WWOOF Mexico

Victor Klassen's Comments

Messages Box (215 messages)

At 10:27pm on January 9, 2009, graf_barbara@web.de said…
my name is Barbara (23, from Germany) and I am very interested in working at your farm.
I've been living in Mexico for 5 months now. I worked as a teacher for German as a foreign language in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Now, I am travelling in Mexico and I hope that I can support your work.

Is it possible that I can work on your farm? When? I would have time from January 16
Thank you, Barbara
At 6:50pm on January 26, 2009, MARIE TARTERET said…
HOLA VICTOR ! Me llamo Marie, tengo 23 anos y vengo de una pequena y rural isla al oeste de Francia. Hablo ingles y estoy aprendo espanol. He leyendo la descripcion de su farma, y me gustaria mucho implicarme en sus diferentes proyectos y actividades diarias. Estoy actualmente viajando por el Guatemala y quiero saber si es posible trabajar en su farma dentro de 3 semanas y para 1 mes . Estoy esperando por su respuesta, hata luego !!
At 2:35pm on February 10, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
My name is Monica and I am 19 years old. I am going to be traveling through Mexico visiting archeological sites and working on wwoofing farms. I was showing my mom the wwoofing web page and she got over joyed when she saw valle de bravo because she spent a lot of time there when she was younger so I decided that your farm would be a good starting point. I am newer to farming but have a basic knowledge of the practice and am eager to learn and am full of energy and would love doing any work necessary to help your edibles prosper. I know a little Spanish but am excited for that to change as I interact more with the language. If this sounds good I would like to come around the beginning of March and would like to stay at least two weeks.
thank you
At 11:08am on February 11, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
yay!!!my stomach just did some somersaults...before or after would work great but I would be interested in the meditation retreat if that would be a possibility?
At 6:25pm on February 18, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
Hola Victor
I am now in Mexico city and was wondering if you would still like me to come help on your farm. The best time for me would be after the meditation retreat,if possible, the next day.
thank you
At 1:56am on February 25, 2009, Garrett Carr said…
Hola, mi amigo y yo viajamos a central y Sudamérica de los EEUU sin obligaciones de tiempo y buscamos granjas en nuestra manera. Probablemente permaneceríamos un par de semanas a la vez, pero, porque no estamos sujetados a la hora, si usted nos necesita más tiempo, adoraríamos permanecer. ¿Qué preguntas tiene usted para nosotros, y que debemos saber?

Hi, my friend and I are traveling through central and south america from the US with no real time obligations and we are looking for farms on our way down to stay with. We would most likely only stay a couple of weeks at a time, but as I said we aren't tied down on time so if you need us longer and/or we get along we'd love to stick around! What questions do you have for us and what should we know?

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
At 10:46am on February 25, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
Oh yes I would love to come. I have been at Teotihuacan for the last 4 days and loved it. I know I already mentioned it but I never really got a reply, but I would really like to come to the meditation retreat as well. I have just spent my last few days with don Jose Ruiz meditating, learning of the Toltec ways and visiting the sites at teotihuacan. It was a beautiful experience and I would love to share the time with another group of concious dreamers.
At 10:42am on March 5, 2009, William Ray Quist IV said…
Dear Victor,
I did landscaping for two years in Seattle, am very interested in spiritual developement and also am a fairly adept sculptor and musician- not that that has anything to do with the Woof crew, but I would love find some clay.
For the past for months I have been fixing up a friends property in sayulita while living there- but I find there are too may tourists and its noisy here. If you have any need of help between march and june, I am available and would love to get involved.
At 3:06pm on March 5, 2009, William Ray Quist IV said…
Hi Victor, thanks for getting back to me. I have a couple questions for you, how many wwoofers do you currently have and how do the meal arrangements work. Are we responsible for food or is that part of the volunteer exchange. Im travelling on a light budget you see. Thanks.
At 10:26pm on March 10, 2009, Eva Riedlecker said…
Hola Victor,
My boyfriend, Jesse, and I are interested in working on your farm for two weeks starting around March 17th. We´ve been travelling around Mexico for several months by bike and car and working on wwoof farms. I´m from Austria and Jesse is from the US. I´m a marine biologist and love working in gardens and with animals. I also have a lot of experience with environmental education and built a native plant garden with chilfdren last summer.Jesse is a civil engineer and has a lot of experience building different structures like houses and solar panels. We´re both very hard working and would love to help with some of the projects going on at your farm.
Please let us know if you could use our help as soon as possible.
Eva and Jesse
At 11:46am on March 11, 2009, JD Breneiser said…
Hola Senor Klassen,


I would like to volunteer for 4 weeks this summer. Ideally, I would like to begin work on 8/10 but have flexibility. Last summer I spent 3 months in Mexico living with a host family and spoke Spanish pretty well when I left. I love Mexico and want to improve my Spanish. I like working outdoors.

