WWOOF Mexico

Lezlie Renee''s Comments

Messages Box (142 messages)

At 12:14pm on June 22, 2013, Marion said…

Hello Lorel, I am very interested to volunteer for 2 weeks in July or August 2013 in your eco-village. Please let me know by e-mail if that is a possibility and I will e-mail you more about me. Thank you very much! Marion


At 12:31pm on July 5, 2013, Diego Villaseñor de Cortina said…

Hola Lorel,
mi nombre es Diego y soy del D.F. Ví su página y me parece que tienen un lugar fabuloso. Me encantaría poder ir a trabajar con ustedes (ahora que tengo vacaciones). Éste año he estado aprendiendo sobre permacultura y estoy construyendo un huerto en mi casa, así que tengo algo de experiencia.

Sobre las fechas: como decía, ahora estoy de vacaciones, y puesto que todavía tengo que resolver un par de cosas por acá, las fechas ideales en las que podría ir a trabajar con ustedes son entre el 13 y el 31 de Julio. Espero que puedan recibirme.

Saludos y mucha suerte.

At 8:09pm on July 10, 2013, Kristan Kits said…

Hey Lorel,

Have not heard from you yet, I thought maybe because of the way I noted my email so here it is again: kristankits@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you!



At 8:16pm on July 10, 2013, Sophie Ferland Gagnon said…

hola necessitan gente estoy con mi jack mi perro  tienen lugar nos gustaria venir a ayudar y a aprender un poquito con ustedes?


At 9:15am on July 15, 2013, Juan Francisco Gallardo Palacios said…

Hola Lorel,

Me llamo Juan, soy de aqui de Mexico y tengo 28 años. Tengo unos meses libres y queria saber si por el momento necesitas ayuda en tu granja.  Tengo experiencia en huertos y me gusta tambien la construccion. Pues si tienes trabajo en tu granja mandame un correo para ver cuales son los proyectos que estas haciendo por el momento y para ponernos de acuerdo.

Mi correo es jf_gallardo@hotmail.com


At 3:07pm on August 1, 2013, Taylor Mason said…

Hello Lorel,

My name is Taylor and I am currently working/traveling through Mexico. I am 21 years old and am interested in WWOOFing in order to learn the practices of sustainable living, organic farming and gardening in order to bring them back to my community in the US. I am especially interested in learning the healing modalities of different plants and beginning to develop raw vegan recipes, in order to start my own therapy practice in the US for communities who otherwise could not afford these things. I am coming to learn, to work, to study and to re-connect with nature and would love to be a part of your farm!

Please let me know when you have availabilities! I look forward to hearing from you.




At 2:14am on August 9, 2013, Bruce Coxon said…

Greetings Lorel!

     We are Madison and Bruce, and we are traveling through Mexico on our way to South America. We each have several months of experience working on organic farms: Bruce worked five months at a roughly one acre garden, and for three of those months he was the community's garden manager; Madison worked a season at a large-scale row crop farm, as well as working in the garden with Bruce. We are very interested in learning more about the various methods in which your community is growing its food and engaging in the delicate relationship between humans and plants.
     We also have six months of experience living in intentional community, as we spent the winter and into summer at Circle of Children, a youth centered eco-village outside Eugene, Oregon. We learned a lot about ourselves and humanity's relationships with itself and with the Earth, and we're excited to experience new perspectives on how to most harmoniously co-create this reality.
     Your farm sounds like a great match for us, with its unique position as a healing and educational center, for we are inspired to work on a project that is part of a larger purpose. Also, we are familiar with working on gardens/farms that are in the beginning stages of growth, so we would be comfortable with that energy. We are interested in staying for about one to two weeks, or perhaps longer if our stay is mutually conducive to our growth as individuals and as a group. We will be in your area probably around mid-October, but our dates are flexible and subject to change. Our email address is: nomadparks@gmail.com
     We look forward to hearing from you!
     Bruce and Madison

At 7:58pm on August 10, 2013, Jonathan ramsay said…
Hola lorel!

I am interested in spending some time at your farm in August. I'm a hard worker with a passion for farming, nature, and having a good time! I have experience wwoofing on organic and permaculture and have a fair amount of experience on the daily tasks related, and also in construction using limited materials....anyway, if you have space and would like to have me, I would like to hear from you!

