WWOOF Mexico

Levi Rios's Comments

Messages Box (154 messages)

At 11:24am on November 23, 2014, Sylvain Thibault said…

Hello Levi,

My name is Sylvain. I'm from Canada and have been traveling since February, doing volunteer work in different countries around the world. I'm currently in Guadalajara and would like to volunteer on an organic farm. I've been interested in organic agriculture and sustainable living for a long time and I'd like to learn more and can be of great help in many areas. I enjoy gardening, cultivating plants and also have a lot of experience in food preparation from working as a cook and have practiced raw food preparation at home for a few years now. I've also worked in civil engineering and have good knowledge of drainage and land surveys, geography, geometry, designing, planning and building - if you think any of these would be helpful to you.

In short, I'd like to learn and to help where I can. I'm organized, resourceful and creative and would enjoy helping in all areas.

Your place looks and sounds great and I would enjoy the experience. I've been looking forward to this type of work for a long time and would like to volunteer for about 4 to 8 weeks. I'm ready to start right away or as soon as it is convenient for you.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

You can contact me directly at my email address: <s.thb@hotmail.com>

Thank you for your consideration, Levi.



At 11:11pm on November 25, 2014, Marie-Claude Bleau said…

Dear Levi,

Your project deeply resonates with me. Thanks for your inspiration! I'm a yoga teacher currently studying herbal medicine and interested in any form of heeling, really. I nurture my connection with the natural world and try to inspire others around me to do the same. I've spent the last 5 years working on orchards, farms, foraging and widlcrafting with the intention to assemble to proper set of skills to have an educational space and cafe that uses medicinal plants on a small-scale farm. I'll be graduating from a community herbalist program in BC in 4 weeks and then will slowly make my way down South. I would love to come spend the winter with you to learn about your ways and about local medicinal plants. I actually believe that a friend of mine named Stephane volunteered with you a few years back and he thinks fondly of you. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Kind Regards,


At 11:27am on November 29, 2014, Clément Piveteau said…


Me llamo Clément Piveteau, soy francés y estoy muy interesado en su granja. Ahora estoy trabajando en México como maestro de francés y ahorita tengo vacaciones. Me gustaría aprovechar ese tiempo para conocer su granja, sus producciónes.

Estoy dispuesto todo el mes de diciembre quizas más.

Tengo experiencia en la agricultura gracias a mi papa que es agricultor/ganadero y pues es un tema que me interesa mucho. Hice estudios de desarrollo sustentable y siempre hice mis prácticas en asociaciones que trabajan con pequeños productores (en Francia y en Colombia). 

Me gusta mucho convivir con las personas, conocer, intercambiar y aprender uno del otro. también quiero descubrir esa región de la huasteca que me parece increíble y pues cual es lo mejor sino conocer la gente que vive aqui.

Espero su respuesta,


At 10:44am on December 2, 2014, BONNOUVRIER anthony said…

hola soy anthony y con mi amiga melanie somos amigos de cloé que estaba en su granja el ano pasado ella nos hablo de su lugar. y nos gustaria mucho venir de voluntario nos gusta el agricultura y la construcion tenemos experiencia de 6 meses en una finca en argentina nos gusteria aprender mas con ustedes queremos venir en febrero para 2 o 3 semanas . diga me si es possible. te mendo el mismo mail sobre tu mail . un saludos y suerte  ottoanto@hotmail.fr

At 1:23pm on December 9, 2014, Mila Babankova said…

Si usted necesita informacion en espanol, por favor deje me saber.

Muchas gracias.


My name is Mila Babankova. I am in my 2nd years studying architecture at the University of New Mexico, US.

My sister (14 years old) and I will be working for an orphanage in Puerto Vallarta over this Christmas to contribute to a good cause and to practice Spanish.


We would like to come to help with your projects for about a week starting around the 5th of Jan 2015.

Please let us know if that is possible so that we can arrange our transportation.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Mila Babankova

505 204 1745

At 11:47pm on January 1, 2015, Colleen Anderson said…

Hola Levi!