I've spent 15 weeks (5 in 2006 and 10 in 2007) working for the Northwest Youth Corps in Oregon, USA doing reforestation, conservation and recreation projects. This was a residential jobs training program. I lived as part of a team in back country primitive campsites, living in tents, cooking communal meals and sharing the daily responsibilities of camp life.

My goal in working on your farm is to get hands on experience in sustainable, organic farming. I would enjoy working with a committed team, living in a beautiful place and becoming more fluent in Spanish.

I look forward to your reply! Thank you for your consideration.

JD Breneiser
At 5:05pm on March 11, 2009, JD Breneiser said…
I don't know if the message I was justwriting went through.
Do you know when you will be needing WWOOF workers? I have flexibility but want to make plans. At the end of May I will have completed my first 2 years of college. I'm not sure about what I want to declare as my major area of study. I think that more work experience in fields that I am considering will help me make a better choice.
JD Breneiser
At 9:38am on March 14, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
yea Id be stoked to tell you about it its a bit of a long story but no Im not with evergreen, I only went for a year too before I realized alot of things, but if you decide to come here then I will be here and we can talk if not we can keep in touch and maybe meet up.
At 12:00pm on March 15, 2009, Garrett Carr said…
Hola, mi amigo y yo viajamos a central y Sudamérica de los EEUU sin obligaciones de tiempo y buscamos granjas en nuestra manera. Probablemente permaneceríamos un par de semanas a la vez, pero, porque no estamos sujetados a la hora, si usted nos necesita más tiempo, adoraríamos permanecer. ¿Qué preguntas tiene usted para nosotros, y que debemos saber?

Hi, my friend and I are traveling through central and south america from the US with no real time obligations and we are looking for farms on our way down to stay with. We would most likely only stay a couple of weeks at a time, but as I said we aren't tied down on time so if you need us longer and/or we get along we'd love to stick around! What questions do you have for us and what should we know?

Between the two of us we are familiar with grassroots organization and would be very interested in learning sustainable living so we can start some projects back home in Colorado. I have several years experience in landscaping and my friend has a few years experience in landscaping and carpentry. We can be at the farm as soon as a few weeks but we can plan around being there later when there may be a position available. Thanks!

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
At 1:47pm on March 15, 2009, Monica4ya@earthlink.net said…
garrett: hope this gets to you. You are welcome to try out our situation whenever ii is convenient for you. Just give me a few days warning for your arrival and I will give you instructions on how to get here. As of now we have room and hopefully there will be other woofers here as well. take care.
At 10:03pm on March 17, 2009, Julie said…
Hola Victor,
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post a message here or on the farm page, so I'll do both. Tengo interes en trabajar en tu granja entre el primero de julio - veintiuno julio. I also practice Vipassana meditation, and tomorrow I will be attending my second 10-day course. I would love to be able to do landscaping and gardening work in an environment that promotes Vipassana values. I will be spending April through June at a Spanish school in Guatemala, so I should be quite proficient in Spanish by July. I am really excited about this opportunity. Let me know if it sounds possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
At 9:16pm on March 19, 2009, J1 Explorer said…
hi victor, thanks for your message. i can´t seem to see where your project is. i sent out several emails to various farms. are you in tepoztlan? we still might be itnerested! thanks. judy
At 9:28pm on March 19, 2009, Garrett Carr said…
Yes where is your farm, me and my friend are still very interested. thanks!
At 5:00am on March 23, 2009, Brian Williams said…
Hello Victor,
I would like to work at your farm for the month of April. I don't have much experience working with the land, but I'm eager to learn, and a hard worker. I have a tent if you don't have any room inside, and I am always happy to sleep under the stars.

Looking forward to meeting you (hopefully),
At 2:07pm on March 28, 2009, josee said…
we are two travellers interested by collective living, heading south now in Tamipco. We have been on this trip for now about 3 weeks in mexico, we love to travel around but we want to create stronger friendship by living and helping out.
We have already knowledge in farming (from family of farmers), gardening animal care and beekeeping, and would like to share experience by helping out.We are also interested about auto construction with experiences in it.
We really want to work with our hands, and helping to build alternatives together.

Let me know if you would like us to come to your farm we will be more than happy to do so.
please if you can let me know as soon as possible I would apreciate it.

thanxs and take care
josee and antoine
p.s. you can write to us @ missifuylalibertad@yahoo.com or tiono@no-log.org
ps: if you need to know, we are canadian and french, speeking english and french, y aprendamos espanol

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