WWOOF Mexico

ian robert macfarlane giesbrecht
  • Male
  • winnipeg, MB
  • Canada
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Ian robert macfarlane giesbrecht's Contacts

  • Andrea Farias
  • WWOOF Mexico

ian robert macfarlane giesbrecht's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
participated in a 4 month apprenticeship on a biodynamic farm, wwoofed at market gardens, desgined gardens, completed permacuolture desgin course
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
i´m seeeking ways of incorporating bicyle power into agriculture

Messages Box (5 messages)

At 1:46pm on January 16, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
Wow Ian, thats a long trip!!
Fell welcome with us here in Argovia, as we have plenty of work to be done.
Let me know in which areas you fell you could use your skills with us.
Best regards
At 4:53pm on February 16, 2010, Adah Frase said…
Fellow Wwoofer! Whats the place you are building bicycle powered machines at? I am very interested. I just road my bike from NC to Monterey! I have heard of another place they do that in Oaxaca, but have not visited.
Take care, and good luck!
At 12:23pm on March 4, 2010, Solomon Thomspon said…
Hey Ian,

wow small world...I was just given your contact info by a lovely trent student Andrea Griffith I met in Ecuador...I haven,t had a crazy amount of woofing experience here in Mexico as many farms seem to not respond...not need much help or are just too disorganized... I did go to Finca Argovia which was a very good experience...with many open opportunities abound...but it is a coffee plantation and does not have a big organic garden...still very fun during coffee season. But I am about to head up to Guadalajara for a another WWOOF project with alternative building and other stuff...If you are travelling far which it sounds like you are...you can also check out http://free-wwoof.info/
It has farms all over the world and you dont have to pay a cent...but just be very wary of some of the info...as it may be not much updated...ask many questions before trekking too far for one place.

Any other questions feel free?
Where are you these days anyway and what part of Canada are you from?
At 2:38pm on July 3, 2010, Daniel Trigo said…
Hi Ian ,
Lilith told me that you might be interested in coming to Quintana Roo. Just to let you know that you are both most welcome you just need to define dates and exact location since we have two posibilities one in holbox island and the other in a small mayan comunity. Regarding to the bicyle power ther is a guy in San Cristobal de Las casa Chiapas that has a lot of appliance working with bicking power you may want to have a look before coming. an easy application is to conect a byke to a standar rope pump.Hope you can pass and visit him before coming an then we can try to make some test here.

At 4:41pm on December 16, 2010, Daniel Trigo said…

doña PAstora and don miguel send their regards and best wiches for Xmas, you can write them back to my email daniel@ecopueblitomaya.com.



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