At 10:41am on August 18, 2013, claire allory said…

Hi Lorel,


my name is Claire from france and with my friend June Kakuni from Japan,

we are looking to experiment woofing in Mexico.


we are 29 and 33 years old

seasonnal worker both since 10 years


June is a mountain guid

and i do many work in my life

( seller, animation childrens, fruitpicking, massage, circus, restauration)

we play guitar and sing both

we like meditation, sacred space, and  multitude of birds
and interesting insects, as well as rescued dogs and cats at the

we speak good english and beginner in spanish

we don't smoke and we are vegetarian 


We wish to join your farm for middle september for one month more or less

depends what you need.


We are easy-going peoples, with motivation in our natural instinct

to help, work, take care and sharing life :)

You can discover our life through photos of our facebook





thank you to take time for us


Claire and June

At 4:01pm on August 26, 2013, matthew carter said…

Greetings Lorel

I'm Matt from Australia and Ill be down your way around early/mid October, its my first time woofing but I assure you I'm a good strong worker, I pick things up quick and I've got a deep interest in sustainable farming, I'm also a musician too and I'm keen to listen and play the local music, I will be in Mexico for 2 months, would like to work for 2 weeks with you but maybe longer, just waiting to hear back from other farms so I can plan, I look forward to hearing from you, thank you!!, Matt

At 11:56am on September 11, 2013, Cloé Périnaud said…


Buenos dias !

Soy Francesa, tengo 21 anos, estoy en México para estudiar arte. Quiero hacer woofing para conocer a gente de aquí, y aprender sobre la agricultura ecológica. Lo hice el año pasado en Escocia, Highland. Tengo mucha curiosidad de aprender más y volver a trabajar en una granja.

Me gustaría venir en enero, durante dos o tres semanas, nécessitas voluntarios en este momento ?

Hasta pronto espero !


P.S : Me gusta mucho la musica (toco saxofon).

At 2:54pm on September 12, 2013, Chris Carlson said…

Buenas Lorel - 

I will be travelling to Mexico City next week, and will head up towards Guanajato around Sept. 20th.  I haven't been able to make any contacts with other organic farms, and have heard there is a thriving organic farming industry in this area.  I would love to connect with you while I'm there, and help with any projects you need help with, for a minimum of 1-2 weeks.    

I have a lot of experience gardening, growing plants, cooking, and thinking sustainably, and would love to see your aquaponics setup.  Tambien, soy mas o menos proficiente en Espanol. :)

Espero que hablaremos pronto!  


PS. Puedes contactarme facilmente por chcarlson@gmail.com

At 9:19pm on September 19, 2013, Chris Carlson said…

hola Lorel -

Llego por San Miguel de Allende hace unas dias.  No encontre granjas antes k vengo a Mexico, pero todavia quiero WWOOF con alguien.  

If you are still looking for volunteers, I would love to come spend a week or two helping you out with any projects that you have at the moment.  I have a lot of experience growing vegetables, trees, and other plants, and have worked in the past with hugelkultur beds and other forms of sustainable agriculture.  I am a botanist, and mostly vegetarian, and although I'm on 'vacation', i would rather stay busy working on a farm.  You can write me back here, or chcarlson@gmail.com.  Gracias por su atencion!  -Chris

At 6:31pm on September 24, 2013, maria jose cordova said…

Hola Lorel:

Me llamo María José, vivo bien cerquita de ti, en Querétaro. En este año empecé a interesarme la agricultura orgánica y la sustentabilidad. Mi meta es hacer mi propria granja orgánica en mi casa, (pues tengo mucho espacio aquí donde vivo y quiero aprovecharlo al máximo). Yo estudié arte y fotografía en Francia y he viajado por muchas partes, de wwoofer, couchsurfing, etc... A partir de noviembre estoy disponible y así todo el próximo año.
Me gustaría trabajar en tu granja pues tenemos climas muy parecidos y creo que sería lo mejor para aprender cómo, cuándo y qué se cultiva en esta zona (además de cactaceas y mezquites :P)
Enfin, te dejo mi mail por si te interesa,

Un saludo,

María José.

At 8:04pm on October 18, 2013, Mark D. Andrus said…


I'm very interested in an opportunity at your farm. I'm a 28 year old chef working in nyc and would like to try a different lifestyle closer to nature and the food that I've been cooking. I'm willing to work hard and am able to start within a month. I think my skills both inside and outside of the kitchen could be a great help. I also speak spanish near fluently. Please let me know of your availability. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!

