WWOOF Mexico

Lezlie Renee''s Comments

Messages Box (142 messages)

At 11:40am on October 2, 2012, Kerri-V. Bougie said…

Oh that's wonderful! Can't wait to hear from you!

At 9:03pm on February 21, 2013, Charles Marceau-Cotton said…

Hola Lorel,

Me llamo Charles, soy de Québec, la parte francesa de Canada! Hace poco deje todo lo que tenía en mi país para aprender a vivir una vida más sencilla, cerca de la naturaleza y para compartir con la gente de América latina. Quiero vivir diferentes experiencias y ver varias maneras de producir las cosas de forma orgánica. Mi viaje empezó en Guadalajara, estoy aquí hace ya unos días, y me gustaría pasar un rato en su finca y ayudar con lo que hacen, ya que me gusta mucho el tema de la agricultura orgánico y de poder hacerlo en un ambiante relajado! Me voy a quedar muchos meses aquí en Mexico, así que podría llegar mañana o en unas semanas! Para mi el objetivo no es solo de darle de mi tiempo y compartir en intercambio de un techo y unas comidas. Quiero adquirir un gran conocimiento sobre las formas de producir agricultura orgánica, sobre el modo de vida que eso implica, y también sobre la cultura mexicana. Yo tengo una descapacidad en los brazos, pero siempre me he acostumbrado en hacer las cosas, y eso no me va a impedir hacer la gran mayoria de los trabajos que necesitan en su finca!

Gracias y espero su repuesta!


At 4:33pm on February 22, 2013, Reed Douglas Jones said…

Hello! My name is Reed and I love mexico! I have been here since october and that was my seventh time here in the lst six years. I speak spanish very well and know a lot about agriculture practices having spent six years as a gardener in Texas. 

That said, i dont know everything, and i love to learn from this country and its people. I am 28 and tranquilo. If i stay with you, it will be my fourth wwoof farm in Mexico. I would like to know if it is possible to visit your farm for a few weeks in march.

Hope to hear from you soon


At 12:18pm on March 5, 2013, avia uriel said…


When I first heard about woofing from a friend, it sounded like an experience I'd like to have. From what I read your farm is also a great area to travel and see beautiful sceneries while gaining the knowledge and experience in agriculture and organic farming- a great combination.

I would love to volunteer in your farm to help u in your farm.

I don’t have any previous experience in agriculture and farming, but for the next 2 month Im going to gain some, as a preparation for my woofing journey. I'm a hard worker and very passionate about what I do when I do it. I would like to come in the end of April for a month with an option to stay longer than that. If you have a specific date that is more convenient to you please let me know.


I hope to hear from you soon.



At 3:38pm on March 10, 2013, Martin Krabbe said…

Hello Lorel,

I am interested in volunteering on your farm. As I live in Guadalajara right now I am flexible with the dates. I am looking forward to hear from you and talk about in which form I could help.

Kind regards,


At 9:15pm on March 13, 2013, charlene abdullah said…

Hello! I'm Charlene, 26 years old and I'm currently living in Mexico City. I am really interested in helping on your farm starting April 1st-24th if you have space. I'm a vegetarian of 12 years (although my meals are pretty much vegan now, I still call myself a vegetarian). I'm really interested in learning how farming works and I'm really excited to bring positive energy to the space and other people. Hablo Español y no tengo problema si la respuesta es en Español. Tambien soy maestra y no tengo problema enseñando ingles si alguien quiere aprenderlo :)



At 4:49pm on March 16, 2013, DIANA BARRAGÁN SÁNCHEZ said…

Hola, Mi nombre es Diana, soy de España. Me gustaría mucho colaborar en vuestra granja en el mes de abril. Tengo experiencia en huertas orgánicas, pues soy educadora ambiental, a demás ya he realizado algún wwwof. Espero vuestra respuesta, mi mail es dibasa1@hotmail.com

Muchas gracias. Un abrazo.



At 3:19pm on March 24, 2013, Sheng Zhong said…

Hi Lorel,

My name is Sheng, and I’m 24 years old. I am currently studying in Canada and planning to visit Mexico for a month on May. I speak English, and will be in Guadalajara from May 5th to 17th to learn some Spanish. I found your farm very interesting, so I was wondering that if  I can work on your farm for two weeks (probably from May 20th to June 2nd). Although I have never WWOOFed before, I am enthusiastic about farming and hard working, and want to learn more about Mexico. My email is redoasis_zs@hotmail.com and I look forward to hear from you soon.



At 3:28pm on March 24, 2013, Sheng Zhong said…

Hi Lorel,

My name is Sheng, and I’m 24 years old, originally from China. I have been studying in Canada since 2007, and currently in the final year of university. I am going to Mexico for a month on May, and will be in Guadalajara from May 5th to 17th to learn some Spanish. I found your farm very interesting, so I was wondering that if I can work on your farm for two weeks (probably from May 20th to June 2nd). Although I have never WWOOFed before, I am enthusiastic about farming and hard working, and want to learn more about Mexico. My email is redoasis_zs@hotmail.comand I look forward to hear from you soon.



At 6:04am on March 27, 2013, dafan said…


we are a french couple traveling around the world for 8months. we will arrive in mexico in april, we would like to join you around the 7th of april for 1 week if you need some  help.

we only had one experience of woofing in thailand, but we really want to learn and share, so maybe see you in a few weeks.

have a nice day

David and Fanny

At 6:43pm on April 3, 2013, Charles Marceau-Cotton said…

Hola Lorel!

