Pets: Tal vez aparece ridiculoso traer los gatos. Perhaps it seems ridiculous to bring my (spayed and neutered) cats?
I certainly am uncertain that I will find any farm to accept me. I can see how hazardous or burdensome this may appear. Yet, I am not going on a vacation. I am living somewhere else for a while. I will have a new home for a while. So I will search out for somewhere that will accomodate my wild-like cat friends and their mouse-bird-squirrel eating, lack of litter box, ways.
Maybe you will be worried that they will be eaten? But that is how animals including ourselves are. Survival is always uncertain. We try our best, and to protect each other.
In short, we are a family. I can't know what they're thinking exactly, but I try to give them the best i have to offer.
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