WWOOF Mexico

Robin Sturley
  • Female
  • British Columbia
  • Canada

Robin Sturley's Contacts

  • Doerthe, Steve, Paolo

Robin Sturley's Farms


Robin Sturley's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
In March of 2008 I was wwoofing in Australia, at a permaculture institute (Djanbung Gardens, in NSW). This past year I decided to get my certificate in Permaculture Design, and soon after I started an apprenticeship on a family-run organic farm in B.C., Stein Mountain Farm. I finished my apprenticeship in November, and I am looking forward to farming again soon!
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am travelling in Mexico with my friend, who also did his apprenticeship at Stein Mountain Farm in B.C. Together we want to experience many different ways of living and farming sustainably. We feel that farming will be our living, so we are eager to learn, and help others make their living. We are excited to discover Mexican cultures too!

Messages Box (11 messages)

At 9:18pm on October 21, 2009, Jesse James Smith said…
Hello, I joined WWOOF Latin America more than a week ago and I am still unable to access and/or print host contact info for Mexico and Belize. But had no issue with my Costa rica membership. Are you having the same problem?
At 9:36pm on October 21, 2009, Jesse James Smith said…
Thanks for the response. It was actually an error on my part. I expected a printable booklet, like WWOOF Costa Rica. It seems like everyone who has joined WWOOF Belize recently are still having issues.
At 9:34pm on December 18, 2009, Renato Dorfman said…
hi it would be great to work together for some time please come stay with us.
At 8:16am on December 28, 2009, Renato Dorfman said…
Hi Robin, just checking to see if you still have the intention of comeing to visit ?????we would love to meet you and work torward sustainability .
Blessings Renato
At 10:26am on January 3, 2010, Renato Dorfman said…
HI it is easy o reach the farm you can get a taxi where the bus leaves you on the high way at puerto morelos between cancun and playa del carmen and ask him to take you to the zona urbana and leave you at calle ocho on the corner, on the left is my work shop and garden home
see you soon
bessings Renato
At 2:09pm on January 8, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
hello Robin, sorry to get to you until now, but please tell me if it is still ok for you
best regards
At 5:54pm on January 13, 2010, Doerthe, Steve, Paolo said…
hola robin:)
At 9:08am on January 16, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hello dear Robin
thanks for your lines. Iam attaching a small plan of how to get to Argovia from Tapachula and I can send you my address through mail, if you can send me one to bge@argovia.com.mx , also let me know on what date you plan to arrive. Best regards

At 8:34pm on January 17, 2010, Doerthe, Steve, Paolo said…
unfortunately hitchhiking didn't work out so well. needed like 2 hours to arrive to tulum. and i felt so bad with my stomach that we had to stay in tulum for 3 nights :(....now we are in chetumal and hopefully find our way to palenque soon.
what about you?already in belize?
At 8:17pm on January 19, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
no sweat Robin, you are always welcome here, if you make further plans.
Best wishes

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