My name is Colleen Anderson. I am 22 years old from Ontario, Canada. I would love to come to your farm as a WWOOF volunteer. I am in a process of gathering information about natural building, off-grid living and permaculture among many other things. I want to learn about other ecologically sustainable methods for growing food and strategies for building communities. I am self motivated and I’d be happy to help you with what is needed.


I have WWOOFed previously at three small homesteads in British Columbia. I have worked with goats, chickens, bees, pigs and the gardens. While WWOOFing on Lasqueti Island (a small off-grid community in B.C), I connected with a wood carver named Ingo at one of the weekend markets. He taught me some basic carving techniques (he likes using hand tools…mostly axes, adzes and knives). He showed me how to split fire wood and how to make cedar shakes. I learned a lot about living in a community from my time on Lasqueti and I enjoyed the experience immensely.


In the future I would like to join an existing ecovillage/sustainable community or plant a seed for another one. I think this type of lifestyle is very helpful—both for humans and other life forms. I want to connect with other human beings, learn, and experience living in Mexico. It’s a potential home for me.


I’m wondering what your needs are for volunteers from February until July 2015. I would like to stay for about a month if possible. Also, if there are any other ecovillages or places in Mexico that you would recommend exploring, I would love to hear about them.


Language: I am fluent in English and I am learning Spanish (Me gustaría practicar). 

Education: Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance from the University of Toronto…and soon a Permaculture Design Certificate! Wahoo! (I’ll be finished in February 2015)


I hope to hear from you soon,


At 11:54pm on January 1, 2015, Colleen Anderson said…

Hi Levi,

My name is Colleen Anderson. I am 22 years old from Ontario, Canada. I would love to come to your farm as a WWOOF volunteer. I am in a process of gathering information about natural building, off-grid living and permaculture among many other things. I want to learn about other ecologically sustainable methods for growing food and strategies for building communities. I am self motivated and I’d be happy to help you with what is needed. Hope to hear from you soon.



At 9:53am on January 22, 2015, kunjabihari adhikari said…

Hola Levi,

Your place sounds fantastic!
I recently acquired Bill Mollison's book on Permaculture Design and am eager to put this knowledge into practice. Whatever I am lacking in experience I will make up for with enthusiasm. I do have much experience in the kitchen. I learned how to cook in India. I have spent many years in the villages of India & Bangladesh.
If you have any openings in the next few months please let me know.
I noticed you have vegetarian breakfasts; hope the other meals are vegetarian as well!
Yours, Kunjabihari [kunjabiharin@gmail.com]

At 5:43pm on March 6, 2015, Natalia Ines Mitsula said…

Hola Levi! Estamos viajando por México con mi compañero Octavio, fotógrafo, yo diseñadora de vestuario artístico, con la intención de aprender mas sobre diferentes formas de vida sustentable y permacultura. Ya anduvimos por Chiapas y Quintana Ro trabajando en huertas de cultivo ecológico y nos encanto la experiencia. Nos gustaría mucho participar en su proyecto. Que posibilidades tienen de recibirnos como voluntarios? En principio serian las dos primeras semanas de mayo. Muchas gracias. Espero pronta respuesta. Saludos

At 12:39pm on March 7, 2015, kunjabihari adhikari said…

Mr. Rios,

Please forgive me for the lapse in communication.

My plans have changed as I could not find a travel companion and/or vehicle and so will be flying directly to S.America.

Hope everything goes well for you.

Yours,  Kunjabihari

At 2:52pm on March 31, 2015, lovely demange said…

hola , 

me llamo lovely , tengo 20 anos , soy francesa , hablo espanol , ingles , frances , un poco de portugeis .estoy viajando desde peru . Ahorita estoy en gualajara , estoy buscando un lugar donde puedo hacer un trabajo de volontario . Me ancanta la naturaleza , la pura vida . estoy en este mundo para ayudar , aprender , compartir y busco la felizidad lleno de amor , de amistad. soy joven , tengo mucho a aprender y a conocer . nunca he hecho eso , pues de trabajar en una farm , pero me gusteria muchissimo . si usted tiene un trabajo puedo irme hoy dia . no tengo plan , vivo al dia , pero quedarme un tiempo seria super bueno para mi . lo deso lo mejor , que todo le vaya bien .

