WWOOF Mexico

Cesar-Luis Gopar's Comments

Messages Box (533 messages)

At 10:57am on December 31, 2008, Arturo Farias said…
Cesar, Te felicito muchisimo!! Que buena noticia! Les mando un abrazo y mis mejores deseos a los tres!
At 11:32pm on January 1, 2009, Kristy Allen said…
Hola Cesar-Luis,

Hablas ingles? Hablo espanol, mas o menos pero y yo tengo mas practica.
I will be coming to the area during the last week or two in January and was wondering if you have a time limit for workers because my trip will only last a few weeks. Either way, I would love to come and see your farm.


At 3:57am on January 2, 2009, Marcos Angeloni Hernando said…
Hola Cesar, estoy viajando a Mexico desde Alemania, para el 23 de febrero, queria saber si tenes vacantes para voluntarear en la granja, tengo disponibilidad para casi 2 meses, espero empieces este año con mucho trabajo volnutario y asi darle rienda suelta a la cultura ecologica...saludos desde alemania

At 6:48pm on January 6, 2009, blinkofanisle@yahoo.com said…
Dear Sr Gopar,
I am a 54 year old female with a background in horticulture. I am interested in learning about tropical food crops. I have done extensive work in landscaping and nursery also maintenance.
I am learning Spanish and would love the opportunity to become more fluent. I am fit and healthy, non smoker, non drinker and a vegetarian. I am also single with no children.
Please send me more information about your farm and projects, as well as the duties of a wwoofer.
Thank you for your response, Cat Vann
At 3:44pm on January 7, 2009, graf_barbara@web.de said…
Hola !
my name is Barbara (23, from Germany) and I am very interested in working at your farm. I am a member of a non-profit organisation in Germany, which supports FAIRTRADE. I am really interested in fair trade and ecological products, therefore, I want to see how the production of organic food and fair trade works.
I've been living in Mexico for 5 months now. I worked as a teacher for German as a foreign language in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Now, I am travelling in Mexico and I hope that I can support your work.
Is it possible that I can work on your farm?

Thank you, Barbara
At 12:52am on January 12, 2009, Diane Kyenne Brussell said…
we are WWOOF hosts in Canada and hope to travel to Mexico for the first time this WInter. WE are a couple traveling with our two children ages 2 and 6 and wonder if it would be appropriate to come WWOOF at your farm?
We are not looking for a long stay, just a chance to connect with organic farmers and ecology-minded people while we are there/

looking forward to hearing from you,

Kyenne Brussell

At 11:21am on January 13, 2009, Perri Ravon said…
Hola Cesar,
Mi novio y yo estamos bajando la costa del Pacifico. Estamos ahora en Zihuatanejo y pensamos llegar por Puerto Escondido en los proximos dias. Estamos muy interesados en trabajar en los cultivos organicos - queremos trabajar y aprender. Habria lugar para quedarse una semana a partir del 17 o 18? Hay un tiempo minimo o maximo para quedarse?
Muchas gracias!
At 4:27am on January 15, 2009, Cooper Powell said…
Hola Cesar,

I will be living in p.e. for the next six months and am interested in talking to you about your work with the farm. I will be in twon ina few days, let me know if that works for you.
Thank You,

At 11:46am on January 16, 2009, Manuela Hotz said…
my name is Manuela Hotz and I am travelling around Mexico.
I want to ask you if I can wwoof a week at your farm at the beginning of middle of february?
I would looking forward to wwoof at your farm!

