WWOOF Mexico

Luis miguel mayagoitia medina's Comments

Messages Box (82 messages)

At 2:51pm on May 13, 2009, ralf said…
hola luis ,
gracias por tu mail y
suena mui bien lo que me cuentas y lo que
podria leer sobre la granja !
me gustaria mucho trabajar y convivir con
ustedes .
llego en mexico en algunos dias y
me voi a contactar ustedes , cuando yo
se mas de mis planes !
hasta pronto
At 11:38am on May 21, 2009, Rodolfo Llamas Prado said…
Que onda Luis, como te va?

Muchas gracias por la invitación para conocer y poder formar parte del proyecto Lliyotl, la verdad se ve bien chido lo que estan haciendo y por supuesto que me interesa poder echar una mano por allá.

Durante Junio y Julio voy a estar en el estado de Oaxaca y después, si los planes no cambian, me encantaría ir a Santa Isabel a trabajar con ustedes. Asi que no perderé contacto contigo y ojalá que para los meses de Agosto/Septiembre puedas tener algun lugar para mi.

Sale viejo, a echarle mucha galleta en la chamba y estoy seguro que tendrán mucho éxito con este proyecto.

Saludos a todos por allá!
At 10:23pm on May 26, 2009, Véronique Morissette said…
Hola Luis!
I went on your webside, but as I don't speak spanish yet, I didn't understand everything. But the project you're part of seems interesting!!
I'll looking to be in Mexico around septembre because I'll be wwoofing in Puerto Rico for two months before. So I'll learn spanish as I learn organic gardening :)

Let's keep in touch!
At 8:51am on May 27, 2009, Véronique Morissette said…
Gracias Luis!

I'll let you know if I come by :)
At 11:00am on May 30, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
Prob, really nice but im not in mexico for a while

googd luck
At 9:23pm on June 1, 2009, maria paz herrera said…
Hola Luis Miguel, muchas gracias por la invitacion todavia no estoy muy segura de mis planes pero tal vez podria ir en Julio. me podrias dar un poco mas de informacion? un abrazo
At 11:43pm on June 11, 2009, christine hrvatin said…
Thank you so much for the invitation but I will not be in mexico again until perhaps december and also I travel with my son who is only 1year old. Would you still accept me then even with a toddler?
At 12:30am on June 15, 2009, Nieves Perez Marquez said…
Hola luis.
Me gustaria estar trabajando con uds. a partir del mes de septiembre.
No tengo experiencia pero si tengo muchas ganas y disposicion.
At 4:25am on July 16, 2009, b gwendoline said…
Hello Luis,
we are happy because of your positive answer.
we think we'll arrive the 15 of August in your farm and we would like to stay during 15 days.
Let us know if you agree.
See you soon.
Gwen and Lauriane:)
At 7:10am on July 17, 2009, b gwendoline said…
sorry but we have to change the date we'll arrive.
If it's possible, we would like to come the 7 of August.
Is it ok for you?
See you soon.
Gwen and Lauriane
At 7:10am on July 17, 2009, b gwendoline said…
sorry but we have to change the date we'll arrive.
If it's possible, we would like to come the 7 of August.
Is it ok for you?
See you soon.
Gwen and Lauriane
At 9:18pm on July 27, 2009, b gwendoline said…
we will call you before our arrival.
is it a probleme if we arrive on friday?
bye see you
gwen and lo
At 9:05am on August 6, 2009, Minerva Rosas said…

Me llamo Minerva soy de Barcelona y estoy interesada en tu granja. Tengo disponibilidad apartir de octubre/noviembre hasta...Dios quiera! Tengo ganas de aprender, colaborar, ayudar con la comunidad, además de viajar a México. He estudiado naturopatia he realizado cursos de masaje, reflexologia, etc con lo cual podría poner un granito de arena. Se inglés aunque no me defiendo mucho, pero muchisimas ganas de poder aprender-lo de una vez!
Gracias por todo!
Espero recibir noticias...
At 6:36pm on August 16, 2009, Chris Conrad said…
Muy Luis Miguel Mayagoitia Medina,

Estoy escribiendo para aprender si necesita Ud. voluntarios del 30.11.2009 a 22.12.2009. Después de leyendo su WWOOF anuncio y repasando su sitio web, estoy entusiasmado con su proyecto y ayudando allí. Estoy especialmente interesado en aprender más sobre agricultura biodynamic, arquitectura orgánica, y medicina tradicional. Tengo años de experiencia en jardínes sostenibles en los Estados Unidos, pero quería aprender sobre sus prácticas en Chihuahua. En su tiempo libre, digame si puedo ayudarles, por favor.

