WWOOF Mexico

Bosque Village
  • 42
  • Michoacán
  • Mexico

Bosque Village's Contacts

  • Gabrielle Pelletier
  • Ana Lucia Carbajal
  • justin bradford
  • Elisabeth Fries
  • Martina Gabriela Heredia Saravia
  • Martin Arturo Baeza Herrera
  • Claire Stephens
  • Guillaume Berger-Sidwell
  • Colleen Anderson
  • Riguidel Gaelle
  • Henrietta C Burgess
  • angela segura elias
  • Valentina Fabiani
  • Arroz
  • Julián Montes de Oca

Bosque Village's Farms


Marie Oaks

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Practicing food forest farming since 2004
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
We host volunteers at the Bosque Village near Patzcuaro most of the year.


If you write us via this website, we will not be able to respond to you. Please contact us privately through our email address, or, better yet, through the appropriate form on our website.



Bosque Village's Photos

Bosque Village's Blog

Más información de nosotros - More information about us...

We are happy to host motivated and responsible volunteers at the Bosque!

Please visit our website, which includes details about us, our volunteer program, our goals, food and accommodations, etc.


Nos encanta compartir nuestra casa con voluntarios motivados y responsable!

Por favor, visite nuestro página web, que lo incluye detalles acerca de nosotros, nuestro programa de voluntarios, nuestras metas, la alimentación y el alojamiento,… Continue

Posted on March 15, 2009 at 5:00pm

Messages Box (7 messages)

At 7:37pm on June 24, 2014, Dylan Maysick said…


I am a New York City-based  public school teacher who is hoping to spend the summer traveling in Latin America and farming. I will be traveling with my girlfriend and both of us have some experience working in community gardens, growing vegetables and herbs at home, and I have also volunteered on a rooftop farm in Brooklyn. We are interested in learning more about permaculture and sustainable living practices in hopes of integrating that knowledge into my urban life as much as we are able, while also sharing that information and philosophy with our students. Spanish is my girlfriend's first language, I studied Spanish in college and currently work in a community that is primarily Spanish-speaking ,so we are both used to using both languages. We will be available from around the 28th of July through the 13th of August and would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and learn from you. Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from you!
Dylan and Elena
At 6:56pm on June 25, 2014, Julián Montes de Oca said…

Hi. I am a mexican guy and im going to travel to Erongaricuaro, Canoas Altas to work there as a volunteer. I will travel with my grilfrind and i will love to visit your village for only an afternoon or a day or couple of days. I want to know if this is possible? Iam going in September, tilt December. Thanks for reading me!

At 2:25am on October 23, 2014, Dimitris Lambros said…


In parallel to my industrial engineering studies, after a short term at the Athenian University of Agriculture (that I decided not to complete for ideological reasons), I developed a very strong interest in permaculture techniques and worked in several organic farms, some of them following Massanobu Fukuoka principles (such as Panagiotis Manikis).

Planning to travel next December in Mexico following my interest for zapatism movement and community, this trip would be such a great opportunity to join and volunteer in an organic farm for a month.

Could I join your community to work as a volunteer? 

Meanwhile, I stay at your disposal for further information.

My e-mail address is:  Dimitrislambros@live.be


Many thanks and best regards, 


Dimitris Lambros


At 5:04pm on August 17, 2016, Martin Arturo Baeza Herrera said…

Hola, soy del sur de Guanajuato, actualmente me encuentro en la Ciudad de México realizando una actividad profesional. Estudie Agronomia y Biotecnología, soy nuevo haciendo "woofing", anteriormente he colaborado como voluntario con ONGs en proyectos de bioconstruccion, agroecologia y sustentabilidad. Me desocupo a mediados de Septiembre y me gustaría saber si hay oportunidad de colaborar con ustedes realizando las actividades que describen en el perfil de la granja. soy una persona tranquila, responsable y entusiasta. Estoy en condiciones de hacer voluntariado o woofing con ustedes a partir de la primera quincena de septiembre, si es que hay espacio y están dispuestos a recibirme, mientras tanto, les envió un cordial saludo

At 7:31am on February 27, 2017, Petra Carlsson said…

Hi! Sorry for my late reply to your message. What kind of gathering are you gonna have in mid april? I haven't planned exactly where I'm gonna travel yet.

