WWOOF Mexico

Michael Fisher
  • 48, Male
  • Medford, OR
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (2)
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Michael Fisher's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Estoy aprendiendo espanol.

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 6:35pm on April 13, 2009, Maxime L'Heureux Brunelle said…
Hi Michael,

Well, the only person that answer me was Stephen Pike and Regina Girdner. They didn't have place. The other farm, actually, I think they don't have internet because I NEVER HAD ANY ANSWER AT ALL!!!$%$ Even a no. Now I came back in my country yesterday -Montreal-, without doing the woofing. I was in Mexico for one month. So I don't know for the other woofer but my experience with woofing left in my mouth a bad taste...I don't count on it anymore. I met a lot more of traveller in Mexico that tried with other organism, and their experience seem a bit better.
At 1:21pm on May 3, 2009, Maxime L'Heureux Brunelle said…
Hi Mikes,

I'm sorry haven't respond before... I don't go on this site oftenly now that i'm back in my country! Probably I'll be working on a grape culture untill the end of May. It's in Québec, and we try to produce our own wine. It very new here in Québec, because the cold temperature makes it hard to produce good grapes.

An administrator send me an e-mail to give him the farm that haven't answer back. The person told me that the farm is supposed to give you an answer at least two week after you ask for a place to work... :S

Ok and the plalces I prefer in Mexico, was Guadalajara. There was a lot of nightlife!!! A lot of musician, artist, acrobatics shows. The second place was Mazunte, near Puerto Escondido. There, it's to take a brake. Some day, just think to nothing, meet other hippies, mexican, drink cervesas and smoke. A lot of show to there, at night. The third place was San Cristobal de Las Casas. VERY beauthyfull place. It's like paradise. A lot of jewerly and clothes made by hand and by the machine too, so be carefull and ask where it comes from ;)

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