My name is Harmony. I was reading your request to go to a farm in los tuxlas.A few of the things you wrote caght my eye your experience with horses and your intrest in building.
We are just in the process of listing our farm in mexico here at wwoof and you can soon read it. We have a farm in Xico Ver its about an hr from Xlappa I hope you will check out our listing and see if its on your way.
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Hi Andrew,
My name is Harmony. I was reading your request to go to a farm in los tuxlas.A few of the things you wrote caght my eye your experience with horses and your intrest in building.
We are just in the process of listing our farm in mexico here at wwoof and you can soon read it. We have a farm in Xico Ver its about an hr from Xlappa I hope you will check out our listing and see if its on your way.
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