What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I am a 29 year old guy currently travelling the Americas with my girlfriend Carolin (picture;wwoof member as well) We are both quite experienced wwoofers and therefore know what to expect and what is expected of us. Of our wwoofing adventures in Canada and New Zealand we have almost only kept fantastic memories, learned a lot and had very positive feedback. With some of our hosts we are still in touch. What makes the concept of wwoofing so special to us is the combination of learning farm related skills, helping out, meeting locals and getting to know their particular - and mostly very interesting - lifestyle. We are both nature loving, laid back, hands on and flexible. Oh and we don't mind fun either. Skills Our most recent wwoof experiences and related skills were in British Columbia/Canada: Building straw bale houses; roofing; feeding and cleaning stalls on a horse farm; gardening, weeding, trimming; "logging" (as helpers); feeding and milking on a goats farm. We are able to work self reliantly and normally don't take too long to understand a new task. We don't mind repetitive chores if they are necessary, we love to work outside and we are quite flexible in regards to working hours and arrangements. For more informations about our travels, visit our blog on http://gruezzlymail.blogspot.com/.
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