WWOOF Mexico

Stéphane Frachon-Labrie's Comments

Messages Box (14 messages)

At 2:10pm on January 13, 2009, Vita said…
Hi Esteban!!
Thanks for the good wishes! No, no answers yet. You?
I think I'll go regardless and hang out in Mex City till I hear something.

What is this contraption in the sky that you are working on?
At 8:25pm on January 13, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
No, I though it was easier than that! I have friends who doing it in South America, It seemed really easy but! That it, I'm gonna plan to go on a bar, located over the beach(friends) and some couch surfing, cheap hotel, climbing moutains, go see the ruins and smell the jungle !!!!
At 8:29pm on January 15, 2009, Vita said…
Sounds wonderful!
Are you flying into Mexico City?
At 12:20pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
Yes I will arrive into Mexico city the 2nd of Feb. !!!

You too??
At 1:33pm on January 16, 2009, Vita said…
yes, on the 2nd of Feb. as well. Trying to decide which neighborhood to stay in while i'm there. Any suggestions?
At 2:15pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
What a coincidence! Maybe same flight! Us airways????
I don't really know the city yet ! Cause I have a friend of a friend, of a friend that gonna talk me about this when I'm gonna be there... You, do you know Mexico city a little bit? or the country? I'm NOT! It's why I'm going there, Cause I want to discover! I have fews week more or less organized but the rest I strongly just want let the life drive me where she want, and let here wisdom teach me what she got for me !!!!
It's really unfortunate that the place that I'll strongly may go(for few days when I'll arrive) can't take more persons!!! =( But, are you a Couch Surfing member??? I can give you a Q if it is...
At 3:04pm on January 16, 2009, Vita said…
A fantastic coincidence! Not US airways though, NWA. Will be arriving at around 12pm? You?
Not a couch surfing member, yet.(what's a Q?? ) planing to stay in a hostel for a few nights and explore the city a little. Think i'll stay in Condesa.
I have one month of the trip planned, but the first two weeks and the last two weeks are still up in the air! much like your situation. I'd like to make my way to the west coast and have short visits to farms along the way.

It would be wonderful to have a friend in the city, so we should stay in touch!!
here is my email: vitamixx@yahoo.com
At 3:26pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
!!!! yeah strange coincidence! No, I'm arriving at 9:30 p.m. ! A Q is like a contact, a clue, its a mix... an expression... =) I'm planing to stay around mexico city(would be awesome to have a coffee somewhere sometime, I LOVE TO SHARE! ), for maybe one week to explore the city and go to visit the temples that are near from the city(one hour bus). Someone told me that there is kind of CANAL like in venise but cuteless! in Puebla witch is really near of Mex.Cit. .
And I don't know what I'm going to do but friends told me about a nice place to camp(or hamack style!!) over the beach(west coast) of Zipolite, puerto escondido in Oaxaca province if you want a Q... =)

p.s. are you planing to bring a tent or a hamack with mosquito net??

And about farm I'd would have like to work on a farm for a while, I wanted the one with medicinal herbs and stuff to learn about it , but ...
Sorry about the tower , I did not have answer you, I put up with 5 other mans, a metal tower of 8 meters!! Just with ropes and lugs! It was awesome, and the photo is when we were going to put the water tank on the top!!!!!! It was in Uruguay, I was 3 month overthere volunteering with an awesome intercultural exchange program, CANADA WORLD YOUTH...
Can't wait to be in Mexico !!! I'm missing so much to speak in spanish! I wich people is nice as in Uruguay!!! Wich gonna meet you !

At 3:28pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
not WITCH , WICH ... I forgot my english! No I mixed it up!
At 3:30pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
oh no and wish.... you at the end...

damN!! WITCH, WICH and WISH.... I'm gonna learn that !!! It's not that hard! =)
At 4:19pm on January 16, 2009, Vita said…
the English language is a really a trickster god in disguise...

water tower! most beautiful!

i'm thinking about a tent, not sure yet.

just booked a hostel. I'll will be in town until the 5th, i think.
At 5:03pm on January 16, 2009, Stéphane Frachon-Labrie said…
Wich we gonna have time ! See ya!
At 2:02pm on January 18, 2009, Myra Bailes said…
Hola Stephane,
Thank you for writing to us about WWOOFing at our farm in Cosolapa, Oaxaca, Mexico. If you could tell me when you would like to come, and how long you would like to stay, that would be very helpful. Because then I can tell you about travel arrangements, what to bring, etc. I had trouble following all the comments posted, seems to be various conversations among you and other WWOOFers. I did understand that you had been volunteering in Uruguay for 3 months. If you prefer me to communicate with you in Spanish, I would be happy to do so!
Many thanks,
Myra Bailes
PS: You can write to my e-address, verdolagas05075@gmail.com, or call me at 770-258-3344 or 404-895-7057. I live in Carrollton, Georgia, USA at present, on my farm that I call Brokenfoot Ranch, where I've been trying to start an intentional agrarian community, but so far have had no success. I'm also the USA representative of our project in Cosolapa, Oaxaca, and one of my tasks is communicating with prospective WWOOFers and other volunteers.
At 9:30pm on May 26, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Hola que tal.
my name is luis Mayagoitia. I am part of a project called ollinyotl. it means feeling nahutl-language Azteca.
are located in Santa Isabel, Chihuahua Mexico.esta our website.
and I hope you are interested.

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