cuidate mucho 


At 6:13pm on April 3, 2015, Azusa Ichihara said…

Hola Levi,
my name is Azusa from Japan. I will be in Mexico city from 20 June and stay there around 10 days and then going to move to another place for WWOOFing. I am interested in your place. If you have a vacant for me, I would like to start WWOOFing from early July. I am not a vegan/vegetarian but I don't take meat and daily products often. I like travelling, cooking, meeting new people, creating something, nature and nature. I am interested in environment, permaculture, organic food, meditation, yoga. If you have any questions please let me know.



my e-mail is here


At 12:00pm on April 6, 2015, Carrie Ann Trubenstein said…

Hola Levi,

Me llamo Carrie Ann y tengo 22 anos.

I am looking for a farm to work on for a month from may to june.

I have prior WWOOF experience and very interested in working with you.

Please feel free to message me and look at my page, looking forward to speaking with you.


Carrie Ann

At 3:06pm on April 21, 2015, BELOT Coralie said…


 estoy en  chiapas para un rato  , te envió un otro mensaje cuando se que me voy en el norte del país


At 2:35pm on May 4, 2015, Brooke Angel said…

Hi Levi,

I was checking your farm and it seems like working there would be an awesome learning experience. My friend and I were wondering if you needed any volunteers on the farm for 2 weeks in late July. We are both 23 years old, speak Spanish well, and have volunteered on organic farms and gardens in California. I am very new to permaculture and farming in general but am happy to work hard to learn. My friend has a bit more experience and has lots of agroecology knowledge. Right now I'm living in a small farming community in Northern California and have gotten to know some great people from Jalisco/Guadalajara- I would love see the area they are from and learn some traditional farming techniques.

I look forward to hearing back from you! 



At 12:23am on May 13, 2015, Diego Vázquez Maldonado said…


Soy del D.F. y estudio diseño gráfico, y nuevo en esto, al termino de este mes espero encontrar una granja y acordar la visita para Junio, me interesa tu proyecto, por lo que me gustaría saber si puedo participar en el y de que manera podría ayudar, ya que aun  no tengo experiencia en esto, mas la  obtención de nuevos conocimientos y las ganas de trabajar no son un impedimento. 

Saludos. Diego. 

At 10:59am on June 26, 2015, Kyle ingebretson said…
Hello Levi,
I am looking for a farm that needs help. I am a wood worker from the United states with some experience woofing in Argentina. I am a hard worker never afraid of getting my hands dirty. Currently, I am driving my truck through Mexico trying to get better at Spanish. I comunicate fine, but I want to be fluent. Let me know if I can help you.

At 11:23am on June 26, 2015, Kyle ingebretson said…
Hola Levi,
Estoy buscando un finca que necesita ayuda. Soy carpentero de los Estados unidos con experiencia haciendo wwoof en Argentina. Tengo visa de 6 meses, mis camioneta, un carpa, y todo que necesito. Ahora estoy en Puebla, y estoy listo para trabajar.

Di me lo qué piensas, gracias

At 8:06pm on October 23, 2015, Tiffany Wood said…

Hola Levi!

I would love to come volunteer on your farm! I'll be in the area from November 27 - December 5. I am positive, enthusiastic, friendly, helpful, hard-working, and a quick learner.  I don't require much to be happy. Along with working on building and maintaining the village, I can also help with English, writing (online or otherwise), and photography, if needed. I speak a little Spanish and am very excited to learn more. I've volunteered on farms and villages three times in the past and loved every minute - I make a point of volunteering every time I travel. I also might have another friend with me.  

Thanks so much for your consideration and all the best, 


At 1:09am on November 5, 2015, Rebecca abrewer said…

Hola Levi,

My name is Rebecca, writing to you  from Alaska. My dear friend Bridget and I are coming to Mexico in December, and would  love to stay on your farm and help with whatever projects you may have going.

I have a small farm in Alaska, and enjoy a small CSA and farmers markets. I am good with plants and with my hands.  My friend Bridget is particularly interested in natural building,  and has experience.  We are both very practical people who enjoy working, laughing and eating good food.

Please let us know if you have a place for us or would like some help in December!

muchas gracias,


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