WWOOF Mexico

Santiago Padilla's Comments

Messages Box (106 messages)

At 9:53pm on February 17, 2014, Paul Cook said…


I'm a 24 years from Australia. 

I'm going to be in Mexico from July to September of this year and was hoping to gain some experience working at a real organic farm for sometime during this visit!

I'm new to WWOOF, but I strongly support organic agriculture and living in a sustainable manner. I have little experience working on an actual "farm", but I am keen to learn while at the same time taking in some Mexican culture!

This will be my third visit to Mexico, so I hope to improve my Spanish too!

If you have any opportunities for those dates, or any further questions, feel free to send me an email!




At 12:04pm on February 18, 2014, alexis cote potvin said…

hola! quetal wow,ca parece realmente agradable !soy alexis un frances de canada . mes gustaria venir de voluntario en su granja para trabajar con ustedes y tener nueva experiensa
ya conosco el agricultura ,es me travallo,
yo puedo llegar en fin de febrero todo mars diga me lo que le parece .
mucho gracias

At 7:29pm on February 25, 2014, Martí Balliu said…


Estoy buscando una granja por Baja California y me gustaria venir a trabajar de voluntario. Ahora estoy en Mexico DF, pero me voy hasta finales de Abril. Seria para Mayo-Junio. Es mi primera vez en wwoofing, pero tengo ilusion en conocer y aprender.  Muchas gracias!!


At 12:48pm on March 7, 2014, Dave Horn said…

Hey there my name is Dave and I'm a chef in Berkeley, CA.  I would love to help out on your farm for the month of April this year.  You can email me at chefdavehorn@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!

At 12:17pm on March 8, 2014, Fiona Lerski said…

Hi there,

My name is Fiona, I am a Nurse who lives in Brighton, UK. I am looking to come to Mexico in June and would love to come and work on your farm. Please can you e-mail me some more information to fifilerski@hotmail.com.


At 2:26pm on March 9, 2014, manuel sanz said…

buenas tardes, sinceramente sobre la ecologia no se mucho, y quiero aprender, estuve trabajando en el campo desde que tenia 12 años, he aprendido algunas cosas sobre la agricultura, y el cuido de animales. tengo mi propia granja de pollos. estoy dispuesto a trabajar las horas necesarias en otras cosas, pero si me gusta echarle muchas ganas. soy de chiapas mi idioma es tzotzil y hablo bien el español, esperare su respuesta msanz4172@gmail.com

At 1:52pm on March 15, 2014, manuel sanz said…

Muy buenas tardes,  la verdad me intereza mucho esto de la eco agricultura, del campo he trabajado con frutas como la granadilla, el durazno y flores, trabaje mas tiempo con el durazno, desde que tenia 12 años mi trabajo era regar las matas, despues aprendi a podar, ralear, fumigar. Aprendi lo necesario como poder cuidarlo. Y la verdad seria la primera vez que visite la granja woof, y quiero dedicarme a esto, y estoy dispuesto viajar a donde me acepten mi correo msanz4172@gmail.com

At 5:25pm on March 17, 2014, Zak El Tanamli said…


I am traveling to mexico at the end of this September to see my family, I plan to spend a couple of months with them, and then would like to work at a agricultural/eco community from November till January.

I currently live in London, I work as premises assistant at a art space, with a large garden and theater, for my job it is necessary that i am proficient with tool and craft minded.

Recently my work place received a government grant to set up a sustainable food program, I have been working on this program both hand on with building of the necessary infrastructure; a large polytunnel and smaller greenhouse, a chicken coup, the planting of trees and plants, and the landscaping of the garden, as well as taking part in the creative role of decision making in how much the funding should be spent coming up with creative and achievable goals to engage the local community in our green space. 

I am currently taking Spanish classes and am very committed to improving my spanish, id say currently I have the basics, and communicate enough to get by, but part of the reason I want to go to mexico is to improve my Spanish

Please get in touch at ztanamli@gmail.com


At 6:17pm on April 1, 2014, Dave Horn said…


My name is Dave and I'm a chef from Berkeley, California currently in Baja for 6 weeks.  I am looking for a place where I can learn about farming in exchange for helping out with whatever needs to be done.  I'm very passionate about using local, organic products and want to immerse myself in a farming environment so that I can learn and grow as a cook.  Currently, I am in Rosarito and am hoping to move on in a week or two.  Do you have anything available between now and May 18th?  I don't currently have any camping gear with me.  Please feel free to email me at chefdavehorn@gmail.com.  Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!

At 12:56pm on April 4, 2014, Johnny said…

My buddy and I have been hitch hiking down the coast from Washington and are looking to get into southern baja in the near future. We both have organic farming experience as well as other skills. Currently we are in ensenada but should start moving again around the twenty sixth. We both are traveling with our packs, guitars, and my well behaved border collie mix, Gustavo. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

At 6:19pm on April 20, 2014, Miranda Cunis said…

Hola! I wanted to ask about the possibility of working on the farm in May? Unfortunately I am only available for 3 weeks, is that too short an amount of time? The place looks and sounds incredible, I'd love to be able to join you even for just a short time! Thanks for your response, Miranda Cunis :) 

At 9:29am on April 26, 2014, manuel sanz said…

hola muy buenos dias, me gustaria ser parte de sus trabajos. estoy muy interezado en contribuir con uds. en cambio de aprender algo. me describo trabajador, de echarle muchas ganas esto para mi de la agricultura organica es un gran meta que quiero lograr. me facinan los trabajos del campo, cuando estoy con la naturaleza me conecto facilmente! tengo algo de experiencia con unas frutas y flores hasta con animales como los pollos. estuve trabajando 5 años en el campo sembrando granadillas y duraznos, haciendo ingertos, regarlos, podarlos, ralearlos. pues hacer los trabajos con el durazno para mi fue un arte. pero me intereza mas de la agricultura organica, y estoy dispuesto a trabajar el tiempo con uds. disponible en cuanto me acepten! espero que les pueda servir algo con lo que se.

