WWOOF Mexico

Levi Rios's Comments

Messages Box (154 messages)

At 11:32pm on April 26, 2013, Chloé Dorgan said…

Hola Levi,

Yo voy a ser en Guadalajara para el mes de Noviembre 2013. Tienes plazas libres para este mes? 

Soy de los Estados Unidos y Francia. Yo tengo experiencia en granjas en California. Soy estudiante de pintura aqui, en la costa Este de los Estados Unidos

Yo hablo francés, ingles y puedo conversar en Español. 

Puedes me enviar un mail mas rapidamente:


Muchas gracias!

At 2:22am on May 16, 2013, Diane EXPOSITO said…

Hi !

I am 21 and I am coming to Mexico in August ; I am strong willed and really want to know more about sutainable agriculture and about living in a community.

I have experience in gardening and can learn fast ; I am a very dynamic and happy person, and I would like to know if I could come and work in August ? I am available for  3 weeks in August !

Thanks a lot


At 4:24pm on June 3, 2013, Guillermo Gonzalez said…

Hola Levi, me llamo Guillermo, soy de chihuahua. Estoy interesado en tu proyecto, y quiero ver si me podrías aceptar por un lapso de dos semanas. actualmente estoy en Nayarit, así que si que tienes cupo llegaría en 4 o 5 días. mi experiencia previa en wwoof fue en san Cristóbal, donde estuve por casi 2 meses. de manera independiente he hecho plantaciones, compostas y trabajo de campo. estoy interesado en aprender sobre permacultura, auto-sustentabilidad y plantaciones organicas. soy cocinero y vegetariano. espero tu respuesta, de eso depende mi estadía. gracias saludos

At 6:36pm on June 12, 2013, Zachary deVries said…



Last summer I bicycled eastern Canada with my friend.  This September I plan on bicycling from Portland Oregon south through Mexico, Central America and South America.  My friend will be joining me.  We should be coming near your farm in November or December.  My friend wwoofed in western Canada and we would like to wwoof on our way south. I enjoy hard work, fresh air and meeting new people. Please let us know if you will be able to host us at that time.  Thank you and we look forward to hear from you.




At 12:54am on June 16, 2013, Jannel Anderson said…

Hola Levi,

He leído todos los anuncios en el sitio web WWOOF México y su comunidad es la que estoy más interesado en visitar. He vivido en Seattle, Washington en los últimos cinco años, trabajando para una empresa de consultoría de energía eólica, pero pronto voy a renunciar a mi trabajo y dejar Seattle para perseguir otros intereses.  


Me gustaría viajar a México, no tanto como un turista, sino más bien a los efectos de conocer más sobre la agricultura y practicar español. Me gustaría ser fluido en español un día, pero ha sido un tiempo largo desde que he hablado con regularidad. Mis habilidades de escuchar y hablar están en necesidad de mejorar, y me encanta la idea de estar totalmente sumergido.


Vi el video de YouTube sobre Teopantli Kalpulli y leí varios artículos, y debo decir que estoy muy impresionado con el trabajo que usted y su comunidad han hecho. Estoy disponible a finales de Septiembre/principios de Octubre hasta principios/mediados de Diciembre, y me gustaría trabajar en Teopantli Kalpulli para que gran parte de este tiempo posible. Espero que usted está en necesidad de voluntarios durante este tiempo! Espero con interés escuchar de usted.



Jannel Anderson

At 10:31am on July 11, 2013, Iaione Ibernia Sazatornil said…

Hola levi, me llamo iaione, soy una chica española. Actualmente en Guatemala, con intención de reanudar mi experiencia como wwoof en México.

En españa estudié Ciencias Ambientales, y tuve mi huerto orgánico por dos años, con el que empecé a experimentar mi propio aprendizaje con la tierra. otra de mis aficiones es conocer los usos y aplicaciones de las plantas silvestres.

Estaría interesada en colaborar en tu granja en agosto, así que si a ti te viene bien, ya me dices cosas.

gracias. un abrazo


At 7:54pm on July 23, 2013, Daniel Watson said…
Hola Mr. Rios! My name is Javier, I have lived in the USA almost all my life but my grandparents are Mexican. I am going to go to down Mexico for a few months from September 13 until December 27, and would like to know if I can stay at your farm any time between the prior dates. I speak Spanish relatively well, and am looking for a memorable experience that I can enjoy whilst learning new things. Please contact me at javier.robles.farias@hotmail.com at your earliest convenience, seeing as I have a lot of planning to do for such a long trip. Thank you and I hope to see you soon!
At 7:14pm on August 10, 2013, Jonathan ramsay said…
Halo Levi!

