We are happy to hear from you, if your good energy and good work is your goal to give, is the most important we need. Let us know your plans and we can talk more about us.
Please be in contact with my son BETO LEON, in facebook, and you can see more pics, or in his email hostelsolferino@hotmail.com
We are hapy to know you can come to SOLFERINO PROJECT, we need help, my son is now in a wood handcrafths and forniture work, we need youg and strong people who wants to learn and help. THANKS A LOT..
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Hi Patrick.
We are happy to hear from you, if your good energy and good work is your goal to give, is the most important we need. Let us know your plans and we can talk more about us.
Please be in contact with my son BETO LEON, in facebook, and you can see more pics, or in his email hostelsolferino@hotmail.com
Hi Patrick.
We are hapy to know you can come to SOLFERINO PROJECT, we need help, my son is now in a wood handcrafths and forniture work, we need youg and strong people who wants to learn and help. THANKS A LOT..
You need to be following WWOOF Mexico to send them a message.
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