Regards and thank you!
At 12:08am on January 17, 2009, melissa smithers said…
My name is Melissa and I am going to be traveling in Oaxaca the 3rd week of April with a friend of mine. We would both be very excited to work on your farm and were wondering if you had any openings in April?
Thanks and hopefully I will talk to you soon,
Melissa Smithers
At 3:59pm on January 20, 2009, Eric Crawford said…

My friend Caitlin and I, would love to volunteer on your farm. We are both actively seeking a more natural way of life, and a sustainable alternative to modern society. I Have been researcing this for the past several years and am now ready to take the plunge. I have extensive camping experience as well as outdoor survival skills which were honed in the Canadian Cadet program. I am fluent in french and english and am eager to learn spanish as well. I am also a cook and enjoy cooking for others and eating communally. I would love to work 150% in a communal setting surrounded by love and laughter. My friend Caitlin has experience as a care-taker on a 10 acre property On Hornby Island within a community that promotes self sustenance and environmentally friendly solutions to life. Her main role as a caretaker on this property was maintenance of all buildings as well as trails and the small garden within. She is very eager to learn and is actively seeking a more natural way of life. She is a hard working woman with a strong back and is able to work well without supervision. She has also grown up with a family that believes and works in Holistic healing and spiritual awareness. She has yet to receive her WWOOF Mexico account, but it has been verified by clickbank and is currently being processed.
We thank you for your time and eagerly look forward to your response. We are able to communicate further via phone if that is necessary. If you could inform us of available space and any pre-requisites that would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. we are not looking for a short term placement and would prefer as long a stay as possible on your farm.

Eric Crawford and Caitlin Lahue
At 1:01pm on January 21, 2009, Chantale Castonguay said…
Hola Cesar,
Me gustaría ir a visitarles en marzo para 1 mes. ¿Hay espacio para dos personas disponible? ¿hay que decirselo con mucha antelación?

At 5:00pm on January 21, 2009, MARIE TARTERET said…
hola cesar, my name is marie, i am 23 years old and i am travelling through mexico for 2 months. i come from a small island in france, a wild and countryside environment and i have already worked in a small farm where i live during summer. I am very interested by the fact to discover different ways of lives and meet other people, and i am learning spanish. i really want to wwoof in your farm to get involve in your projects and i want to know if it could be possible for 2 or 3 weeks from 22 of february or something like that (dipends on your special needs) .thank you for your response ! i hope see you soon !
At 6:59pm on January 21, 2009, colin mcinnes said…
hello ceasar, i posted a messge on your farm site a little while ago and recieved no response. i am travelling in oaxaca right now and was hoping to help out at your farm in the next couple of weeks. do you have any room for my brother and i? please respond when you can.


At 3:26am on January 25, 2009, Carly Lovett said…
I'm traveling to mexico in February, I am a hard worker and have farm experience is there room for me on your farm in that month?
At 10:59am on January 27, 2009, Ramsey Houck said…
Hi there. Wow! You sure have a lot of requests and here is one more... I will be leaving for Mexico within the next three weeks and WWOOFing is one thing that I am adamant about doing while I am there. I will be traveling with a friend, who is also a WWOOF Mexico member, and we are interested in working on your farm. We don't know when we are leaving yet because we don't know where we want to go (Mexico is such a big country!). Deciding on an initial location will help us find appropriate transportation. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
At 9:09pm on January 30, 2009, Katie Howell said…
Hi, I wrote before, but didnt get a reply so just wanted to see if i could come and work on your farm from around the 12th of feb? Thanks, Katie
At 9:06pm on January 31, 2009, James Davies said…

I would be very interested in volunteering for a month sometime (whenever it works best for you) between May 17th and July 17th.

I have previously wwoofed for a week at an Orange Grove in Florida and would be interested in a more extensive experience.

my e-mail is thejamesomatic@gmail.com
At 1:36pm on February 2, 2009, Dennis Dziedzic said…
Hello...I'm traveling up from Guatemala on my way back to TX. Do you have projects and space in the middle of Feb? Cheers
At 10:07am on February 3, 2009, emily elise mcmillan said…
hello farm,

i just emailed you guys a few days ago, but i was wondering what was going on during the summer months. i am planning far ahead as i will be away from email from april till mid may. i have wwoofed in east tx before and am becoming permaculture certified here in austin. love to hear from you!

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