I am in Guadalajara at the moment, and Wuld like to come spend some time at your farm from August 13. My email address is ramsayj7@gmail.com please let me know if you have space around that time!
At 9:56am on August 18, 2013, claire allory said…

Hi Levi

my name is Claire from france and with my friend June Kakuni from Japan,

we are looking to experiment woofing in Mexico.


we are 29 and 33 years old

hard working we are

self motivated individuals interested in ecological practices and sustainable living we are

permaculture and natural building, we have friends who shared with us these natural projects

and we started to learn through helping them

enthusiastic about working with you to help in :

maintenance such as weeding, watering plants, cleaning, Bio-construction, composting, selecting seeds, planting/sowing, maintaining trees, harvesting seasonal plants. 

we speak good english and beginner in spanish sorry

we don't smoke and we are vegetarian 

We wish to join your farm for middle september for one month more or less

depends what you need.

We are easy-going peoples, with motivation in our natural instinct

to help, work, take care and sharing life :)

You can discover our life through photos of our facebook




thank you to take time to read us


Claire and June

At 11:49am on August 22, 2013, emanuele said…

Hi Levi,
many thank's for your message, your contact is a very a pleasure for me. My name’s emanuele, i’m 43 years old male and i’m italian. I can speak an intermediate English and just a little of Spanish, though, I can understand spanish very good cause my origin country .
In my life I’m a surveyor and land surveyor that in italy is very similar ( for many aspects ) at the architect profession. I am interested and I follow from 1 years in sustainable construction, such as, the buildings in straw bales and wood construction, mixed ( straw bales-wood ) like also traditional houses with traditional materials.
I follow and I’d like to learn more about the natural construction in "adobe" and in bamboo.
i’ve got an italian drive licence if it is request.
I’ll be in Mexico in october and i'd be very interested working in your farm.
Hope to hear you soon, if you need my mail is emanuelecatarzi@gmail.com .

p.s. However, i'll write you the same message in your e-mail

At 1:12am on September 2, 2013, Alex Maymi said…

Hola Levi,

Soy Alejandra. Estoy buscando un lugar para voluntar este fin de noviembre. Tengo experiencia trabajando en la granja en Oregon, EE.UU. Pienso quedar por unas semanas. Talvez mas si es un buen ajuste.

Muchas gracias,


At 11:46am on September 11, 2013, Cloé Périnaud said…


Buenos dias !

Soy Francesa, tengo 21 anos, estoy en México para estudiar arte. Quiero hacer woofing para conocer a gente de aquí, y aprender sobre la agricultura ecológica. Lo hice el año pasado en Escocia, Highland. Tengo mucha curiosidad de aprender más y volver a trabajar en una granja.

Me gustaría venir en enero, durante dos o tres semanas, necesitas voluntarios en este momento ?


Hasta pronto espero !




P.S : Me gusta mucho la musica (toco saxofon).

At 9:58pm on September 19, 2013, Chris Carlson said…

Hola Levi -

Me llamo Chris - soy un ecologista de Montana, EEUU.  Ahorita, estoy en San Miguel de Allende, y ya no encontre una granja en que puedo trabajar cuando estoy aqui.  

I am interested in helping out on your farm for a few weeks.  

I have a lot of experience in all aspects of gardening and other areas of horticulture (propogation, care of fruit trees, etc etc), but am also keenly aware of how much I DON'T know :)  I am a hard worker, amable, and good with my hands, including the use of tools.  I'm not fluent in spanish, but I communicate very well and understand 75% of what goes on.

I could come down for a visit any time in the next few weeks.  Let me know if there are particular projects you need help with at this time, whether it be harvesting, planting, or infrastructure.  Espero que hablemos pronto!  Pueden contactarme por chcarlson@gmail.com, or este sitio.  Gracias, Chris.  

At 12:19pm on October 12, 2013, GARNIER Catherine said…

Hola !

Me llamo Catherine. Aprendo el espanol pero y quiero comunicar con ustedes durante mi viaje en Mexico … y conoce los… Y intento continuar comunicando en inglès... Amicalmente vustra amiga Catherine.

I live in the south of France and I have the project to come to Mexico from about the 3rd of February to about the 20th of March 2014.

I choose this dates according to the quietest period for the activities in my little school farm, that I will leave to my son of 21 years old, with gardens and animals (dogs, donkeys, chickens and gooses), so that he will have the less work to do alone!

Sustainable living : I leave in this place since about thirty years long, among pine forest and scrubland, first in little Woodhouse and since December 2012 in a yurt. (After a second great fire in the sector, my caban was destroyed and authorities expected me to get into the range but it didn’t work!)

