates, mulberries, etc. Have 4 farm dogs. Safe, friendly community. Spanish is spoken exclusively.
20-minute drive from San Carlos on the Sea of Cortez.  
Need 2-4 people to learn our processes and stay for 2-3 months, potentially longer, helping with watering, weed control & caring for the dragon fruit. Use of farm house, one-bedroom, 1.5 bath home w/ screened lanai with hammocks and couches, kitchen, hot/cold running water, electricity, internet, phone and tv.
Knowledge of organic fruit propagation, foliar sprays, vermicast, irrigation and similar would be greatly appreciated.
We provide great food. Expect 6 hours of work, 6 days a week.  Weather is perfect for 9 months of the year (70-85 degrees and dry).  July- September are hotter and humid.
Bring summer work clothes, hat and sunglasses & a positive mental attitude.
Greg Hovey, Chief Dragon Fruit Slayer
From US:  480-257-7750
From MX:  622 138 8495
                 greghovey@yahoo.com                  https://www.facebook.com/ranchopitahaya/

Name: Farm in San Jose del Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Mar 6, 2019


Comment by Alice Barrett on May 6, 2017 at 5:58pm

Hola Greg,

Me interesa mucho la oportunidad de trabajar en su granja.  Le he mandado un email que describe mi interés.  


Comment by Jacob Gomez on May 17, 2017 at 5:30pm
Hi I am very interested in volunteering at your farm. I work on a farm in Texas and will be making my way through Mexico later this year. I know some Spanish but want to improve. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you
Comment by Pitzer Wwoofers on October 19, 2017 at 4:46pm

Hola Rancho Pitahaya! Quiero decir que la primera vez que prebe un pitahaya me cambia la vida! Era en Ecuador, donde vivi un rato cuando estaba estudiando espanol. Me interesa mucho trabajar en tu granja, me parece muy tranquilo y lindo. Le he mandado un correo electronico, respondame si estan interesados de tener mi trabajo!

Comment by Melissa Harvey on January 23, 2018 at 8:56am

Hi Greg! Sounds like a fruit paradise!!  My name is Melissa and I am 38 years oldI have lots of experience growing fruit here in the states.  Apples, Peaches, berries, pears, nectarines, currants etc.  Your farm sounds a little like heaven.  And the fact that you call yourself the dragon fruit slayer is wonderfully fun!!  I am charmed.  I have been a private gardener for 13 years, and I worked on a an organic farm before that.  I am a pescatarian but mostly eat vegetables and love to eat from the land.  

I can only stay for one month this year, but I am a fast learner and have lots of experience.  Last year I went to Panama for 6 weeks and it was a wonderful experience for everyone.  One thing that is very important to me is that I am able to swim on my winter sabbatical.  It looks like you are not too far from the shore.  Is there bus transport?

Thanks so much! I so hope you will consider inviting me to your orchard!  I love fruit and it looks like paradise!!

Melissa Harvey


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Members (7)


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