Hola July
I'm Fabri and i work with Renato.
U are most welcome, i just need to know the precise days u will stay here, because we are running out of places ;)
so hope to see u soon
Gracias por su repuesta! I'm very interested in the practices you do at your farm. I could come around the 17th of march, but I read that there´s only camping space provided and I have no tent with me. Are there tents to borrow or not?
Hola July
We have room, with 5 beds and 1 hamaca, and a camping space.
the thing is that is going to be full, so i would like to know how long u will stay around here. That's it.
So see u on 17th
great...more info
we can provide water, not food; things to know....mmmmm, well, we work in the morning and afternoon...we don't have a time schedule, just do what we have to do...at least 6 hours a day, but there is people that works 8 h and others works 3 h. It's very free space.
I coordinate the works here, and there is a lot to do
so we wait for u
Hola Julie:
si quieres venir estas bienbenida yio saldre el dia 17 si llegas antes muy bien para conocerte si llegas despues esta otra persona en la granja escribeme y asi dejare informacion para que te reciban , Saludos Rafael
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Gracias por escribir ahora estoy en espera de respuesta de dos wwoofers pero si hay lugar en la granja en Marzo ,
I'm Fabri and i work with Renato.
U are most welcome, i just need to know the precise days u will stay here, because we are running out of places ;)
so hope to see u soon
we are really full until march 15th
if u want u can come around these days
let me know what u think
Gracias por su repuesta! I'm very interested in the practices you do at your farm. I could come around the 17th of march, but I read that there´s only camping space provided and I have no tent with me. Are there tents to borrow or not?
kind regards
We have room, with 5 beds and 1 hamaca, and a camping space.
the thing is that is going to be full, so i would like to know how long u will stay around here. That's it.
So see u on 17th
we can provide water, not food; things to know....mmmmm, well, we work in the morning and afternoon...we don't have a time schedule, just do what we have to do...at least 6 hours a day, but there is people that works 8 h and others works 3 h. It's very free space.
I coordinate the works here, and there is a lot to do
so we wait for u
we are situated in zona urbana of puerto morelos, ask for "esquina calle 8"
we wait u there
si quieres venir estas bienbenida yio saldre el dia 17 si llegas antes muy bien para conocerte si llegas despues esta otra persona en la granja escribeme y asi dejare informacion para que te reciban , Saludos Rafael
Yes take the bus from cancun to puerto morelos, and from puerto to the farm with taxi, we wait u there
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