At 2:21pm on May 4, 2014, Jackie Greer said…
Hola Santiago,
Me llamo Jackie. Puedo hablar poquito espanol pero quiero aprender mas.

I am looking for a farm to stay and work on in June!
I am half Mexican but mostly gringa. I love the Mexican culture and want to learn more about the country my Mom and Grandma are from.

I am a hard worker and eager to learn the ways of organic farming and sustainable agriculture.

I especially just want to learn a healthier way of living.
I need to get away from the chaotic way of life in Los Angeles, and be more in tune with nature.
I feel that this experience will open my eyes to the sustainable and healthy ways that our world will eventually become completely accustomed to.
I speak basic spanish but want to be fluent!
Please consider me to be a member of your farm family!

I am completely available after June 9th!


At 7:06pm on May 8, 2014, Chon Chung said…


I am from Jeju island, South Korea. I am doing a cross country bicycling travel. I started from San Francisco, and now I am at San Diego. Alone the way, I worked at several hostels in California: doing daily chores. I enjoy meeting people, learning local cultures, and sharing the travel experiences.

I am at a hostel in San Diego. I have been working here last 5 months. I will go to Mexico pretty soon. Maybe in next week or couple weeks. I am waiting for some travel equipments from my friends. I would like to learn WWOOF, organic farming, Spanish, and Mexican culture.

I am new to WWOOF, but I worked at hostels doing daily chores: cleaning, washing dishes, and gardening. I am pretty good at doing daily chores, and manual labors. Also, at the hostel in San Luis Obispo, I created this website: http://hostelobispo.com I am a web developer with international visual communication skills.

I am looking for work couple months to several months. I have an open schedule. I speak pretty good English, but new to Spanish. So, I would like to have an opportunity to learn. I get alone with people, and I am clean and responsible. If you have any question, feel free to email me: eastsky@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you.


Chon Chung

At 12:44am on May 21, 2014, Jackie Greer said…

Hola Santiago,
Me llamo Jackie. Hablar PUEDO poquito español del quiero Pero mas Aprender.

Busco a una granja para quedarse y trabajar en junio!
Soy media mexicana, pero sobre todo gringa. Me encanta la cultura mexicana y quiero aprender más sobre el país de mi mamá y la abuela son.

Soy muy trabajador y con ganas de aprender los caminos de la agricultura ecológica y la agricultura sostenible.

En especial me Sólo quiero aprender una manera más sana de vivir.
Necesito alejarme de la manera caótica de la vida en Los Angeles, y estar más en sintonía con la naturaleza.
Siento que esta experiencia abre mis ojos a las formas sostenibles y saludables que nuestro mundo se convertirá en eventual completamente acostumbrados.
Hablo español básico, pero quiero estar con fluidez!
Por favor, considero que sea un miembro de su familia de la granja!

Estoy completamente disponibles después del 9 de junio!


At 4:28pm on May 22, 2014, Lena Windpassinger said…


My name is Lena, I'm 24 years old and I'm travelling through Mexico together with my boyfriend. We are looking for a place to learn something about organic gardening and sustainable living. At the moment we are in Guanajuato and will be on the Baja California in maybe three weeks. Do you need two woofers at this time? 

My e-mail is lena.windpassinger@gmail.com

Hope to see you soon!


At 1:07pm on May 23, 2014, wildflower said…

Hola Santiago!  Es la primera vez que solicito ser voluntaria en una Granja, que posibilidades hay de recibirme y a mi familia tambien, tenemos 3 niños....uno 9 meses, 5 y 13 años. Solo queremos que tengan el conocimiento y sepan el trabajo que cuesta traer buena alimentacion a la mesa. Andele si!! Diga que si!! Yo tengo un poco de conocimiento en recolectar semillas. 

Gracias por leer mi mensaje


At 9:26pm on June 12, 2014, Virginia Nichols said…

Hi there,

I would like to come work for you all in August. I am from the US, but I've been working at an agricultural non-profit near Mexico City. My job ends in July, and I would like to work outside and speak spanish for awhile. I have 2+ years experience with organic fruits and veggies, but I would like more exposure to animals (like your goats and cow!).

Let me know if you have a spot open in August or September!


At 10:16am on June 17, 2014, Irène Potron said…


Soy Irene, una estudiante francesa de 20 años. Estoy en México desde mayo y actualmente estoy haciendo my práctica profesional en Ciudad Valles, SLP.

Después voy a hacer mi primera experiencia de WWOOFing en una granja de spirulina; y después me gustaría trabajar en su granja si es posible, del  11 de Julio al 15 de Agosto.

Yo no tengo mucha experiencia en trabajar en granjas pero aprendo rápidamente y trabajo duro. Me interesa mucho la agricultura ecológica y sustentable.  Hablo español, inglés y francés.

Por favor envíame un email por cualquiera información necesitada, y estoy esperando su respuesta a irene.potron@gmail.com.

Muchas gracias y hasta pronto!


At 4:28pm on July 12, 2014, Heather Howard said…


My friend and I are seeking a simple lifestyle with purposeful work, and are interested in volunteering at your farm. We both have several years of farming experience and can help with a variety of the tasks that you require, including landscaping, planting and caring for crops, construction and carpentry projects, animal care, and much more. We are both college-educated individuals who bring a variety of skills to the table, and have no limitations regarding travel dates or length of stay. We are dedicated to a long-term sustainable lifestyle and wish to continue learning as much as we can about permaculture and sustainable communities. If you are seeking two motivated and capable volunteers, we would love to speak with you!


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