Be aware that you'll be arriving in full-blown rainy season, don't forget your raincoats, boots and mosquito net if you have it (you can get good nets in merida or cancun). More details in the pdf.
Write back with any feedback, use the following email: ecowaye at
Hi guys, we could receive you...but we would ask that you stay for one week minimum. we generally ask for 3 weeks. let us know.
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Messages Box (5 messages)
hello my name is carlos and I own a farm in Chiapas, and if interested you can visit our page on facebook
Thank you for writing. We do have space available for the dates you want, we usually don't have such short stays but we could use your help.
Please download and carefully read this pdf file:
Be aware that you'll be arriving in full-blown rainy season, don't forget your raincoats, boots and mosquito net if you have it (you can get good nets in merida or cancun). More details in the pdf.
Write back with any feedback, use the following email: ecowaye at
Have a good one, see you soon?
ok, is great, ok, got a question, as you would come by bus or plane,
if you would like to come for a few days at the beginning of July that would be fine. victor thanks
Hi guys, we could receive you...but we would ask that you stay for one week minimum. we generally ask for 3 weeks. let us know.
You need to be following WWOOF Mexico to send them a message.
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