WWOOF Mexico

luis miguel mayagoitia medina
  • Male
  • santa isabel chihuahua
  • Mexico
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (2)
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Luis miguel mayagoitia medina's Contacts

  • Sunny Howard
  • Cristina Delgado Mejias
  • Ruben Alonso Vejar Samayoa
  • Landon Jones
  • Carolina Cortez
  • MarcAntonio Castellanos
  • Samantha Rae Kellogg
  • Elia Pittas
  • abigail wermer
  • Lola
  • Celiano Cardenas Bacurizo
  • Ayla Rebecca Reith
  • Martin Rheaume
  • leslie volpi
  • Natalia y Pedro

luis miguel mayagoitia medina's Farms


luis miguel mayagoitia medina's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Arquitectura organica y agricultura sustentable 4 year
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?

Messages Box (82 messages)

At 2:51pm on May 13, 2009, ralf said…
hola luis ,
gracias por tu mail y
suena mui bien lo que me cuentas y lo que
podria leer sobre la granja !
me gustaria mucho trabajar y convivir con
ustedes .
llego en mexico en algunos dias y
me voi a contactar ustedes , cuando yo
se mas de mis planes !
hasta pronto
At 11:38am on May 21, 2009, Rodolfo Llamas Prado said…
Que onda Luis, como te va?

Muchas gracias por la invitación para conocer y poder formar parte del proyecto Lliyotl, la verdad se ve bien chido lo que estan haciendo y por supuesto que me interesa poder echar una mano por allá.

Durante Junio y Julio voy a estar en el estado de Oaxaca y después, si los planes no cambian, me encantaría ir a Santa Isabel a trabajar con ustedes. Asi que no perderé contacto contigo y ojalá que para los meses de Agosto/Septiembre puedas tener algun lugar para mi.

Sale viejo, a echarle mucha galleta en la chamba y estoy seguro que tendrán mucho éxito con este proyecto.

Saludos a todos por allá!
At 10:23pm on May 26, 2009, Véronique Morissette said…
Hola Luis!
I went on your webside, but as I don't speak spanish yet, I didn't understand everything. But the project you're part of seems interesting!!
I'll looking to be in Mexico around septembre because I'll be wwoofing in Puerto Rico for two months before. So I'll learn spanish as I learn organic gardening :)

Let's keep in touch!
At 8:51am on May 27, 2009, Véronique Morissette said…
Gracias Luis!

I'll let you know if I come by :)
At 11:00am on May 30, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
Prob, really nice but im not in mexico for a while

googd luck
At 9:23pm on June 1, 2009, maria paz herrera said…
Hola Luis Miguel, muchas gracias por la invitacion todavia no estoy muy segura de mis planes pero tal vez podria ir en Julio. me podrias dar un poco mas de informacion? un abrazo
At 11:43pm on June 11, 2009, christine hrvatin said…
Thank you so much for the invitation but I will not be in mexico again until perhaps december and also I travel with my son who is only 1year old. Would you still accept me then even with a toddler?
At 12:30am on June 15, 2009, Nieves Perez Marquez said…
Hola luis.
Me gustaria estar trabajando con uds. a partir del mes de septiembre.
No tengo experiencia pero si tengo muchas ganas y disposicion.
At 4:25am on July 16, 2009, b gwendoline said…
Hello Luis,
we are happy because of your positive answer.
we think we'll arrive the 15 of August in your farm and we would like to stay during 15 days.
Let us know if you agree.
See you soon.
Gwen and Lauriane:)
At 7:10am on July 17, 2009, b gwendoline said…
sorry but we have to change the date we'll arrive.
If it's possible, we would like to come the 7 of August.
Is it ok for you?
See you soon.
Gwen and Lauriane

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