We have a generator only for the water pomp… We use some little solar light, and gas for the refrigerator and cooking. We project to install wood and solar ovens, and solar panels soon to get a little more energetic independence. And we have a very nice climate that generally allows us to warm only for a very short time...

Studies and experiences : After learning traditional agriculture about 15 years ago, that never answered to my questioning… I got the chance, through associations, to meet people experimenting other solutions more respectful from the nature and the earth. Since then, I am experimenting and teaching agro ecology and sustainable development through the association "Les Jardins De Tara".

I expect from our meeting to learn and exchange ideas and experiences in order to get further and transmit them around me. And, as we share quiet the same way of living, I will enjoy come and help you through your own tasks during my stay.

I hope sincerely that you will accept my visit and my help. Tell me a little more about the minimum days you want me to stay, the general works we will do and how is the climate at this period… and where exactly you are situated so that I can make a provisional program… because I would like to meet a few Mexican farmers and by the way see different sides of your country. I never traveled so far away from France, and I feel that it is very important for me to do it now… and I’m sure that I will come back to learn and share more and more!

At 8:17pm on October 18, 2013, Mark D. Andrus said…


I'm very interested in an opportunity at your farm. I'm a 28 year old chef working in nyc and would like to try a different lifestyle closer to nature and the food that I've been cooking. I'm willing to work hard and am able to start within a month. I think my skills both inside and outside of the kitchen could be a great help. I also speak spanish near fluently. Please let me know of your availability. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!

Please feel free to contact me at


At 2:38pm on October 24, 2013, Connor said…

Hello! My name is Connor & I would Love to wwoof @your farm! I have experience working on farms in California: cuttind down trees, loading & unloading massive shipments of trees, operating tractors, & many other skills. I would love to continue my work in Guadalajara learning spanish, studying, developing as a person, & meeting like-minded individuals interested in preserving the Earths limited resources & producing foods that are like medicine to a dying society which relieso heavily on chemicals. I will be arriving to Guadalajara in a month or so..please let me know if your interested in having me wwoof on your farm!! Thank you

At 7:27pm on October 25, 2013, lucile said…

Hola Levi,

Acabo de terminar mis estudios en Francia en ciencias sociales, y estoy por ahora trabajando en un huerto orgánico en Chiapas, aprendiendo y compartiendo. Me voy para Guadalajara en algunas semanas, y me gustaría mucho poder juntarme en su proyecto y ayudarles. Aprender mas acerca de la permacultura, cultivos orgánicos, y me interesa tambien mucho las plantas medicinales. Y convivir, pues. Llegaré como por el 20 de noviembre, para algunas semanas. Seria posible recibirme en estas fechas? Gracias por su respuesta que esté muy bien y saludos ! Lucile

At 12:22am on December 3, 2013, lucile said…

Hola Levi,

Te había contactado hace unas semanas. Andaba haciendo un documental, y me queda poco tiempo ahora, pero me gustaría mucho poder pasar un rato con ustedes, ayudarles en lo que se pueda, compartir, convivir, aprender... Sera que hará posibilidad para eso? Me quedan unas semanitas mas en México. Me encantaría. Ando en Guadalajara por ahora. Gracias y saludoss ! Ojala haya posibilidad de coincidir. Lucile

At 4:47pm on December 9, 2013, Paolo Serioli said…

Hola me llamo Paolo Serioli, tengo 20 años y vengo de italia. Estoy en mexico para un largo viaje, me gustaria mucho aprender sobre la permacultura, metodos de cultivo horganicos y tambien bio costrucción.
Me gusta la musica y toco el clarinete. Me encanta leer y aprender cosas nuevas, mi objectivo diario es vivir en armonia con la naturaleza y quien me rodea.
me gustaria partecipar de uno a dos meses, entre febrero y abril. gracias por su atención que tengas un buen dia :)

At 4:11pm on January 8, 2014, Elle Triantafillou said…

Hola! Me llamo Elle, tengo 21 años y soy australiana! Quiero ayudar en su granja. Pardon, hablo solo un poco español!

I am a student and I am currently travelling around Mexico (I am in the Yucatan at the moment) and would love to wwoof along the way to learn about agriculture and sustainability and help out on some amazing projects. So far I have found this country and it's people beautiful and inspiring and am excited about the prospect of learning more. 

I was wondering if you would have space for another volunteer in January or February- I am flexible with time and dates, and the length of my stay (anywhere from 2 weeks upwards!) I am a hardworker and am willing to help out with cooking, gardening, construction - whatever comes my way! I am also interested in practicing my spanish - I am able to hold basic conversations but am learning more everyday. 

Looking forward to hearing from you y hasta luego, 


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