I am currently in Mexico doing wwoofing, I have been building super adobe igloo for the last month, and I am now preparing my next Wwoofing experience. I like what you do, I would like to help and learn more about organic agriculture and aquaponics. Any chance you need a volunteer in your peaceful place in the coming month?

Gracias y saludos!!


At 10:25pm on April 20, 2013, DIANA BARRAGÁN SÁNCHEZ said…

Hola, estoy muy interesada en colaborar en vuestra granja, tengo experiencia en woff y en trabajar en huertas. Me gustaría ir en el mes de mayo, tenéis disponibilidad?? y cuáles son las condiciones??. Por favor, podéis poneros en contacto conmigo. Ahí os puedo contar lo que necesitéis saber de mi. Mi mail es dibasa1@hotmail.com.

Un abrazo, muchas gracias.

Diana Barragán

At 4:39pm on April 21, 2013, Johanna Modak said…

Hello Lorel,

I am looking for an aquaponic farm to work on with my boyfriend for two to three weeks this summer. We are interested in aquaponics, and possibly starting our own farm. He has a year's worth of experience with aquaponic systems already, and I have seven years of experience with traditional produce farming. Ideally, we would like to come for the second half of July 2013. Please let me know if this would work for you. I speak English and Spanish.



At 2:41am on May 9, 2013, Rodrigo Huerta said…

Hola.  My name is Rodrigo and my wife's name is Mary Huerta.  We will be in the area in october 2013. we woule like to come stay at your farm for a few weeks. We are both professional cooks and are traveling to improve are sustainablity and to prepare ourselves to return home to start our own farm and restaurant. you can contact me through woofing or at sikout99@yahoo.com. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Mary and Rodrigo Huerta

At 4:44pm on May 14, 2013, Amelia Bayliss said…

I am planning to be in Mexico in September and October.
Can I ask what sort of tasks working on your farm would involve? I am a vegetarian so would not like to work with animals for food.



At 7:15pm on May 15, 2013, Chloe Lemoult-Wasserman said…


How are you? My name is Chloe, I am 32 years old. I am half english, half french and I speak both languages. My spanish is ok...enough for conversatons and I am currently at a language school in Guatemela trying to make it better!

I have quite a lot of experience in working and living outside. I often go camping in the wild and I am not afraid of hard work. My dad owns a farm in France where I often help out and I recently spent 2 months in the himalayas helping a family with the harvest.

Other things about me...I love cooking (I was a caterer at a retreat centre in France), playing games, singing (not always in tune!), being outside in nature, meeting new people and generally try to be positive and open in everything i do. I have just finished studies in biodynamic cranio-sacral therapy and enjoy yoga and meditation.

Please let me know if yu have room in your farm for me over the summer...I could start from mid June, July and I am very flexible as to how long I can stay but would like to stay for at least a month.

My personal email address is flowychloe@hotmail.com

I hope you are well and I look forward to hearing from you, Chloe x

At 6:29pm on May 19, 2013, Naima Noguera said…

hello, you're farm sounds like a beautiful place to work on. I am with one other friend and we would like to woof on your farm for 2 weeks sometime late july? or in august? Thanks talk to you soon!

At 3:18pm on May 24, 2013, Ingrid Bell said…

Hi Lorel!

My name is Ingrid and I feel very drawn to volunteering on your farm. I checked out your workshops that you offer and the activities of the center in general really resonate with me and appeal to my soul... I am wondering if you have any need for help in July or August through September/October?

I am new to Wwoofing and am eager to learn everything about farming and contribute to the best of my ability anything that you might need assistance with during the fall. I am interested in meditation, conscious creation and living on purpose. I am also a recent massage student grad which I would be more than willing to volunteer my time with if desired. If there is any chance of caring for and riding horses while volunteering at the center I would also be sooo excited!

I look forward to hearing what you might need help with at this time.

Blessings, Ingrid

At 1:32pm on June 19, 2013, Laura Stock said…


Mi familia y yo viajaramos en Mexico en el invierno (de noviembre a marzo), y estoy buscando unas granjas que aceptan los ninos.  Mi hijos tienen 13 y 10 anos, y trabajaran tambien.  La conducta de ellos es muy bien y ellos son buenos ayudantes.  Somos granjeros de Canada.  Cultivamos muchos tipos de verduras - pepinos, papas, zanahorias, jitomates, lechuga, brecol, y mas.  Tambien tenemos las ovejas, las gallinas, los conejos, una alpaca, los perros, y un gato.  Aceptamos WWOOFers en nuestro granja.

Necesitamos una habitacion con las camas por 4 personas.  Ahora mismo, solo yo estoy un miembro de WWOOF, pero cuando busco unas granjas que aceptan mi familia, mi hijos y marido participaran tambien.

Su granja me parece muy interesante.  Aceptara nosotros?



At 4:27pm on June 19, 2013, Kristan Kits said…

Hey Lorel,


I'm a dutch student who recently heard about the WWOOF project. I love the idea and really want to be a part of it. I have never farmed and really ant to leanr more about organic farming and other sustainable technics so that I can apply them when I get home. I'm on an open ended journey going from the US to Argentina and would love to help out for a couple of months. I'm trying to learn Spanish and hopefully that can be added to the list of skills I have when I leave.

I'm a hardworking, positive and easy going guy. Just finished my bachelor degree and decided to not yet go into the rat race but travel for a while first. I'm planning to be in the area in the end of July. Hope to hear from you! My email is kristankits(at)gmail(dot)com.




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