WWOOF Mexico

Lezlie Renee''s Comments

Messages Box (142 messages)

At 6:16am on July 20, 2018, Bidet yuna said…


I'm yuna and i'm french girl. If i contact you today, it's because i come to Mexico in september. I would like to help you, 2 weeks, if you need some help. 

I'm farmer's daughter (Angora goats) and i did 5 years of agricultural studies. Now i'm training to be veterinary assistant. I have expériences in vegetable and animals. 

I'm at your disposal if you have questions. 

I wish you a good day. 


At 9:01pm on November 9, 2018, Garret Ray Holbrook said…


My name is Ray, I am a 25 year old male who is traveling through Mexico. My intent is to become fluent in Spanish to prepare myself for teaching highschcool. I have some experience with working hard labor, working with children, bicycle repair, and have a bachelors degree in Biology. I would love to come and work on you farm using organic methods. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions to Garret.holbrook208@gmail.com or by messaging me at 208-407-6115.

Thanks for your time!

Ray Holbrook 

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