He incluido un versión íngles abajo – mi español probablemente tiene errores.

I am writing to learn if you need volunteers from November 30th through December 22nd. After reading your WWOOF entry and reviewing your website, I am excited about your project and would love to help out. I am especially interested in learning more about biodynamic farming, sustainable architecture, and traditional medicine. I have years of experience volunteering at sustainable gardens here in the states, but I want to learn about your practices in Chihuahua. At your convenience, please let me know if I can come help out November 30th through December 22nd.

At 12:25pm on August 21, 2009, Chris Conrad said…
¡Gracias por su invitación generoso! Desgraciadamente, ya he hacer planes por 30.11.2009 a 22.12.2009. Pero, tengo más tiempo libre en julio de 2010. ¿Quizas podemos hacer planes para esto tiempo en vez de diciembre? Estaré en contacto más tarde, cuando tendrá un concepto más claro de su disponibilidad en julio. Paz, Chris
At 8:53pm on August 24, 2009, ralf said…
hola luis ,
te able en tu machina del celular hace algunos dias.
Cambie mis planes y entonces no me voi a llegar por alla.
Pues, muchas gracias por darme la oportunidad de pasar
por el huerto !!
suerte y que los vallan mui bien con su huerto y los woofers !
At 9:07pm on October 13, 2009, Carly Rogan said…
My friend and I will be traveling to Mexico during the winter months of December 2009- March 2010. We are going to be Wwoofing on a farm in Chiapas in January, so we would love to Wwoof at your farm either during December or February, if possible. We are both avid learners and the organic farm lifestyle is something we both plan to pursue in our future, and we believe this would be a great step toward that. We work hard always and can easily balance work with play. We are very responsible and respectful toward our host and what they provide us with. We understand that to recieve, you must always give first. Also, we can't wait to freshen up on our spanish skills. We've had four years of lessons, but arn't fluent quite yet. :)

We would love to stay a couple weeks to a month working at your farm, so let us know what would work best for you. We believe wwoof is a great oppurtunity to experience a different kind of culture, and we would both be very grateful to participate and learn about the farms involved with it.

Thank you,
Hope to hear from you soon! Carly and Sarah
At 3:59pm on October 22, 2009, Bea Maes said…
My name is Bea, from Belgium, and I will be traveling through Mexico with my boyfriend from November onwards. We are very eager to learn more about ecological farming and living. 26 and 30 years old, we have been interested in and exploring these subjects over the past couple of years. We are now ready to enrich our interest with a greater amount of practical experience, combined with traveling and discovering other cultures.
We are enthusiastic workers and very motivated to assist you with your project(s). Please let us know if you have any availability for volunteers from November onwards.
Looking forward to your reply,
At 7:20pm on November 1, 2009, Eben Cathey said…
My name is Eben Cathey. I'm 26 and from Tennessee. I will be in Mexico in January, looking for a farm to live on for a period of time. I have some experience with gardening and have worked as a construction worker. I also don't mind living in rough conditions. I speak some Spanish and speak French well. My goal is to learn about living in a responsible way. Thanks and any information about dates/potential living space I'll appreciate!
At 6:53pm on November 9, 2009, korby said…

I’m French, 28 years old, in US since sept 2nd. I’m having a 10 months trip from New York to French Guyana, woofing and enjoying my time one the way. I’m actually in a farm in California, I plan to reach Mexico in the beginning of December.
I’m used to work in farms, and interested in all kinds of organic stuff. I can do any kind of work, and enjoy learning more about farming…
I’m looking for different farms to stay throw Mexico. You are quite in North, so I’d like to visit you and work for a few weeks in December.
Let me know if you are interest to meet me.


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