Best regards,


At 2:01pm on September 28, 2017, Jose Chagolla Calderón said…

Hi Marie, this is José!! I was born just few miles from Erongaricuaro, in Quiroga, Mich

Ready to visit and help in your farm.

I have read a lot about farming and eco-building, but just little experience.

I wanna help in eco-project while I practice some ideas I have read.

Please let me any question you have.


At 10:06pm on July 8, 2018, Gabrielle Pelletier said…

Saludos a Ustedes,

Somos una jovena pareja viajando desde Montreal. Los escribimos hoy porque estamos muy interesados a voluntar en su finca y queriamos saber si seria possible. Nos vamos de Montreal en auto el 15 de julio et deberíamos llegar a Mexico por agosto. Planeamos de viajar atrás de todo el Mexico y todavía no sabemos exactamente nuestras destinaciones y horario porque ahora mismo estamos planeando cual fincas vamos a visitar y cuando visitarlas. Habiendo viajado mucho en el pasado, hemos adquirido bastante conocimiento en muchos dominios, particularmente en el tema de la permacultura. Su filosofía y metodología son excelentes ejemplos de cómo la agricultura puede ser regenerativa en lugar de destructiva, como eso debería ser en la naturaleza. Esto dicho, estamos muy implicados en el descubrimiento de la verdadera sostenibilidad para la humanidad, así como en la comprensión de la salud y la vitalidad de una manera holística. Ambos somos fruitarianos, nuestra dieta consiste en frutas y hierbas. Tenemos una linda perra llamada Juniper que es amable y bien elevada. Poseemos todos los elementos esenciales para acampar, por lo que somos bastante autosuficientes, aunque el acceso a una cocina y un lugar seguro para dormir es muy apreciado. ¡Ambos somos músicos que disfrutamos la gente de mente abierta y con buenas vibras! Somos tranquilos y relajados, pero sabemos cómo trabajar duro y hacer las cosas bien. Nuestra salud es de gran importancia para nosotros, así que no fumamos ni bebemos ningún estupefaciente, estamos bien feliz respirando aire y tomando jugos de frutas. También disfrutamos de despertarnos y dormirnos con el ciclo solar. Hablamos francés, ingles y español muy bien.

Por favor, háganos saber si está interesado en que nos vayamos a quedar y trabajar en su hermosa granja y, si están de acuerdo, cuándo sería mejor que nos tenga y por cuánto tiempo. Estamos ansiosos por saber de usted.
Paz y amor,

Mateo y Gabriela 

Greetings and salutations,

We are a travelling young couple from Montreal. We are writing to you today because we are strongly interested in volunteering on your farm and would like to know if this could be a possibility. We are leaving Montreal by car on the 15th of July and should arrive in Mexico by August. We plan on travelling all across Mexico however our destinations and time frames are yet to be determined since we are currently planning on which farms to visit and when to visit them. Having travelled a lot in the past, we have acquired quite some knowledge in many domains, particularly in the field of permaculture. Its philosophy and methodology are great examples of how agriculture can be regenerative instead of destructive, as it was intended by Nature. This being said we are very much implicated in discovering true sustainability for humanity as well as understanding health and vitality in a holistic way. We are both fruitarians, our diet consists of fruits and herbs. We have a cute dog named Juniper that is friendly and well-trained. We possess all the essentials for camping so we are pretty self-reliant although access to a kitchen and a safe place to sleep is very much appreciated. We are both musicians who enjoy open-minded people and good vibes! We are easy going and laid back but we know how to work hard and get things done. Our health is of major importance to us so we do not smoke or drink any intoxicants, we are high on life. We also enjoy waking and falling asleep with the solar cycle. We speak French, English and Spanish very fluently.

Please let us know if you are interested in having us over to stay and work on your beautiful farm and if so when would be best for you to have us and for how long. We are very much looking forward to hearing from you.
Peace and Love,
Mathieu and Gabrielle.

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