WWOOF Mexico

Pete Ritchie
  • Male
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (1)
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Pete Ritchie's Contacts

  • Andrea Farias
  • Jklisto

Pete Ritchie's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
wwoof hawaii
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
interested in everything

Messages Box (5 messages)

At 12:36pm on August 17, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hello Pete
Thank you for your interest in Argovia, please take look at our web pages, www.cuilcovalley.com.mx and www.argovia.com.mx, so you get a better idea of what we have as a goal. You would be welcome for that lenght of time and let me give you my email , so its easier to follow up and send you more info about the Finca. bge@argovia.com.mx
best regards
At 10:44am on August 20, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hello Pete
Ok, we normaly receive students from all around, with arrangements with different Universities worldwide, so we have two houses with enough rooms for that purpose. It can be that you might share a room with somebody else, but we have rules, so there should be no problem in privacy. Food is provided also, and it can be through 2 ways, depends on how conftable you feel, one is at the restaurant, employees dishes, or the other is food prepared by somebody in town. both ways are covered by us , so no problem. We ask for conscious interchange of labor and knowledge, with the community mostly to improve the broad view.
my mail is bge@argovia.com.mx and from there I can gladly send you more info about us and also arrange the daates of your stay.
We ask for a copy of you passport and also that you have medical insurance which is offered by this program.
Best regards
At 2:55pm on October 20, 2009, Melissa McNell said…
are you still planing to be wwoolfing in mexco? if you are still interested you can contact me through melissa e-mail melissa@tutuaca.org.
At 2:10am on January 13, 2010, Jklisto said…
Hey Pedro, como vas en Argovia? I miss you dudeee Wish you had some awesome Holidays or at least as awesome as they can be in I am dying to hear all of your news
I am been good thank you, but I am definitive settling down you know getting a real job
taking things slowly I am listening to some or your advices, wich I dont remeber that much but Iam sure they were very wise jk dude

I really hope youre doing alright I miss being in the Finca and all of that but I specially miss hanging out with you how's the Finca now that all the workers left? I bet its nicer fo .... Hey have you hunt and eat a chicken yet ?Lol Please stay in touch Jklisto@gmail.com

Take care Jackie
At 5:57am on April 21, 2010, Jklisto said…
where the F are you? I sent you a message orver this thing like a long time ago Iam going to Panama at the end of May let me know where you will be

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