WWOOF Mexico

Guillermo Gomez
  • Male
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
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Guillermo Gomez's Contacts

  • Daniel Londoño
  • luis miguel mayagoitia medina
  • WWOOF Mexico

Guillermo Gomez's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
1 Urban Agriculture course at UC Berkeley. Volunteered for an urban agriculture/ food justice organization in Oakland, CA. Volunteered at the Berkeley Youth Alternative garden. For the last 2 months I have been working on a 1 acre collectively farmed plot in Los Angeles lead by a biodynamic specialist.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am passionate about sustainable agriculture. I am energetic and open minded. I would like to contribute with my broad knowledge and skills while continuing to grow and expand them. Herbal medicine is of special interest to me. I would love to meet others involved in sustainable agriculture.

Messages Box (3 messages)

At 1:05am on June 9, 2010, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Que tal Guillermo, si te los podemos recibir para esas fechas, por favor escribenos a proyectollinyotl@gmail.com cuando se acerquen las fechas, o nos puedes llamas en estados unidos a el telefono 424 644 9106, por mas informacion. Gusto en recibir tu correo y espero verlos pronto.

At 3:59pm on June 16, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
disculpa pero no estube hasta chiuaua...en san isidro mazatepec (jalisco) hay una granja muy buena cn Levi Rios,.
un abrazo
ahira ya estoy en europa
(si sabes de alguien que fue en wwoof por asia...especialmente india, te agradeceria los contactos...):-)
At 2:34pm on September 7, 2010, hostel solferino paradise said…
Hi Guillermo.
Cuando desees visitarnos, estamos abiertos a recibirte, visita nuestra pagina y para mayor informacion espero me escribas en los siguientes correos.
y mi hijo quien esta encargado de recibir a los wwoofers, Jose Alberto

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