Please feel free to contact me at


At 12:02pm on November 20, 2013, Tom Barkay and Josepha Alaluf said…

We read about your farm on the WWOOF Mexico site and are excited about what you are doing and would be happy to volunteer. We are arriving in Mexico on December 2nd, and are available to come from then on, preferably as soon as possible. We would love to hear from you. 
With thanks,
Tom and Josepha

At 7:04pm on November 20, 2013, Samuelle Bourgault said…

Hi Lorel,


My name is Samuelle, I am a 21 year old woman from Montreal. I am on exchange at the University of New Mexico for two semesters so I currently live in Albuquerque. I study physics, I enjoy practicing different sports and I speak French as well. I am truly sensible to environmental issues and I think that WWOOF is a great initiative to improve sustainability and solidarity among human beings. I enjoy discovering different ways of living and I feel that working with you on your farm would be a wonderful source of learning. I am not afraid of hard work, I’m young and I have a lot of energy! I am thinking about Mexico because I would like to improve my Spanish. I only took one basic class but I love this language! For Christmas break, I have 3-4 weeks free from about mid-December to mid-January and I was wondering if it would be possible to WWOOF at your farm.


Thank you very much!

Hope to get news from you.







Hola Lorel,


Mi nombre es Samuelle, tengo veintiún años y soy de Montreal, Canadá. Soy una estudiante de intercambio en la Universidad de Nuevo México por dos semestres, pues en este momento vivo en Albuquerque. Estudio física, soy muy activa y hablo francés también. Estoy muy consciente de problemas ambientales y pienso que WWOOF es una iniciativa fabulosa para mejorar la sostenibilidad y la solidaridad entre los seres humanos. Me gusta descubrir maneras diferentes de vivir y siento que trabajar en su granja con ustedes puede ser una fuente maravillosa para aprender. ¡No tengo miedo de labor, soy joven y tengo mucha energía! Quiero visitar México porque me gustaría mejorar mis habilidades en el idioma español. ¡Tomé una sola clase pero me gusta mucho este idioma! Para las vacaciones de Navidad, tengo tres o cuatro semanas desde mediados de diciembre hasta mediados de enero. ¿Sería posible trabajar en su granja durante este tiempo?


¡Muchas gracias!

Espero tener noticias de ustedes.




At 12:42pm on November 23, 2013, Marisol Clare Dezelsky said…

Hola Lorel,


Yo soy Marisol, una mujer con mucha ganas de trabajar contigo en Guanajuato. Tengo 20 anos, soy Americana, hablo espanol, me encanta los animales, plantas, la naturaleza, TODO! Bueno, eso es mi profile:) Pero lo que quiero decirte es que busco un lugar donde puedo trabajar con la tierra, sostener un ritmo y harmonizarme con el medio ambiente. Quiero conocer la cultura Mexicana a traves la gente Mexicana. Tengo mucho amor, cuidado, y entusiasmo, y creo que te podia ayudar mucho.


Tengo mucho de hablar, pero haber, me pregunto si puedo llegar en enero. Hay lugar y trabajo en ese periodo?





At 11:47pm on December 4, 2013, Samuel Benjamin Kahn said…

Hi Lorel!

My name is sam, I am 23 years old. I was born in the united states, but i currently live in israel. I am traveling with two friends (by car) on the panamerican highway from Tucson, Arizona through mexico, central america and south america. I read information about your farm and we would love to come volunteer and help you in any way we can. We will be traveling in the area around december 30th and would love to stay for two weeks. We are all very able bodied and hard workers. We have done some farming in israel on farms and kibbutz's and are excited to help out. We all have basic spanish but are studying to learn more. I would love to hear back from you and I hope it works out! Thank you

At 11:53pm on December 4, 2013, Samuel Benjamin Kahn said…


My name is sam, I am 23 years old. I was born in the united states, but i currently live in israel. I am traveling with two friends (by car) on the panamerican highway from Tucson, Arizona through mexico, central america and south america. I read information about your farm and we would love to come volunteer and help you in any way we can. We will be traveling in the area around december 30th and would love to stay for two weeks. We are all very able bodied and hard workers. We have done some farming in israel on farms and kibbutz's and are excited to help out. We all have basic spanish but are studying to learn more. I would love to hear back from you and I hope it works out! Thank you

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