WWOOF Mexico

What´s all about...


Wwoof Volunteering program

Woofing volunteer tips and inhouse rules.

We are developing our mini-farm and Permaculture School, whose purpose is to serve local communities by providing; Organic produce, food, plants, in a toxic-free form, education regarding permaculture and food production and preparation.

We are in the process of starting and have done a dozen workshops and courses to city people and locals.

Currently we have two organic gardens and a headquarters house where you can stay.


Leader of the project is Permaculturist Humberto Moro, with many years of experience in Organic Farming and Keyline australian technique for harvesting rain water in ranches.

We have strong links to Mexican Native cultures and others. Celebrating very often sacred ancestral ceremonies like the Temazkal (Sweat Lodges) and Tipi with the participation and guide of experiences Shamans and Medicine people from different countries.

Address where Woofers will stay:

Near the town of San Isidro Mazatepec

Wwoofer Host Name: Humberto Moro

Host ph. numbers: Cellphone (52) 333-479-3330. Guadalajara: (52) 333-796-1260
Email of Woofer Host: permavera@hotmail.com

We ecourage:
Volunteers with lots of energy, with enthusiasm, with love for the earth and plants, with self respect and consideration for others, devoted to learn and share knowledge on plant cultivation, earth regeneration, water harvesting techniques and ancient native practices.


Teopantli Kalpulli is a 35 year old little village integrated by a group of people seeking to be into permaculture at full scale.

Located at 40 minutes from Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico (6 Million People).


Late Fall-Winter 5°C (41°F) to 18°C (65°F)

Summer 18°C (65°F) to 30°C (86°F)

Rain (lots of) from mid June to October

We recommend you to bring:

  • Sleeping bag!

  • Suitable footwear for field work, a hat and gloves.

  • A flashlight.

  • A water jug.

  • A towel and soap.

  • Soap for doing your laundry.

  • Toilet paper. Cofee and groceries.

  • Winter clothes in layers

We provide a (shared with other wwofers) room. Bathroom with warm solar heated water.

Or a safe place to camp under a roof with bathroom services.

Food: Produce from the garden and rice, beans, eggs, corn tortillas and purified drinking water.

Kitchen facilities for you to cook and have meals.

Wwoofers do kitchen cleaning and dishes after using them.

Wwoofers do house cleaning for about 30 minutes daily

Wwoofers must sign a waiver (in spanish) and take total responsibility for their conduct, actions, health, security, property and behavior.

Rules of the House and Daily Routine
1. No smoking, alcohol or drug use in the house or facilities.
2. Conserve water usage. We care for energy saving in all ways
3. Turn lights off in unoccupied places. We care for energy saving in all ways
4. No pets allowed in the house.
5. Treat the property as if you don't own it and as if you could neither pay for its repair nor replacement.
6. Place food scraps in the Organic Waste Bin.
7. Please maintain all areas clean and good looking at ALL times.

8. Flush only toilet paper
9. Complete registration form and waiver, including provision of copy of current valid passport, and name, email address and phone number of someone related to you to be used in case of emergency

10. No local visitors are allowed in the house


We have limited access to internet that can be used for sending and receiving  e mails within a schedule.

You will provide your own transportation to and from where you will be living with us.

You can take a bus from Guadalajara to San Isidro Mazatepec.(Need to use 2 buses to complete the trip.) And previously contact us to get a ride from the town to the village.


Volunteer Work Monday thru Friday, Saturday ends at 13:00 hrs.
7:30-8:00 Wake up, make bed, self cleaning

8:00-8:30 Sweep Bedroom Floor, Hall, Living Room and kitchen, sweep pedestrian outside curb, empty trash cans to bags. Dust Surfaces if needed.

Once a week: Clean Bathroom, sweep and mop.
Kitchen to be cleaned and dishes washed after each meal

9:00 to 11:00  assigned work routines

11:00 Breakfast

12:00 to 14:00 assigned work routines

14:00 to 16:00  Personal activities

16:00 to 18:00  assigned work routines

18:30 meal

There is a short daily meeting with the host to provide feedback about the experiences of the day. We appreciate all forms of suggestion and or participation in improving our methods and installations.

We organize learning sessions on different subjects depending on wwofers needs, every week.

Note: All tools and equipment at farms must be washed or cleaned after usage.

Water Planted Beds ( aprox.6 seconds per plant) as needed.
Water the Seedlings and small plants Inside
Check Germination Trays
Take care of chickens
Water Earth Worms
Turn Cooking Manure; When Temp No Longer Rising, Feed to Worms and Replace with More Manure

Do Bocashi composting
Weed Planted Beds
Loose soil in beds carefully not to damage plants

Prepare planting Bed then Transplant Small Plants from Pots to Planting Beds
Transplant Seedlings from Germination Trays to Pots or Beds
Check Compost Temperature
Add 3 Levels to Compost Pile
Clean & Organize Inside work area and warehouses
Clean & Organize Outside
Make Fine Steer Manure
Make Fine Dirt
Prepare Potting Soil
Harvest/Prepare Order for store
Harvest/Store seeds
Plant seeds
Individual inspection of plants and removal of predator insects, diseased or damaged leaves

Sell produce to the locals
· Return all equipment to proper place
· Leave all hoses neatly wound on ground
· Lock cabinets or warehouses
· Give water to any plant that needs it

Leave hoses loose from connectors to avoid sunrise freezing and breaching

Please answer the following questions:

1.- What do you expect to receive from the wwoofing experience?

2.-What are you willing to give to the wwoofing exprerience?

3.- List 5 skills in which you consider yourself above average

4.- List 5 skills in which you would like to improve or learn more

5.-Briefly define yourself

Registration Form


Full Legal Name ________________________________________

Date of Arrival _________________________________________

Anticipated Date of Departure _____________________________

Full Legal Address ______________________________________

BEST email address ______________________________________

BEST telephone number ___________________________________

Passport Number _________________________________________

Wwoof membership number________________________________

Languages I can speak_____________________________________

I have done Wwoofing before at these farms: __________________



In the event of an emergency we should contact

Full Name ____________________________________________

Relationship to registrant ________________________________

BEST email address ________________________________

BEST telephone number ________________________________

List any allergies if you have them_________________________


I ________________________________ (print name of registrant) declare that I am here as a volunteer for, not as an employee, agent or independent contractor of , Con Zentido Fundacion por el Planeta, S. C. or its members, I am responsible for my own medical and/or emergency needs, I am responsible for my own transportation and I have read and I agree with the rules of the house and the daily routine of activities.

Signature _____________________ Today´s Date ___________________

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